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"2-0! Boy, don't forget, even if you lose, you have to be responsible for fixing my fence for me!"

Under the deliberate guidance of Echizen Nanjiro, Nioh was finally able to control his ability well. As for releasing... just look at the tennis balls that still go out of bounds from time to time... except for the point he got with the ball just now, Nioh has never scored any points. Although he didn't use any powerful tricks, but with the bonus of his half-crippled extra-dimensional skills, Echizen Nanjiro still easily hit back all his balls with normal conditions.

So what about seamlessness? What about the samurai state? What about unparalleled in ancient and modern times? Nioh couldn't imagine what Nanjiro would look like when he used all his strength.

Even in Many years later, the true strength of Echizen Nanjiro is still a mystery to the Japanese tennis world. What is gratifying for Nioh is that the shadow behind him has gone from being uncontrollably condensed at the beginning to being barely controllable and changing with his thoughts now, which is also a great improvement. It

's like a child holding a knife and slashing at first. Then holding a gun, although it is more deterrent, he doesn't know how to use it! Now... he has learned to shoot!

Moreover, this step-by-step regaining of control of himself has given him a new understanding of himself. It can be said that it is also a baptism for Nioh.


At first, this uncontrollable state gave Niou a great burden, but now... Echizen Nanjiro could only feel Niou's eyes getting brighter and brighter. Gradually

, Nanjiro also put away his usual expression, and looked at Niou's back with a solemn expression.


No, perhaps only a demon can describe the boy opposite!

Looking at the magician wearing a small suit and playing with a tennis ball in his hand, who seemed to be more agile behind Niou, Echizen Nanjiro only had this sentence in his mind.

The image of Mifune boasting to him while drinking appeared in his mind again.

Haha, old friend, this time...

you guys are probably wrong, right? This time, his plan is to let Niou be able to control his strength freely after this game.

Even if Niou is amazing!

As for the problem of his own realm, he can't do anything.

But now... it's only two games! The pair can basically control their own strength. Although it is inseparable from his deliberate guidance of the tennis ball and spiritual will, it is still a great shock.

I don't know how Mifune will react at that time?

As he thought about this, a layer of light white light gradually emerged from Nanjiro's body, almost making it impossible for Niou to see it.

If it weren't for the faint flash of my breath, Niou really couldn't be sure what this thing was.

Perfect! The perfect of the pioneer warrior Nanjiro!

Niou threw the tennis ball high up, and the illusory colored tennis ball next to the phantom behind him disappeared instantly, leaving only a golden tennis ball in the phantom's hand.


The tennis ball turned into a faint light and shadow in an instant, and the entire sphere was deformed due to the high-speed flight.

It seems to be faster?

Nanjiro slightly turned his body, seemingly not moving a step, but the racket just blocked the tennis ball!

Niou knew that this was just an illusion caused by Nanjiro's too fast speed. It seems that this senior also has many tricks that novices have picked up... Niou immediately made a judgment.

After all, he has retired for so many years, and Nanjiro has not maintained his previous training. For someone like Nanjiro, he is definitely making progress in terms of tennis skills and realm, but no one knows to what extent.

However, his physical fitness is definitely not as good as when he was young. At least, it is impossible for him to move so fast just by relying on his body...


The tennis ball was easily returned by Nanjiro, and he still did not take the initiative to shoot with the intention of playing a coaching match.

So what if he is a monster? If he has not transformed his potential into real strength, at least he is still not good enough in front of him!

Not to mention the current Nioh, even if the world's number one professional player fights him in a one-on-one duel, it is still unknown! After all, compared to the decline in physical fitness, the combination of his increased skills and realm, whether he has become stronger or weaker, no one can say for sure.

Nioh moved his steps quickly and lightly, and posed a pose.


Nanjiro couldn't hide his surprise. This posture was clearly the same as the slow but unusually heavy ball he had just hit to help Niou.

This kind of ball could only trick people under normal circumstances, so what did this kid mean? Nanjiro didn't think that Niou would not think of this.

Such a slow ball has no value at all in a game of this level. Even if he scored a point unexpectedly, it would be useless if the opponent paid attention to the force on the ball the second time.

Hmm... maybe it can deceive opponents with poor insight?

The tennis ball in the hand of the shadow behind Niou turned red again at some point, causing Nanjiro, who had been concerned about this change, to curl his lips slightly.

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