After the match between Yamabuki and Hyotei, Akashi asked Banye about Taichi Tan with some curiosity. He remembered that Taichi Tan was not so strong in the original work, and was only one point stronger than some extras.

After chatting with Banye for a while, Akashi finally figured out what was going on. In the final analysis, it was the butterfly effect caused by his own intervention. Since Akatsuki did not join Yamabuki, Taichi Tan did not worship Akatsuki like in the original work.

Echizen Nanjiro is basically the idol of most Japanese tennis fans, even after so many years, so Taichi Tan naturally admires him very much, and hopes that he can become a tennis player like Nanjiro one day.

In addition, due to the rise of Akashi and others, many schools now pay great attention to freshmen, and Banye is even more so. He was very concerned about the training of newcomers. After discovering that Taichi Dan had good talent, he also focused on training him.

He even summarized the training methods given by Akashi and the training experience of the U17 back mountain, and customized a series of training measures for Taichi Dan. Because Taichi Dan liked Nanjiro, Banye also gave him some game materials of Nanjiro in his school days, as well as some game videos.

Slowly, Taichi Dan began to imitate Nanjiro's playing style. Banye didn't stop him after knowing it. Although playing basketball should have its own style, it is not impossible to learn from and imitate those powerful players at the beginning, let alone Nanjiro.

Just like Ryoma and Tezuka, both of them have more or less the shadow of Nanjiro. Of course, Ryoma basically follows Nanjiro's old path. It seems that he has many skills developed by himself, but in the original work, whether it is Tianyi or the other dimension, it is basically no different from Nanjiro.

The next day, in the competition park of the Metropolitan Tournament, the people from Fudomine and Hyotei did not arrive. Their competition was in the afternoon. Although there was a competition between Yamabuki and Ginka in the morning, the result was clear, and Yamabuki would definitely win.

In the end, it was unknown what Ginka was thinking. Maybe he felt that it didn't matter since he had already made it to the Kanto Tournament. He lied that everyone was suffering from food poisoning and directly gave up the competition, allowing Yamabuki to get the third place without any effort.

This made the audience who came to watch the game dissatisfied. Fortunately, there was still the final in the afternoon, which was the most exciting match of the day, and the audience could only give up.

Near noon, the people from Fudomine and Hyotei finally arrived at the competition venue. In addition, the people from Seigaku also came to the competition site. Although their competition was over, they didn't want to miss the confrontation between Fudomine and Hyotei, and they would attend the award ceremony later.

With the end of the lunch break, the final of the Metropolitan Tournament was about to officially begin. Many spectators came to the stadium of the competition, and together with the members of Fudomine and Hyotei, the stadium was almost packed.

When the regulars of Fudomine and Hyotei entered the field, there were warm cheers all around, especially the members of Hyotei, whose uniform slogans were still so conspicuous.

Before the game started, Akashi first greeted Taro Sakaki, then glanced at Atobe, turned around and returned to his coaching seat without saying anything, and Atobe surprisingly did not say anything harsh before the game today.

The referee had also arrived at the scene at this time. Seeing that the players of both sides of the game had arrived, he did not delay any more and directly announced the official start of the final.

"The doubles match will start next, with Fudomine Tezuka Kunimitsu and Lilia Ande Kurasa against Hyotei Oshitsu and Mukai Taketo. Please enter the field!"

When Atobe saw the players of Fudomine appearing, his heart sank. It seemed that there was no hope for the two doubles matches, and he could only rely on singles. However, whether Akashi would play today was a question.

After the four of them arrived on the court, they saluted in front of the net according to the referee's instructions. Oshitari said to Tezuka:

"I didn't expect you to play in the doubles match, Tezuka!"

"Go all out! You're welcome!" Tezuka said with a serious expression.

"Tsk~ two expressionless guys!" Xiangri said a little unhappy on the side.

Kurasaki glanced at him coldly and didn't pay much attention. He also knew Xiangri's foul mouth problem, so he would teach him a lesson in the game later.

