"My lord, it's time to get up!"

The cold voice dispelled the morning haziness, and Niou Masaharu opened his hazy eyes. His whole face, including the corners of his lips, was dazed with a hint of sleepiness, and he yawned to get rid of the sleepiness~,"Mikazuki, what time is it now!"

"My Lord, it is nine o'clock in the morning. You are late!"

A teasing voice came, and the next second, Sanrizuki, whose eyebrows could accommodate the sun, moon and stars, heard a"click" in the house, followed by... a series of crackling sounds.——

"Why didn't you call me earlier!——"

With a snap, the paper door opened.

A young man in light blue striped pajamas and a mass of white hair on his head walked out. The boy's face was flustered, and he was still tired as if he had just woken up in the morning.

Seeing this, Mikazuki Munechika smiled knowingly,"Yesterday, it was the lord himself who said that he wanted to sleep until he woke up naturally!"

As a qualified attendant, you have to remember everything the lord says and does.

While changing clothes, Niou turned back and glared at the old grandfather with a smile on his eyes... He obviously has bad intentions!

Really... He is obviously the lord, the Shinsengumi, why should he be teased by these swordsmen?


Since he was already late, Ren Wang was not in a hurry. His cyan eyes drooped slightly, looking at the most beautiful of the five swords in the world,"Mikazuki...ah, Grandpa Mikazuki, you still have a childlike heart. As a punishment, you were not allowed to eat last night!"

After hearing this, the handsome grandfather was stunned at first, then laughed,"Haha...really? Mikazuki has remembered the lord's punishment!"


"Mikazuki, you were your attendant last night, right? How could you forget that your lord goes to school? He just got promoted to the second grade today. He is late on the first day. The discipline committee will definitely note it. What if it causes great pressure on your lord? What if he no longer loves studying? Are you responsible for all this? Mikazuki Munechika!!!"

Hasebe, the most protective swordsman, walked over aggressively."You...what's with that expression on your face?……"

A young man in a blue kimono stood lazily in the corridor, his chin slightly raised, his eyes filled with the sun, moon and stars, his mouth slightly curled up, with a relaxed and comfortable smile. A relaxed atmosphere lingered around him... Anyone could see that he was very happy!——

"The master is late for school, and you are still happy!"Yakiri Hasebe became even more angry

"Hasebe... Never mind, I'll go back and rest first!"Mikazuki Munechika glanced sideways and decided to keep the lord's cuteness in his heart.

Punishing him not to eat last night, haha, lord, you are really soft-hearted~

How can we not love you like this~


"Ren~Wang——"The red-haired boy pounced on the white-haired boy and asked with a smile,"I heard that you were late today and were caught by Sanada. You even stood at the school gate for a whole class. How do you feel?"

"I don't feel good!"The boy stuffed a rice ball into his mouth expressionlessly. This was his breakfast. Because someone righteously made him stand in the corner, he didn't even have breakfast. He was indeed his deputy minister.——

"You are late on the first day of your sophomore year. Don't blame Sanada. I don't give you face." Yanagi Renji squinted his eyes and walked over with a notebook."The probability of you being late due to an accident is 10%, and the probability of being late due to oversleeping is 90%.%"

"Nioh, you are slacking off!"

"Humph, you three are the only ones in the tennis club who take school so seriously!" Niou rolled his eyes. How many people in the entire tennis club love to study? Tennis is the only thing on your mind...

Marui Fumita poked Niou's lower back with a dull face,"Why don't you take a look at your top ten grades in your grade before you say this?"……"

How could this person have the audacity to say such a thing!

"Your grades are not bad either.……"Niou slowly folded the wrapping paper of the rice ball and put it in his lunch box."The image of our tennis club is that we are strong and good at studying.……"

We are all very tough, so stop pretending to be such a pushover here!

"……"Yanagi Renji suddenly shuddered,"After hearing what you said, I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart!"


Is this the intuition of a digital tennis analyst?

Niou lowered his eyes indifferently. These things had nothing to do with him. He just had to play his tennis well.

Yanagi Renji's premonition came true in the afternoon. With an arrogant"Hahahaha", the name Kirihara Akaya instantly spread throughout the campus.

Compared to Niou's lateness on the first day of school. Kirihara Akaya's arrival in the afternoon and even arrogantly standing on the gate at the school entrance were more impressive!

Marui Fumita chuckled,"Niou, your news has been covered up"

"Phew~ I'm very grateful to him!" A smile flashed across Niou's eyes. This kid was carrying a tennis bag, and he must be a member of the tennis club. If he could really get into the tennis club of Rikkai University... then in the future... Sanada would be very busy!

After a busy day, the daily tennis club activities began. Everyone walked to the sidelines tacitly, fighting with their eyes and the prickly eyes of Xin Ren -

Niou slowly carried a tennis bag, passed by Sanada, walked to Yukimura with a stern look in his eyes and said,"How far have you come?……"

"Kirihara Akaya challenged all the players in the tennis club before we even arrived, and he won. He was so arrogant and looked down on Yukimura and the others. When he saw us, he came to hand in the registration form, but was scolded by Sanada... He said he was rude! No matter how good he was, he would not be accepted. Kirihara was angry and was arguing with him. The two of them were glaring at each other.……"

Marui Bunta was very interested in talking about the beginning of the gossip with Niou."Come to think of it, why are you late again?……"

This is the second time this has happened. This is not normal!

"Nothing, I just went to look for my partner!"In the second semester of the first grade, he found a suitable doubles partner and was trying to get him to leave the golf club.

His reason was very legitimate. Marui Bunta didn't think much about it, but Yukimura Seiichi gave him a look.


How did he remember that the man named Yagyu Hiroshi had already gone in for training?

Sanada and the newcomer Kirihara Akaya stared at each other silently and quarreled angrily, which lasted for half an hour."It was obviously someone from your tennis club who told me to go that way... Now you blame me, you are so incompetent as a deputy director!" A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, and Kelp hasn't been slapped yet!

Sanada doesn't care about that."You got lost and you have the nerve to blame others - take your application back! Rikkai University Tennis Club never accepts people who don't abide by the rules!"

"Humph, you just can't fight as well as me!"He defeated everyone here at the beginning. Except for the few who came in later.——

"Are you looking for death?" The black-faced god's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Yukimura's eyes swept across Niou nonchalantly, then he stepped forward with a smile,"Well, since Sanada can beat all the seniors, it means he still has some strength - Rikkai University doesn't care about background or age! If you want to join the tennis team, why don't you challenge us one by one... If you win, we'll let you join!"



Yukimura's words were still convincing.

The challenge began, and the first to come on stage was the angry Sanada. Under Kirihara Akaya's shocked eyes, he completely sent him away with a set of Fenglinzan.

"Humph, you don't even have this much attacking ability, and you still want to join Rikkai University?……"


Ten minutes later, Kirihara fell to the ground, panting and sweating. He clenched his fists and looked unwilling,"Damn it, how can you be so strong?……"

This does not fit the structure of facts at all!

"Don't you know……"Marui Bunta, with a red head of hair, came over and revealed the secret with a smile,"It was these three people who won the competition last year, which made Rikkai University the national champion! Our three giants of Rikkai University——"

"How... is it possible!"The dark green kelp head drooped down, like a furry puppy wet by the sea water, the boy's eyes were slightly red, as if he was about to cry in the next second...

Behind the crowd, Niou looked at the two red eyes on Kirihara Akaya's head - vicious - that looked like they were about to explode and fell into deep thought...

This... is going to cry -

Niou (blinked)):……They don't look alike at all!

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