Weisman clasped his hands together, feeling deeply moved:"Ah~ This kind of love between two people running towards each other is so touching!————Ah!! What are you doing?"

All the words turned into an exclamation that pierced the sky. Weisman looked at the sword tip just a millimeter away from him in shock,"Your Excellency Qing Wang, what are you doing?"

"I also want to ask, what is the Silver King doing when he clicks?" Reiji Munakata pushed his glasses,"My hearing is not very good, I seem to have heard some strange topics just now!"


Ding Dong, congratulations on capturing a guilty Silver King~

"You said this?……"The young man's eyes darted left and right, he couldn't decide what to say."Did I just say anything? Why don't I remember?"

"Haha, how about we have a fight and see if I can make you remember it!" The flaming fist swept across his cheek, and the burning pain made the young man take a half step back.

Weisman smiled and said,"Hey, fire is a dangerous thing, you can't play with it casually.~"

"The mouth is also a good thing, but it's a pity that you talk too much!" Zhou Fangzun smiled coldly, and his moves were still fierce, without any dragging tone.

Weisman hurriedly blocked a few times, but he was a king of literature and never did such a fight. After a few moves, he was a little powerless.

Seeing that the flaming fist was about to hit his cheek, Changlu Dajue of the Kingdom of Gold suddenly made a move and blocked the angry fist with a light palm.

"Okay, everyone please restrain yourself a little in my Yuzhu Tower.——"

Although he said so, anyone with a discerning eye could see who he was protecting!

""Hmph!" Zhou Fangzun glanced at him and said nothing more.

Before he finished speaking, the banquet would have to continue... The table was rearranged. Fortunately, the defense of the pillar tower was integrated with the ability of the Golden King, which was top-notch. Only that one table was destroyed from beginning to end. Otherwise, today's meeting would not be able to continue.

However, when passing by Niou again...

Boom! This inconspicuous slap directly hit Niou's head.


Ren Wang covered his head and grimaced in pain,"Brother Zun, what are you doing?"

"Do you think you are honored for hiding something?"Just now, he was so angry with Munakata Reiji that he didn't pay attention to this guy."Also, what was that look in your eyes just now?""It was this guy who started the trouble from the beginning to the end!

Niou suddenly became dispirited, shrank his head and stopped talking.

There is really no way to blacken this matter.~

"That guy's whereabouts are erratic now, but he did have a plan...Ren Wang's identity is still in the dark. I hope that each clan can send some people to look after him!"Weizman was a little worried. He didn't know what Ren Wang's ability was.

Before being forced into a desperate situation, no one could know how much power the king could exert.

He could only try his best to protect this person who he liked.

"Actually, it is not necessary!"Rinou was the first to refuse. Facing Suohonori's strange gaze, he said,"I have a lot of people at home, and they can be my guards.——"

Not only can he protect himself, he can also protect Jutsu Tadara next door.

Of course, this sounds a bit like a slap in the face of Suho-sama.

"Where did you get so many guards?" Zhou Fangzun didn't care about other things. He now found that Niwang was hiding a lot of things from him."First, he became the king inexplicably, and then he established a clan without telling me!"

If he didn't believe Niwang, it would be unintentional. Zhou Fangzun might have really been so angry that he broke off the friendship with him.

"This matter is really Zun Ge, you misunderstood me!"

Ren Wang smiled bitterly. Who would have thought that some ties started before becoming a king?

Now is not the time to tell stories, so Ren Wang did not intend to take this opportunity to tell all his problems. He just said,"Why don't you come to my house as a guest someday, and all the answers will be solved.……"

It is better to act than to say it, Nioh wants to solve the problem from the root at once

""Okay!" Suohono agreed without hesitation. He wanted to see what this kid could do.

The first question was made clear, and the second half of the party was all about harmony and peace.

Although they were speculated to be a couple, Munakata Reiji and Suohono still got along in the same way as before, very calmly.

A day of fun social gathering ended ~ Nioh walked out of the building with an elegant step, and ran into the members of the Houmaira who came to pick up their own king.

"Niou, why are you here?" Hatta Misaki asked curiously.

Niou:"I……"What should he say? How about just saying that he came over for a stroll and ran into someone he knows?

Unfortunately, the next second, Hatta Misaki was like a worm in his stomach, blocking his answer.

"I heard that everyone here is a king's gathering, and everyone is a king. What are you doing?……"

He barely noticed the King's attire, a black kimono with a gorgeous dark haori on the outside, which was completely different from his usual style, slightly more gorgeous and with his own aura.

This was the standard attire for meeting guests or greetings!

"You are……"If you don't understand, ask.

Ren Wang looked up at the sky and said,"For this question, wait for me to argue, no, explain it.……"

"Huh?" Hatta Misaki raised her eyebrows,"Do you think I don't understand what people say?"

Or do you think his hearing is not good and he didn't hear what he just said!

"this——"Niou chuckled,"You can pretend you didn't hear it!"

He smiled and raised the corners of his lips. Now he looked like a fox.

And a black fox with black fur~

Hatta Misaki frowned,"……Is there something wrong with you?"

Why do I feel this guy is weird?

"Really? No, I'm normal!" Niwang was still smiling and very calm.

A hand suddenly stretched out from behind him and slapped him on the back of his head,"Normal, why didn't I feel it?"

Zhou Fangzun snorted coldly,"I think you're just itching for trouble lately!"

Very monkeyish!

The fox's expression retreated, leaving only the silly cuteness. Niwang touched his head helplessly,"Brother Zun... it hurts, can't you be gentler?"

"Really?" Zhou Houzun sneered,"I didn't break your defense at all, you feel pain?""

What a joke!

Don't act cute in front of him.


Phew~ After you know he is the king, even your brother Zun is not cute anymore.

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