After that, the two sides started guessing who would go first, and finally Oshitari got the first serve. The four of them turned around and walked towards their positions at the same time.

, in fact, at this moment, Oshitari and Xiangri were very nervous, and they did not have much hope for the outcome of the game.

Oshitari stood on the baseline, looking at the expressionless two people on the opposite side, and tried his best to suppress the irritation in his heart. When throwing the ball, he used his wrist to strengthen the rotation of the tennis ball, and then the racket cut from high to low, giving the tennis ball a strong rotation at the moment of hitting the ball.

After flying over the net, the tennis ball quickly fell towards Tezuka's front court. Tezuka quickly came to the landing point. Just when he was about to hit back, the tennis ball slid directly along the ground and quickly out of the court.

"Tanhuaiser serves!"


Tezuka looked at Atobe in the player's seat with some surprise, and then silently walked to his original position, waiting for Oshitari's serve again.

Akashi was not surprised at all. He had previously taught Tannhuaiser's training method to Sakaki Taro, so it was not surprising that the second person in Hyotei knew this move. Moreover, in the entire Hyotei, only Oshiro could master this move of Tannhuaiser, and Jiro was probably a little bit behind.

Oshiro hit Tannhuaiser's serve again in the second ball, but Tezuka easily picked up the tennis ball. It was just a little unexpected just now, which did not mean that Tezuka could not deal with Tannhuaiser.

After picking up the tennis ball, Tezuka directly hit a diagonal shot, and the tennis ball flew straight to the left bottom corner of Oshiro. Oshiro caught up with the tennis ball and quickly hit back, but at this time Tezuka had already opened his domain, and the tennis ball flew directly towards Tezuka's forehand.

At the moment of hitting the tennis ball, a seven-color light rose from Tezuka's left hand. He actually opened the Thousand Hammers, and the tennis ball was directly hit back twice, so that Xiangri in front of the net could not react and could only watch the tennis ball bounce out of the sideline.


In the following match, Tezuka always maintained his domain, making Oshitari and Hibiki exhausted. On the contrary, Kurasaki did not make any moves, but just flanked.



"GAME! Fudomine! 1-0!"

Relying on the domain and the Thousand Hammers, Tezuka completely suppressed Oshitari and Hibiki by himself. Of course, this was also related to Tezuka's breakthrough to the half-step world class.

Moreover, Tezuka's supreme domain was gradually improving. When this move was completely completed, Tezuka would probably be able to enter the world-class ranks.

Unlike Akutsu and Kihei Tachibana, Tezuka's application of the super sweet spot was not in destructive power, but in enhancing the rotation of the tennis ball, which was also the basis of his supreme domain.

The second game was Tezuka's serving game. As expected, Tezuka won the second game with four zero-style serves. So far, no one has been able to crack this trick. As for Akashi, no one has seen it, so there is no way to judge.

"GAME! Fudomine! 2-0!"

In the third game, Xiangri threw the tennis ball into the low air, then swung the racket directly. After serving, he rushed to the net. After the tennis ball flew over the net, it came straight to the front court of Kurasaki.

After Kurasaki came to the landing point, he hit a direct shot at the tennis ball, and at the same time gave the tennis ball a strong vertical rotation. Xiangri, who had already come to the net, reached out to intercept it, but the next moment the tennis ball was violently rotated, so he unconsciously let go of his hand.

"Baptism of the whirlpool!"

Xiangri's racket was directly hit high by the tennis ball. The tennis ball still flew out of the court with a violent rotation and hit the wire mesh, which scared the audience watching the game.


Oshitari looked at the two people on the opposite side, and he had already understood in his heart that the other side wanted to win the game quickly and directly with strong strength.

However, the next game made Oshitari a little confused. The opposite side, Kurasaki, used the baptism of vortex every time to hit Xiangri's racket away, and had no intention of hitting him at all. Tezuka was also watching silently in the backcourt, as if waiting for some opportunity.



"GAME! Fudomine! 3-0! Exchange venue!"

