Marui looked at Niou with a different look, full of love and pity. How hard must this child's childhood have been to get to where he is today.

Niou: ——Actually, it's not as scary and weird as Marui thought.

Everyone was trying to protect him...

The match with Hyotei ended smoothly. If I have to say it, it was the only thing that didn't go smoothly. Only——

"hiss……"Niou took a deep breath, feeling that he was blind.

The incident originated from the last match, the duel between Sanada and Atobe. In fact, Yanagi Renji had already won the singles match against Hyotei's little sheep Akutagawa Jiro, and Rikkai University had already won 3 to 1.

However, as the finals of the Kanto Tournament approached, the rules of the game were adjusted, and five games had to be played, which led to this last singles final.

Hyotei lost two games, and Atobe was arrogant and would not give in.

Sanada was crowned as the emperor, and he was even more tyrannical and domineering. Naturally, he would not relax himself because of the team's victory.

The two of them fought head-on - everything was normal, but Niou's eyes were abnormal!

Since he saw a pair of blood-red eyes appearing on Kirihara Akaya's head, he saw a new scene for the first time, and it was two at a time - behind Sanada, there was a dark air in the sky, and the thick black fog wrapped a long object, and a little bit of the silver-white blade could be seen. It was an unsharpened samurai sword. Even before it was opened, Niou could feel the sharpness of the knife from his breath...

The Atobe on the opposite side was also extraordinary. Behind him was a snow-white fog, which looked ordinary but was actually empty, attracting people to go deep into it. A slight glance would chill one to the bone, as if it was a snowy land with icicles stabbing at one another.

"Marui, did you see what's behind Sanada and Atobe?" He rubbed his eyes hard, hoping it was an illusion.

"Isn't there a barbed wire fence behind Sanada? Atobe, the same thing! Is there something wrong?"Marui said as a matter of course.

"Are you sure you didn't see anything?" He asked again.

Marui looked at him suspiciously,"Niou, you are not too excited about winning against Oshitari, so you have a fever?"


He is just an Oshitari, he is not that bad.

That is not an illusion!

There is Kirihara Akaya in front, and Sanada and Atobe in the back, it is not an illusion, it can be justified.

This world is really magical……

"well……"Niou sighed deeply. No matter what was hidden in the hearts of Sanada and Atobe, and how the future would develop, with the blessing of these two things, their future tennis journey would definitely be extraordinary.

Niou sighed. He just wanted to be a Shinsengumi in peace and do some boring little tricks. That was all. Why didn't God let him go?

"Bunta... do you think it's too late for me to quit the tennis club now?" He tilted his head and said to Marui Bunta next to him.

Before you could say anything, the sharp-eyed and sharp-eared Yukimura turned his head and looked at him gently. Niou even saw that a few black lotus flowers with white stamens suddenly grew on the large green space. They looked holy and terrifying...

He heard Yukimura say,"Niou, what did you say?"

""Puh~ Nothing!"

Well, if black shadows can show a person's true nature, Kirihara is the violent red, Sanada is the calm and steady kendo black. Hyotei's Atobe is like the name of their school, with a bone-chilling coldness, and Yukimura is……

——It really is the Black Lotus!

Can’t offend, must not offend!

"I was just joking with Marui, just a joke……"

"That's good——"Yukimura's face was almost blooming with smile,"You are the backbone of our tennis club, if you quit the club, I will be very distressed!"

""My lord, you're back!"

As soon as Niou entered the room, he was hugged by several short swordsmen.

The cute short swordsmen gathered together obediently, staring at him with joy on their faces, which made Niou wash away the fatigue and tiredness of the day. At the same time, he also strengthened his mood. He was a Shinsengumi who dealt with gods and demons. How could he admit defeat so easily?

It's just Yukimura - now he can't beat Yukimura on the road of tennis, but it doesn't mean he can't beat him in the future - as long as he works hard enough, as long as he can crush the big devil Yukimura, it's up to him to leave the tennis club or not!

"Hasebe——"The white-haired boy's eyes changed, with a bit of sharpness.

"My Lord!" Hasebe appeared in a second.

"You guys continue to take turns to be my kendo teacher. This time you can increase the difficulty. My body is about to enter a growth period, and I can definitely bear it!"

When he was young, in order to ensure his safety, the swords took turns to be his teachers. When he was young, he learned to thrust with the short swords. When he grew up, he learned to use various weapons and long weapons from the wakizashi tachi and odachi.

This learning lasted until the first half of junior high school. He was exempted from this learning after passing the assessment, but he never missed the daily practice.

"My Lord, are you going to dominate the world?——"A round white head popped out from the corner, and a flying white crane hopped over,"My lord, if you dominate the world, I will be your dog, the Crane-headed Military Advisor!"

He likes it the most, and he doesn't mind watching the fun. Nioh chuckled and pushed away the head that was close to his cheek,"Tsurumaru - I just want to exercise and don't want to lose to others!"

Yukimura and Sanada are just ordinary people with pure blood. What they can do and what they can do well, he doesn't believe he can't do.

It's just for fun, it's just for fun, but never joke about strength -

Hasebe asked,"So you want to practice……"

"Tennis!" Niou said as a matter of course,"Everything is connected, and controlling the force is the first step to swinging the racket. So there's nothing wrong with me improving in kendo!"

"……No...problem!" Hasebe clenched his fists, his face full of excitement.

No matter what, it's a good thing that the lord is getting stronger and stronger.

"Then let me arrange the battle for you starting today.——"

The lowest level bosses began to exercise their coordination and single combat abilities.

Niou nodded with a heavy face,"Well - just make all the arrangements!"

He refused to admit that he was afraid of the smiling black lotus. He was a Shinsengumi, and he had to show his dignity.——


The next day.——

"My lord, it's time for you to get up and attend morning classes!"

After deciding last night to start again as the leader in kendo and to achieve the ambition of winning the world championship, all the swords in the entire Honmaru were boiling. In the past six years, the lord had already protected himself and said that he didn't want to learn kendo anymore. At that time, their hearts were like snow in June, sadder and more upset than the injustice of Dou E~

How does it feel if the lord doesn't have the same hobby as them - painful!

However, now things have turned around... The lord and they are standing on the same starting line again, hahahaha, so happy!

We must be more active -

Monoyoshi Sadamune specially brought a chicken from the human world just to tell the time to Nioh at five in the morning.

"My Lord, it's time to get up!"

When the little boy is cute, he is really cute, but when he smiles so hard that it makes people angry, he can really make people tired.

"Monoyoshi Sadamune……"The King opened his eyes in a depressed mood and glared at the young boy in front of him.

Monoyoshi Sadamune was not moved at all. He had the imperial edict in his hand,"Yesterday you said that in order to see us as the master and you as the student, you have to listen to us.——"

He placed two fingers in his ear and snapped them."Kamekaku Sadamune—go!"

The people of Sadamune's faction were united and carried the King, who was still in his pajamas, out the door.

"You are too disrespectful!"

This time, even Hasebe did not stand on his side.

After all, who can refuse to share the same hobby with the lord?

How happy are you... ah, happiness comes too fast, it can't be stopped!

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