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"Humph, let the facts speak for themselves!"

Seeing that Kaba was being played around, Atobe's face darkened for a rare time. He stopped arguing with Niou and got into a ready position.


Niou served.

Atobe turned sideways and successfully hit the ball back. Only a few people noticed the pause in his body for a moment, which caused his gorgeous movements to lose their smoothness and their due viewing appeal.

Niou's eyes instantly showed Atobe's current situation and the possibilities after moving in all directions.

Then, his eyes were full of icicles!

This time, there were more flaws.


The trajectory of the tennis ball made Atobe's face change slightly. A trace of struggle flashed across his face, but he still took a step forward. After just two steps, his body paused unnaturally for a moment, and then the tennis ball just missed the racket.……

"30 to 40! Niou scored!"

Sure enough, he even copied this move?

Having accepted the fact that Niou could perfectly display his insight at the beginning, even if the opponent showed even more advanced moves now, Atobe seemed to be more receptive.

Insight, Ice World, Atobe Kingdom, Ice Emperor... This series of insight moves are linked together. After Niou reached the level of another dimension, he can now even use Ice Emperor, not to mention Ice World, and this is just the initial shallow use of Ice World.


"40 to 40! Both sides are tied!"


"AD to 0! Nioh is leading!"


"3-0! Niou holds his serve!"

Just as he was about to win the game, Niou scored five goals in a row, and the total score was already 3-0.

The relaxed smile at the beginning had long disappeared. Seeing his specialty become a weapon for others to attack him, Atobe felt very complicated.

"This guy never changes his bad habits!"

Sanada muttered inexplicably, and Kirihara subconsciously looked over and only saw Sanada's stern face, as if everything was his illusion.

If you ask who can understand Atobe the best now, it's Sanada! Niou has used fire and thunder to deal with his mountains and forests...

In Sanada's view, Niou just uses his own tricks to defeat others and satisfy his own bad taste.

Niou: Are you sure?

"It seems that I have to use some of my trump cards."

On the court, Atobe showed a bitter smile on his face. Trump card? There is no such thing! His insight is the biggest trump card! The so-called trump card is just another way of playing... He was forced to change his tennis style, which was really embarrassing!

"I knew that this guy Atobe was just bragging from the beginning!" Oshitari adjusted his glasses. Although there was a sarcastic tone in his words, everyone knew that he was concerned about Atobe.

""The Minister, he should win, right?"

Someone muttered, but no one responded.


I hope Niou doesn't give Atobe a chance to score. Inexplicably, this idea popped up in everyone's mind.


Atobe serves.

After several rounds of matches, Niou also discovered something interesting. Atobe's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time, he is moving towards the net step by step.

Shooting in front of the net? Or has that move been completed?

In an instant, Niou locked on these two moves, because in Atobe's tennis, only these two moves will take a more aggressive approach to the net.

Although he has guessed Atobe's next move, Niou He did not take any measures to stop Tezuka's actions, but instead slightly let go of some of Tezuka's difficult-to-deal-with flaws in the process of moving forward.

He did not doubt his intentions while moving forward, secretly enjoying the pleasure of pushing all the black hands, and at the same time couldn't help but laugh at himself, it seems that he really has a bit of bad taste...


The tennis ball was easily hit back by the phantom Tezuka, Tezuka's eyes fixed, and then he twisted his body while enduring the soreness in his waist muscles, holding the racket with both hands.


A powerful drive instantly flew back from the front court to Niou's side, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult for people to react. This... is the power of the net-front play.


"This kind of trick has no effect on me!"

The strength of both arms gathered, and a lob!

A high lob!

"Hehe, of course I know it's useless! You... fell into the trap!"


Everyone in the Rikkai Yamato stands was shocked. Atobe jumped up with an explosive power beyond everyone's imagination, and the tennis ball was just at the same level as his line of sight.


Perfect smash!

""Senior, be careful!"

Kirihara shouted subconsciously. It was because Atobe's smash was too accurate, and it was aimed at people.

As expected of Atobe, one thing led to another...

Niou only had time to sigh in his heart before the tennis ball hit the handle of his racket hard. A great force made him involuntarily let go of the racket.


The tennis ball was also bounced to Atobe's half of the court again because of the reaction force.

To greet it, Atobe, who had already taken off again!


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