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Niou serves!

Nojima, who felt that he had found the weakness of Niou's shrinking technique, did not hesitate to take a slice position, and Niou also cooperated very well and began to use the shrinking technique.


As the tennis ball flew over the net with a strong rotation, Nojima focused his attention and began to move forward. Snap! As expected, Niou suddenly appeared in front of the net, but this time it was not a slice, but a drive!

Nojima, who had missed this point, could only watch the tennis ball pass by his ear and then hear the sound of the tennis ball landing.

"40 to 0! Nioh is leading!"

"Senior, I can do more than just slice the ball~"

Niou held his racket, as if he didn't know how annoying his expression was.

""Damn it!"

Nojima glared at him fiercely, and what he received was indeed Nio's big eye roll. He didn't know how many times he had heard this sentence. The more hateful it was... the more successful his psychological tactics were, right?

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have wanted to bow deeply and say thank you teacher for the compliment.

"Boy, this trick of yours has no effect on me anymore!"

Nojima took two deep breaths to calm himself down and prepare for Niou's serve.

What he didn't know was that in the eyes of Ochi Moonlight, he had been sentenced to death. Although he didn't know Niou's tricks, the special nature of mental power was easy to judge. The longer the tricks were prepared, the more tightly they would be entangled with the opponent's mental power after they were launched, and it would not be so easy to break free.

Now the little mental power that Niou had overflowed made him look sideways. God knows how scary that kid's mental power is, not to mention such a long preparation time. Once it is launched, the possibility of Nojima breaking free is less than one layer.

At the same time, there was another person who looked down on Nojima, the ever-smiling Irie Kanata!

Although Niou's psychological tactics are completely opposite to his, they have the same effect. At least from now on, everything Nojima does is within Niou's calculations.

Without an absolute advantage in strength, he fell into Niou's net and lost the initiative...


It was still a very straight serve!



Indeed, Niou's shrinking technique has lost its effect on Nojima, and the two's playing styles are not limited to slices, but the suddenness of the shrinking technique requires him to pay more experience when facing Niou's ball.

Because when Niou appears in front of the tennis ball, he must concentrate highly on what kind of ball Niou will play and observe Niou's movements at that moment.

"40 to 15! Nojima scores!"


"40 to 30! Nojima scores!"


The two balls went back and forth for more than a dozen rounds, and both were successfully taken by Nojima.


Everyone in the army noticed that Nojima had consumed a lot of physical strength!

Originally, it was Nojima who set up the net for Nioh, but no one knew when this physical net had already covered Nojima.

However, Nioh's style of play really made Irie and Kimijima gain something. One of them was performing, and the other was talking nonsense. They could both absorb some useful things from Nioh's performance in this game, especially for Kimijima...



Didn't move?

The brows of several people in the Byodoin frowned. After so many times of use, although they didn't fully understand the shrinking method, they could already judge whether Nioh was moving based on some details. This time, facing Nojima's return ball, Nioh didn't move. Did he want to give up this game?

Several people couldn't help but have this idea in their hearts... But giving up a game in vain? If you don't receive the ball, you can't consume the opponent's strength. This kind of victory that is handed over is more like Irie's style of play with pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. This white-haired boy is obviously not going this way.


As everyone's thoughts raced, the tennis ball had already hit the left corner of Niou's side.

Didn't move?

As Nojima expected, Niou didn't appear in front of the tennis ball. Before Nojima could even think of any doubts, a bright light appeared on the opposite side.

"Move like thunder!"

Ryou's figure was severely distorted in front of everyone, and turned into a boy in a black hat, and then instantly returned to its original shape.

Boom! Ziz!

Nojima's pupils were reflected by the light, and an irregular light track passed in front of his eyes.


"2 to 1! Niou Masaharu is leading!"

"Senior, I can do it, not just a trick~" Nioh smiled proudly.

Nojima was still immersed in the ball just now. Is this the opponent's hidden trick? Strong force, unpredictable trajectory... It's really amazing! More importantly... Did he see the changing figure just now wrong?

It's normal for many people to have such thoughts. This is the strongest thunder that Nioh can phantom. For many people in the first army, it is not so easy to crack it.

Finally used it, Nioh Phantom!

Tanejima finally showed a little smile on his face. This trick was the first time he really saw it. Byodoin, Oni and others were also a little strange. This didn't seem to be a trick of their level. This so-called thunder-like power was also good, but it was still far from that realm.

But... It really looks like... Both the materialization and the killer move are there!

Is it a low-profile version?

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