Niou didn't expect that his casual words would actually find Anna Kushina an invincible teacher in history.

But - such an ending is not bad...

At least he doesn't have to worry about Anna Kushina growing up crooked.

Don't say in front of him that Akano is also a good person. Suohono is indeed a good person, but his personality is really not suitable for raising children!

Who would let a child smoke and drink and let him live in a bar!

Just thinking about it makes me feel that this is terrible, right?……

"Kusanagi-kun, I haven't asked Anna which school she went to yet.

"Bingdi Primary School!"

"Aristocratic school?"Hyotei is very famous, but I don't think it's suitable for Anna Kushina.

This child is not sociable. What if the noble ladies of Hyotei bully her again?——

"Aren't you worried about all these problems?" Ren Wang asked like a worried old father.

"There is bullying in aristocratic elementary schools?" This really shocked Izumo Kusanagi."I've never heard of bullying in schools.��…"

Ren Wang was shocked at first by the other's ignorance, then he glanced up and down at him, and suddenly he was shocked at his own speechlessness."……"

He held his head with his hand and said,"I'm sorry, it was my negligence.……"

The predecessor of Homura was a group of hooligans. And hooligans are the ancestors of bullying.

"Um... why don't you teach Anna's classmates some self-defense techniques!"

Kusanagi Izumo didn't quite understand,"Why do you want to teach Anna's classmates?"

"Because I’m afraid they’ll be bullied!" The target of bullying has completely changed.

Kusanagi Izumo glared unhappily,"Our Anna is not that kind of person!"

Their little princess is so well-behaved.

"I'm worried about you guys - going to bully them!" Ren Wang rolled his eyes speechlessly.

He was not surprised by what these little princess-obsessed people did.

It was impossible for that group of people to bully Anna. If the little princess lost a hair, the whole class might be kidnapped the next day.

"What, what I said is not reasonable enough?" Facing the gaze of Kusanagi Izumo, Niwang said bluntly

"That makes sense!" It is indeed something they can do, and there is no doubt about that!

After coming out of the bar, although Niou felt that nothing would happen to Anna Kushina, he still felt that he should find someone to take care of her.

After thinking for a long time, he finally set his sights on Keigo Atobe, the big grudge!

"Atobe-kun, long time no see, I am Nioh!"

The moment Atobe Keigo saw the name clearly, he felt something was wrong."……"This guy never comes to visit for no reason, why call him at this time?

Based on the principle of knowing each other, he still chose to answer the call."Ren Wang, what do you want from me?"

""Pu Li~ Can't I find you if I have nothing to do?" Ren Wang laughed and teased

"Do you look like someone who's fine? Just say it!"Atobe Keigo rolled his eyes.

"I need your help with something.——"Niou laughed and said,"I have a younger sister who is going to Hyotei's elementary school. She may be a little lonely, so I hope you can help take care of her.……"

"You have a younger sister recently?"Atobe Keigo frowned. What a terrible sentence error.

Didn't you have one before?

"I said I met a sister recently——"Nioh was speechless. Why did Atobe Keigo question him about these small details? Was he so imprecise in his words?

"Is that the only thing?"

"After all, it's in Tokyo, so I'm a bit out of reach——"Tokyo is still Hyotei, so of course he has to let Atobe take care of it.

"I thought you wanted me to help you find a better hospital!" said Atobe.

""Why do you think so?" Niou raised his eyebrows. Could it be that this guy is so looking forward to him getting sick?

Atobe chuckled,"Do you think I don't know?"

"Come to think of it, you guys kept it a secret, Yukimura's illness was such a big deal, and it was only revealed now.——"

Niou's eyes flashed,"Rikkai University never thought of hiding this matter, they just let it happen naturally!"

Being sick is a sad thing, no one would deliberately exaggerate it. They just don't want to mention it.

"That hospital……?"In fact, besides being concerned, Atobe actually wanted to know what illness Yukimura had. Rikkai University was surprisingly slow to release news, and everyone was very secretive about this matter and didn't want to talk about it.

As a result, they only knew that Yukimura was sick... and they didn't know anything else!

"You don't have to worry about the hospital!" Niou couldn't figure out whether Atobe wanted to watch the fun or really cared about Yukimura."If you want to recommend a hospital, you can ask Yukimura alone!"


Atobe complained in his heart, keeping his mouth shut.

"But since Yukimura is sick this year, then Hyotei, the national champion for next year, will be accepted without hesitation!" He hung up the phone without giving Niou any chance to refute.

Niou rolled his eyes helplessly at the beeping sound in his ear. Why did he feel that Mr. Atobe was so childish?

He agreed to help him look after people, but he said harsh words before leaving. Childish ghost!

Does every boss have this potential, being so childish at the critical moment? It's really embarrassing!

Speak of the devil, here comes the devil!

Niou just started to murmur in his heart, and his mobile phone received a text message.

This is a photo of the aurora, with brilliant colors and breathtaking - it conquered Niou's eyes in an instant. He couldn't help but look up at the sky, but found that he was still in Neon and couldn't see the aurora at all.——

"Phew~" I feel a bit unhappy!

【Are you deliberately tempting me? — Niou Masaharu. 】

What came back was a very calm text message.

【I invite you to come and see the aurora, are you coming? ——Phoenix of Byodoin Temple. 】

Ryou was stunned."……"Saying this without any sign... It sounds like a trap.

But he was very tempted!

"Forget it, the New Year is coming soon."Text message edited by Niou,"The places where you can see the aurora are very cold——"

He doesn't want to be frozen to death by the cold weather

【Pirates in the snow and ice, don't you want to give it a try?】

Aurora + the temptation of pirates -

Niou's heart was shaken fiercely.

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