"……"He must have had a good relationship with these two people before.

Weisman made this judgment.

After a simple second diagnosis and treatment, the doctor determined that Weisman only had temporary amnesia caused by the mismatch between his body and soul.

If he wanted to restore his memory, he might need the impact of the power of the king.——

"But this approach is risky, so you must be careful!"

Guo Changlu Dajue pondered:"……"

"Weisman, what do you think?" A pair of tiger eyes looked at the innocent boy,"Do you want to restore your memory or……"

"Um……"With his right hand on his chin, the young man frowned slightly,"If there are still people plotting against me behind my back, it's better not to recover for the time being!"

He is now an open chess piece, and the two good friends beside him are the hidden chess pieces.

The three of them are in tune with each other and can cooperate at critical moments. But it caught those behind the scenes off guard, and solved all the troubles with one move!

Kuni Changlu Dajue nodded.

Ren Wang rarely looked at Wiseman for a second longer. He thought that the amnesiac Silver King was a young guinea pig, but he didn't expect that this guinea pig also had steel teeth!

Okay, okay!

He doesn't have to worry about this guy getting cheated outside.

"Since you have a plan, I will go back first.……"

Ren Wang did not forget that he had another guarding job tonight. There was another person down there, and today was not a good day.……

"Are you leaving?" Weisman asked.……"

He hasn't talked to this person much yet.

"I will come to see you later, and you have my contact information in your phone. Whenever you need to find me, just call me directly!"Ren Wang smiled slightly, completely understanding his amnesia and feeling a little uneasy.

"and……"The young man lowered his eyes slightly, the beautiful clear water green against the color of the sky, especially sunny

"I have your strength in my body. No matter how far away you are, you should be able to feel whether I am healthy or not.……"

Weisman followed his example and put his hands on his chest. The same beating sounds gradually became synchronized at this moment.~

"Then you better be careful on your way!" Weisman finally let the man go.


Back to ten minutes ago.

At the corner of a very ordinary B&B, a handsome purple-haired young man covered his lips with his hand and yawned out of boredom.

"Kotosaka, is your information accurate?" The Medicine Goddess Shizu hugged her shoulders and said,"Did the Colorless King change his plan at the last minute?"

"Gaga... That's right. He originally wanted to kill Shishu Duoduoliang first, and then go find trouble with the Silver King, but somehow, he adjusted his plan! Now he's on the airship!"The beautiful eyes of the Medicine God Zi darkened,"What did Liu say?"

The green parrot flying in the sky quacked twice again, and the animal's pupils suddenly showed a touch of humanity, and the sound changed accordingly.

The Medicine God Zi changed his expression. This is... Liu!

Their Green King - more powerful than water.


"Zi. Don't worry about the actions of the Colorless King. In this incident, we only need to hide in the dark and complete the overall plan. All the blame will be on him!"

What needs to be done is to arouse the anger of the Red Clan and at the same time drag the Silver King into the water.

He has had enough of this boring and stubborn world. He wants to be the master of the new world and want to create his own glory in the new world!

This is him - the filter that derives the power of change is faster than the water flow!

The medicine god Zi chuckled,"I know, but if that guy fails to take over the body, then what about Shishu Duoduoliang? Still kill him?"

"Um……"The green parrot groaned as if it were a human,"Then kill it!"

"——You do it yourself!"

He was still very relieved about the case of the Imperial Medicine God Purple.

"good……"The mysterious man with purple hair licked his lips, and a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes.

He hasn't played such a happy game for a long time -

I hope that the Colorless King will not let him down!

And the result!

After Niou kicked the sky airship down, he announced that although the Colorless King's plan was successful, the follow-up could not be carried out. Duoduoliang can only be solved by the God of Medicine Zi herself.

Although a little unhappy, the incompetent God of Medicine Zi still happily set off in his leather jacket and leather pants.

But - he was full of confidence when he arrived at the place, but he found that there was a new round of crisis.

Bang - the crisp sound of swords made the God of Medicine Zi's wrist numb,"Who is it?"

The beautiful purple man's eyes were full of coldness.

His eyes stared coldly at the place where he had just collided with him secretly. Although there was no one in front of him, he felt the murderous aura there.

""Haha, I really didn't expect that there would be someone who could fight against me!" A rough voice suddenly sounded in the dark night, and Yuyao Shen Zi looked carefully to see the person coming.

This is a man with a very large stature - broad arms, extremely tall, and when he clenched his hands, the muscles on his arms protruded, all proved that this person is not an easy person!

Yuyao Shen Zi looked at his hair that was as hot as the sun and asked,"Are you also from the Aka clan?"

Qingtingqili blinked,"Aka clan? What do you mean we are the lord's... people?!" Qingtingqili

, who is extremely powerful, seldom goes out, and prefers to fight with other guns in this text. This time the lord needs a strong support to protect him secretly. As one of the three guns, how could he not come to help?

Yuyao Shen Zi was a little confused,"……"My Lord, this statement is quite novel!

But I understand it!

"Who is your lord?"The medicine god narrowed his eyes.

Jungle's information network is spread throughout the Kanto region. He has never seen such a���

Don't act rashly!

"The master is the master!" The tall man had a wooden face, and his eyes were extremely sharp."If you don't know him, it only means that you are not familiar with my master, and we are enemies!" With his arm across, the huge muzzle of the gun pointed outward, and the air wave that cut through the space made the air tremble.

The Imperial Medicine God Zi turned his wrist, his expression solemn,"……"

"Haha, God of Medicine——"A parrot's call came from the sky, with a unique rapid syllable. Yu Yao Shen Zi understood that it was urging him to speed up.

But...how can he speed up in your situation! He can only fight hard and take a gamble. This guy is big and not fast.

His nimble body circled the field and glared upwards, leaping high like a flying dancer. Yu Yao Shen Zi obviously noticed that the dragonfly had moved with his figure.

But his footsteps moved with difficulty as if they were attached to magnets.

Yu Yao Shen Zi smiled:"……"

Guessed it right!

The big, clumsy guy was good, he knew how to deal with it!

He turned over deftly in the air and spun 360 degrees. He was ready to use the high altitude advantage and speed to chop the opponent's head from top to bottom.

But when the rotation was about to be completed, the medicine god Zi frowned and suddenly felt a chill on his spine.

His intuition told him to push the back of the knife back, and it was this action that saved his life.


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