The game came to the pause and rest stage. Akashi looked at Tezuka who came back and slowly said:

"How is it, is there any progress?"

"It's still a little bit, but it should be soon!" Tezuka replied in a deep voice.

"Well! Lilia, you should also work harder!" Akashi said to Kurasaki.

"I know!" Kurasaki also replied seriously.

The break ended quickly. In the fourth game, Kurasaki served. He threw the tennis ball up and hit a high-speed serve, which flew straight to the opponent's right corner.

Xiangri quickly ran to the landing point and hit the ball back, but it was immediately hit back by Tezuka, and the rotation of the field was attached again.

Oshitari hurried forward and cut the flying tennis ball, trying to reduce the rotation on the tennis ball, but unfortunately, with Tezuka's current strength, the field rotation he played was not so easy to break, and finally Oshitari failed. After the tennis ball flew over the net, it was directly pulled away by the vortex around Tezuka.

However, just when everyone thought that Tezuka was going to suppress Oshitari and Hibiki with the field as in the first game, Kurasaki suddenly appeared on the flight path of the tennis ball and hit it hard.

The tennis ball flew directly towards Hibiki who had just arrived in front of the net. Hibiki jumped up to intercept it like a conditioned reflex, but the next moment, the familiar feeling came again, and the racket was hit directly again.


The next game was the same. Every time Kurasaki appeared on the route where Tezuka's field pulled the tennis ball, and used the baptism of the vortex to fight back, which made everyone think it was a combination of Tezuka and Kurasaki.



"GAME! Fudomine! 4-0!"

The fifth game was Oshitari's serve. When Oshitari stood on the baseline and prepared to serve, he was already a little desperate. He was afraid that the two of them together could not beat Tezuka, not to mention the super powerful Kurasaki.

Oshitari directly hit an ordinary high-speed serve, because his wrist could only support him to hit four Tannhäusers. When the tennis ball flew to the half court between Tezuka and Kurasaki, Tezuka quickly hit the tennis ball back, and at the same time, it was still attached to the rotation of the field.

Xianghi saw that it was not Kurasaki's return ball, so he jumped up and intercepted the tennis ball, and used inertia to hit it back hard, but the tennis ball was still directly pulled to fly towards Tezuka.

This time, Kurasaki did not fight back. When the tennis ball flew in front of Tezuka, a huge tornado suddenly rose around Tezuka, wrapping Tezuka in it. Tezuka directly hit the tennis ball, and the tennis ball was immediately given a super complex special rotation and flew directly to the opposite half of the court.

"Supreme Domain!"

At this moment, Tezuka finally perfected the Supreme Domain through resonance with Kurasaki. Although he did not resonate with the infinite tornado, it was enough, and with the current strength of Tezuka and Kurasaki, it would be difficult to use the infinite tornado.

Seeing the flying tennis ball, Oshitari did not hesitate and cut the tennis ball again. He had not given up completely. To his surprise, he found that he had easily eliminated the rotation of the domain, but the tennis ball still flew to the opposite side with other rotations.

After seeing Oshiro's return, Tezuka put down his racket without any intention of hitting back. The same was true for Kurasaki, who was standing by. Just as Oshiro and Hibiki were puzzled, the tennis ball made an arc in the air and flew directly out of the court.

"Out of bounds! 0-15!"

Oshiro looked at this scene in a daze. He was sure that there was absolutely no mistake in his previous ball, so the out-of-bounds might be that Tezuka had done something in his return.

But he really couldn't think of any way to make the tennis ball fly out of the court by itself, but now he didn't have time to think about it, the referee was already urging him to serve.

When serving, Oshiro made up his mind that he must find out what happened to the ball just now, so he entered a closed heart state and also opened the ordinary selfless state.

Double BUFF stacking, this is Oshitsuki's strongest trump card. With the power of selflessness, Oshitsuki directly played the heavy artillery serve of Houchotaro, and the speed of the ball was faster than Houchotaro himself.

