"The next match is the doubles match, and the players from both sides are invited to enter the court. The

referee straightened his sleeves, adjusted his state slightly, and immediately announced.

"River Village, let's go. Hearing

the referee's signal, Akutsu couldn't help but pick up the racket and said in a deep voice.

The defeat in the first game did not affect their morale, but made the members of Qingxue more energetic and wanted to defeat the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple in one fell swoop.

"Burn, Yakutsu, we're going to blow them up!" Kawamura

roared as he brandished his racket, his whole body burning as if it were burning.

Obviously, the candidate for this doubles pair is their pair.

After all, it's not the first time they've played doubles, so it's very reassuring to their teammates.

And this doubles two, it's no problem to hand it over to them, and

it burns everything violently!!!"Come on, baby!!" (Come on,


"Huh, why didn't there be a baby on the other side?Where is my baby?"

After walking to the tennis court, Kawamura roared quite angrily, but if you look closely, why is there no opponent in the opposite half?"

Stupid, shut up. Shame on the dead!"

Akutsu's face darkened, standing next to Kawamura, his embarrassment was all committed, and where was Nima's 'baby', he was so ashamed!!At

the same time, his beastly eyes were looking in the direction of the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, and he saw that under the guardrail there, there were two sneaky guys, and they didn't know what they were tinkering with.

"Hurry up and roll up for Uncle Ben!" said

Akutsu with his racket pointing in the direction of the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, looking a little impatient.

"Hey, long waiting. "

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to keep you waiting!" A

few seconds later, Jin Koharu, who wears a black lady's wig, and Yuji Ichiji, who wears a red eye patch, make their debut.

I saw the two walking into the tennis court hand in hand, and also danced a very fancy introductory dance.

"I'm Jin Xiaochun, I'm beautiful, two handsome guys~

" "I'm Yishi Yuji, do you want to 'cheat'!

"Oh oh oh, it's a doubles between Koharu and Yuji, it's fun now!" The

students of the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple cheered one after another, as if they were looking forward to the performance of the two.

"You touch me

," "I'll touch you~"

At this moment, Jin Xiaochun and Ichishi Yuji hugged each other, and they were dancing a 'passionate' ballet, which was very angry.

"Bastard, what are you doing

!!" Yakutsu's forehead was bruised, and a terrible 'well' character seemed to jump out, it was terrifying!

"Lalala~Lalala~Let's Bobo~"

In the face of Yakutsu's questioning, Jin Xiaochun and Ichishi Yuji completely ignored it, but danced even hotter, and their movements became more and more ambiguous, quite a feeling of passion.


!!" Looking at this disgusting scene, Kawamura's burning state almost went out, and he couldn't help retching, his stomach churned, so disgusting!

" You two bastards, go home and play, don't disgust Uncle Ben here!"

Yakutsu's pale face suddenly turned hideous, and his beast-like eyes stared at Jin Xiaochun and the two of them brutally, and said coldly.

"Don't be a murderer, the Lun family is so afraid. Hammer you little raging!"

Jin Xiaochun beat Yuji Ichiji in the chest with his 'show fist', and said in a girlish manner, glancing at the angry Akuzu out of the corner of her eye, meaning something.

"Hey, you two have been touching since just now, are you sexual fetish men!!"

Kawamura's eyes widened, and he was so frightened that his racket fell to the ground, and he pointed at Jin Xiaochun and the two with a 'terrifying' face, and vomited.

"Lalala, you guessed it, but there is no prize~ Big baby.

Jin Xiaochun's eyes looked at Kawamura in a 'blur', and said in a girly tone, and put an 'electricity' on Kawamura.

"Gash!!" Kawamura

turned white with fright, and felt a churn in his stomach and almost vomited.

Even his burning state can't stand it, which shows how terrible Jin Xiaochun's 'perversion' is!!"


Akutsu tried his best to suppress his anger and said angrily.

"Hey, don't be so angry.

"We are also in accordance with the order!" "

I remember that it was a dark and windy night, and suddenly a figure who looked like a coach appeared in front of us, warning us that we must be inseparable in order to achieve the positive result of 'man on man'.

Jin Xiaochun was delicate and contrived, and a ray of white light flashed on the round-rimmed glasses, which instantly stirred up the atmosphere.

At the same time, his two fingers rubbed against his pointed chin, and the other hand was hooked on the shoulder of his 'boyfriend', which was very numb.

"In order to become a man's man, I paid my 'chastity', oops~ shame on others. "

Jin Xiaochun said with a 'shy' face, and directly burst out with a terrifying thunder screen crit!!

" "For the coach's instructions, in order to cultivate the Dao fruit of 'man on man', I also gave everything for Xiaochun!" "

Therefore, after forming a partner, the two of us have never even separated from each other in our private lives, and we have become more close!!"

Ichishi Yuji rubbed his chest with his index finger and said with a 'serious' and 'serious' face.

"Because we're always close together, we're aware of each other's actions and thoughts.

"And this should be the infinite possibilities of doubles!!"

Jin Xiaochun said in a fleshy tone, very intoxicated.

"Get out!"

Yakutsu spit out a word directly, these two people have already been on his blacklist, and they will never contact each other in the future, no, after this game, he doesn't want to look at them.


Kawamura covered his mouth, resisting the urge to vomit, and he hadn't even picked it up when the racket fell to the ground.

"Hey, don't react so much!Just say it if you're envious!!"

"We're a one-hearted 'man on a man' combined practice!!"

Jin Xiaochun raised his eyebrows proudly, and then hugged Yuji again, twisting each other, and they were very angry.

"That's right, a figure that looks like a coach!!"

After striking a well-fitting pose, the eyes of Jin Koharu and Yuji Ichiji flashed and they looked at Osamu Watanabe on the coach's bench.

"Eh, on a dark and windy night, have I ever said such a thing? I don't remember!"

Watanabe Shu gritted his toothpick and said with a 'puzzled' expression, facing the eyes of Jin Xiaochun and the two, he made an innocent expression, saying that I didn't, don't talk nonsense, you guys.



crowd watching the battle was speechless, is this the doubles combination of the Four Heavenly Treasure Temple!

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