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"Is there no way to crack it?"

Marui was a little curious. If that's the case, then the opponent will have no chance to play? No matter what ball it is, it will run in front of the opponent. How can we play it?

"Yes! Yukimura nodded affirmatively,"One is to resolve it with a more sophisticated rotation than him, and the other is to break it with force!"

Everyone who was listening with their ears erect breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, it turned out that there was a solution.


After being hit by the phantom Tezuka several diagonal balls in a row, Sanada's defense line finally fell.

"0 to 30!"

"I will definitely defeat you head-on!"

Sanada held his racket upright, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"Come on then."

The voice was still cold, and no one could tell what he was thinking.

Bang! Niou served.

"Move like thunder!"

Sanada appeared in front of the tennis ball in an instant, raised his racket, and chopped it down fiercely with a sword-slashing posture!

Tezuka Kunimitsu, come on! This is the return gift I prepared for you after tasting the failure you gave me!


"0 to 40!"

However, the tennis ball still staggered back in front of the phantom Tezuka, and a drive scored another point.

Sanada was not disappointed, he understood Tezuka's tactics, and did not expect his thunder to break through the opponent's territory in one go.

Now people like Marui and Kirihara have become numb, no longer making exclamations, but silently watching the game with their already sour eyes.

For them, in just half an hour, the stimulation they have received is enough!

All they want now is to watch the game carefully and then go back for a new round of training.

Nioh felt the soreness of his arm and estimated that it was almost done.

At this stage, Tezuka and Sanada's tactics are not as mature as those of the third grade in the previous life, and the consumption will be less, but at the same time, the physical fitness is also worse.

And Nioh also has to consider whether Sanada can hold on to the next game, and he must have a bottom line in his heart.


"43! Nioh is ahead!"


Move like thunder!

"15 to 0!"

After more than a dozen rounds of back and forth, Lei finally broke through the Phantom Tezuka's territory and successfully scored a point.

"Ten goals!"

The phantom Tezuka gradually emitted a similar glow and gave an absolute warning. Did he finally use it? Although Sanada was a little tired, he was more excited mentally.

Ten goals? Except for Yukimura's solemn expression and Maori's frown recalling similar scenes, everyone else had a sense of doubt in their hearts.



The third ball... the seventh ball... the tenth ball! Bang!

"15 to 15!"

As Yukimura's voice fell, Yanagi suddenly opened his eyes, and Maori suddenly looked enlightened. He finally remembered that he had seen Tezuka's current state in Nioh Phantom there, no, he had heard of it!

It was after seeing the state of selflessness on the court that time, and Taneshima, who was the captain at the time, told them about this state, a door opened above the state of selflessness, and talent was radiant!

According to the performance of Sanada and Yukimura, did the captain of Qingxue already know this trick? Or did he know it when he fought with the opponent before Sanada Kuniichi?

Tsk tsk, it's true, geniuses gather together! Maori suddenly felt that his title of super genius seemed to have depreciated a bit.

"The tenth goal!"

Liu Ka finally uttered the words in his throat. What on earth was this situation?

"What is the tenth ball? Why are you all so weird?"Marui finally couldn't help it and asked curiously, is this another strange trick?

"Niou scored in the tenth goal!"


The pupils of Marui and the other two shrank slightly. The tenth goal was scored? Before they could say anything, the game on the field started again.

"The seventh ball!"

Phantom Tezuka has revealed another absolute preview.



"Move like thunder!"

At the sixth ball, Sanada ignored the pain in his legs and used thunder again.

Here it comes!

Marui and others are highly focused. What method will Phantom Tezuka use to break Sanada's thunder?


"15 to 30! Nioh is leading!"

""He actually...he actually hit back directly?" Even Maori was a little surprised. Although Sanada had not completely sealed his thunder after the match with Nioh, he had used it very rarely. At least he had no way to deal with Sanada's ball.

Strong force and unpredictable trajectory were the obvious characteristics of thunder, and it was not so easy to break it. But now...……

"This is one of the doors to the secrets of the Wuwo Hall, and it is full of talent!" Yukimura finally smiled and spoke.

"Talented and brilliant?"

They have all heard of the state of no self. It was said that in an inconspicuous Kanto competition last year, a doubles move called synchronization caught everyone's attention and was said to be magical.

As a member of Rikkai, although they did not follow the team at that time, they later learned about it through the explanation of the seniors on the scene.

So what is this talent that is brilliant?

"Legend has it that there are three doors to the realm of selflessness, one of which is the tempering of thousands of times, and the other is the radiance of talent! Tezuka mastered these two doors before he entered junior high school!"_

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