The tennis ball flew straight to the right side of the opposite Tezuka at a speed of more than 215 kilometers, but Tezuka came to the landing point with a flash, and a huge tornado rose around him again, and he backhanded the tennis ball.

The tennis ball once again flew to the opposite half of the court with an extremely complex rotation. Xiangri was about to catch the ball when he was stopped by Oshitsuki behind him. He saw Oshitsuki rushing to the front of the net, jumping on one foot, and smashing the flying tennis ball with the racket in his hand. The tennis ball immediately turned into dozens of ball shadows and blasted towards the opposite side.

"Exploding ball dance!"

And Tezuka looked at the flying ball shadow and still had no intention of fighting back. The next moment, the ball shadows running around in the air all slid out of a strange arc and flew out of the court, like a fairy scattering flowers.

"Out of bounds! 0-30!"

Chitose looked at the situation on the field, and then glanced at the calm Akashi, and couldn't help asking:

"What kind of move is this by Tezuka? Is it the Supreme Realm that he has been perfecting recently?"

"That's right! This is the final form of Tezuka's realm, the Supreme Realm!" Akashi nodded affirmatively.


Give the tennis ball two different spins at the same time when hitting the ball. If the person hitting back eliminates the spin in the ordinary field, then the remaining reverse spin on the tennis ball will directly fly out of the court with the tennis ball. If the opponent finds a way to eliminate the reverse spin, Then the tennis ball will be pulled back to Tezuka by the rotation of the ordinary field. "Akaashi briefly explained the principles of the supreme realm.

"That is to say, as long as Tezuka maintains the supreme realm, he will be invincible!" Tachibana Juping said excitedly.

"Theoretically, this is true, but this trick is not completely impossible to crack, it is just very difficult!" Akashi said calmly.

Outside the court, Ryoma looked at the strange scene on the court and was a little incomprehensible. He had already heard Fuji explain the field just now, but what is the situation now? Ryoma once again looked at Fuji and Inui Sadaharu.

But this time, even the two of them couldn't answer Ryoma's question. Fuji looked at Tezuka on the court with a solemn face, with mixed feelings in his heart, while Inui Sadaharu was writing crazily in his notebook. The painting seems to be calculating some complicated formula.

At the Hyotei player's table, Atobe's eyes were fixed on Tezuka. He was very sure that if he faced Tezuka, it would be difficult to win, because both the field and the new moves Tezuka was using were very restrained by his ice. The World is even his stronger trump card.

It seems that Tezuka has completely confirmed his position as the number one person under Akaashi. I am afraid that even if Yukimura and Tezuka fight, they may not win, and there is even a high probability of losing.

"Out of bounds! 0-40!"

"GAME! Fudomine! 5-0!"

At this moment, the score on the court had reached five to zero. Tezuka used the Supreme Domain to directly disintegrate all the attacks of Ninzu and Mugahi.

No matter what kind of move Renzu performed through the power of selflessness, he would either be carried out of the field by reverse rotation, or he would be pulled by the field and fly back to Tezuka, and then repeat the process again.

This makes Renzu and Xiangri extremely painful. The field alone is already very troublesome. Now they can actually take the tennis ball out of the field. How can they fight? It is really unreasonable.

But now it's useless no matter how unwilling they are, because the next game is Tezuka's serve, and this is likely to be the last game.

Sure enough, Tezuka hit four zero serves again without any expression on his face, leaving Renzu and Mugahi to just stare, helplessly swallowing the bitter pill of failure.

"GAME! 6-0! The game is over! The winner, Fudomine!"

When Tezuka and Zurasa walked off the stage, Akashi looked at them with a smile and said in a relaxed tone:

"You two, thank you for your hard work. Let's go and rest first. After returning, Tezuka, you must fully master the supreme realm as soon as possible and break through to the world level!"

"I know! I will do my best!" Tezuka said seriously.

Akashi is completely confident in Tezuka's talent and believes that in the near future, they will have a second world-class player besides him at Fudomine.

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