"Yata, stop!" Kusanagi Izumo picked up the cigarette butt, lit a spark, took a deep puff and stopped him.

"Brother Zun is in an unstable state now, why are you causing trouble?"

The state of the clan and the king is connected.

No matter which side is overused, it will cause unrest to the other side, especially for a clan as irritable as theirs.

"But……"Hatta Misaki rubbed his forehead irritably. It was too uncomfortable for him to endure it like this.

"We should wait and see. If the problem is not resolved by night, we will go to the Royal Pillar Tower to find out!"

The King of Gold knows the most.


Hatta Misaki agreed.

When night came, all the restlessness came to an abrupt end. Even Suohono, who was about to burst, seemed to have warm water flowing into his heart, melting the violent magma at the bottom of the volcano.

The red tables and chairs around him gradually returned to their original appearance... The light was dim, but it made people feel at ease!

"Zun, are you okay?"Zunming Anna ran over and asked

"Well! It's okay now!" With a low voice and a sense of relaxation after fatigue, Zhou Fangzun chuckled and rubbed her hair.

Zhou Fangzun said,"Although I don't understand the reason, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

"Yeah!" Anna Kushina nodded her small head again and again,"My feeling tells me that this is a good thing!"

"Really?"After hearing this, the originally unhappy members of the Red Team became excited. If it was good news, they would be able to hold on for a long time!

"Anna-san, what color do you see?"

"Yes, yes, what color is it this time?"

Anna Kushina recalled the color she had just seen. It was still red, but a little different. The red seemed brighter.

And that breath... so warm!

It was as if someone had gently touched her head, smiled at her, and then left.

"He's a good person, right?"

I still can't figure it out, but it's a better ending than I imagined.


At the same time, in the ward of Tokyo Hospital, Yukimura was looking at the note left on the table, frowning and wanting to laugh.

【My boss asked me to work overtime tonight, so I can't come! ——Mr. Cat. 】 Yukimura


Why does it feel weird!

The silver-white fox stretched out its claws indignantly, [Host, how can you be like this? Do you know how much this hurts me? ]

Niwang raised his eyebrows, [Really? I just want to borrow your space! ]

His nonchalant look made the silver-white fox even more irritable: [Don't you even look at what you put in? ]

Manman fox was so angry that he almost jumped up and scratched Niwang's hair.

This is the Sword of Damocles, and it belongs to the Red King. It has strong fire power, is extremely irritable, and has great strength. Putting it in his space, is it going to blow up his space? The silver-white fox became more and more sad as he thought about it. He took out a white towel from somewhere with his claws, and casually shook it, crying: [If you want to change the sword, just say it directly... Why beat around the bush here! ]


Don't make yourself more dramatic, thank you!

Nioh explained: [I have no choice but to leave it with you! ]

The Sword of Damocles is different from ordinary Tsukumogami. It has not existed for 99 years so it cannot transform. The Silver Fox is a special case...

He just reached an agreement with the Sword of Damocles and became its new owner. Then he can't let his own sword continue to soak in the water - nor can he arrange a separate house for it.

And putting it in the box is even more depressing and boring for the hot-tempered and freedom-loving Sword of the Red King.


【According to social status and sword school seal, it should be your third brother! 】Ren Wang coaxed the silver-white fox, 【Just because it is your brother... please do it this favor!】

【Let's think of a way to get it published smoothly so that it won't cause you any trouble in the future.——】

The silver fox pouted and was unhappy. Since the King of Ren had said so, could it refuse?

But for it to compromise and agree directly, it seemed like it was a coward to the King of Chi!

【Then let's discuss it first. I must get some benefits!】The silver fox used his cunning to talk alone.

Ren Wang agreed.

Holding the Red King's Sword, he walked into the silver fox's space.

What followed was a free conversation between the brothers. Ren Wang couldn't listen, but he didn't care. The two brothers wouldn't hurt him.

In the end, I don't know what they talked about, but the silver fox agreed, and the Red King's Sword also became much more honest. But……

【What did you say? I still have to agree to your terms! 】Ren Wang looked at him in surprise.

This little fox has become arrogant recently, and he dares to negotiate terms with him!

【I have helped you so much recently, and I have done a lot of hard work. Shouldn't you give me a reward?】The silver fox said pitifully.

It raised the short toes on its paws,【I have to help you comfort the patients, give up my space for others to live in, and take care of the only clan... The landlord's donkey is not as tired as me!】


The boy looked up helplessly at the deep sea space where snow was falling all of a sudden. In just a few seconds, a few blinks of an eye, the dark world turned into a white one?

The environment changed too quickly, and he was a little bit unable to adapt.

【All right, I'll promise you a condition. You can come to me anytime! 】For the sake of this heavy snow.

The silver-white fox smiled and jumped away happily.

The New Year passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the Flower Planting Family.

This day is like the last carnival of the New Year. After it is over, everything will be back on track. The ordinary year will start again...

It was also on this day that Niwang received a call from Houmaira to spend the last day together.

At noon, he had lunch with the swordsmen in the lobby, tasted snacks, and talked. In the evening, he opened the door and prepared to leave.

The boy was helpless, looking at his clothes.

In the eyes of the swordsmen, his going to Houmaira was a normal social activity that could not be avoided, and he could not be rude. Therefore, he was dressed particularly gorgeously!

Before, it was a low-key dark-colored haori.

Today's outfit directly broke the bottom line of low-key.

He always likes silver-gray, and today the Yasuke Hasebe prepared a light gray kimono for him.

You can barely see the white lining inside. The waist is held up by a half-red belt with patterns, and the red rope tied into a bow with a white jade pendant hanging on it.

It collides with the blue agate beads at the end of the red rope, making a crisp sound.

The outermost haori is silver-grey, embroidered with silver thread, and is particularly soft and bright under the moonlight. There are some red plum blossoms on the back of the haori, and neat auspicious lines are outlined from the red plum blossoms to the lower edge with silver-grey lines of varying shades.

Finally - a white snow lotus bud is about to bloom by the ear, which makes the exquisite face of the King even more gorgeous.

Silver and white are not abrupt at all!

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