Yanagi Renji lived up to his reputation as a military strategist. In just ten minutes, he had already figured out the opponent's doubles playing habits. In addition, although their doubles were solid, they didn't have any extra features.

"6-2! Rikkai University won this round!"

It was so quick and decisive, even a little too quick!

"Partner, it's our turn.——"Yagyu Hiroshi nodded, and the two of them were about to leave the court with their tennis rackets.

While crossing paths with Yanagi Renji, he heard him say,"The doubles pair we are facing are not outstanding, so your opponents will be Minami Kenjiro and Higashikata Masami."

"The two of them have the title of——perfect support for the doubles team's ever-victorious generals!! Be careful!"

Ren Wang's attention was not on the second half of his sentence, but……"Are you sure your opponent is not good enough?"

That steady pace and stable state are exactly what he and Yagyu desire the most. As expected of one of the three military advisors of Rikkai University, he really doesn't think highly of ordinary strength.

Yagyu opened his eyes and said to his shocked expression,"Niou, Yukimura has been waiting for you to perform, don't let him down!"

Niou:"……Phew, what does this have to do with me? Isn't it enough to just win the game?"

I've improved every time, and I'm stronger every time, isn't that good!

"He broke our team apart just to let you see the doubles action. Are you sure you just want to win?"

Liu looked back and looked at Ren Wang seriously.

Ren Wang:"Pfft……"

Suddenly I feel so stressed

"Is there any intelligence or something like that~" Renou asked with cold eyes. How could they play without anything."Yanagi, if there is nothing...Pu Li~"

You know it yourself!

Yanagi Renji curled his lips,"Of course there is!"

Yanagi Renji knew that he couldn't make people angry.

"This Dongfang Yamei is a well-rounded player with strong ball control ability. As I said before, the ball must be sent to him! He has a strong physique and excellent physical fitness!"


Ren Wang listened silently. In Liu's words, these two people seemed to have no weaknesses.

……All aspects are good, but none of them are outstanding! Very suitable for the current Yagyu Biroshi to make a breakthrough - but - although the doubles position is what he wanted. But the opponent in this game seems to be serving Yagyu Biroshi.

He doesn't seem to be very important~ Niou is a little jealous

——Potato Heroes!

This is what everyone calls the Yamabuki doubles, but I am too lazy to come up with the meaning.——

"By the way, you have a smart mind, be careful of their secret signals——"

Before going on stage, Liu gave a final reminder."……"

He felt more and more upset. This military advisor didn't care about him at all.

The unhappy Nioh was not in a good mood when facing his opponent. He was full of weirdness at the beginning.

"You two are elites from the bodybuilding industry. Stop playing tennis and become bodybuilding coaches.——"

"Haha, Niou-kun's mouth is indeed well-deserved."Nan Jianjiro said calmly,"This is a compliment on our good figure, Yamei and I accepted it! After all, your overly thin body……"

He glanced up and down, saying nothing, but it seemed like he had said everything.

Ren Wang calmly retorted,"Puh~ Being too strong is like being stupid like a pig! In a place like the court that requires refinement, a big guy can't show his strength.……"

Nan Jianjiro is not fat, he has a standard bodybuilding figure, but compared to Nioh, this thin figure is indeed a bit strong


He even said openly that he was as stupid as a pig!


"Phew~ I have never lost to anyone in my eloquence." Ren Wang looked back, his eyes bright and cunning,"Yagyu, don't say that, you are here to persuade me……"

"No, I just want to say that there are a bunch of people over there staring at you for a long time, and they seem to be up to no good.——"Yagyu pointed outside the court and asked him to look over there.

When Niou turned around and saw clearly, his eyes suddenly dimmed."Puff~"

A pair of bad boys wearing various punk clothes were smoking cigarettes and smoking, looking at them with interest.

Why are there so many people - Oh, this is Tokyo!

It's a very famous tennis park, which is really suitable for a spring outing!

Niou sighed in his heart. It seems that this group of people can't be avoided.……

"Are you in trouble?" Yagyu Hiroshi asked.

Niou said nonchalantly, holding his tennis racket,"Who said that? Although he was looking at me, there is no rule that he must be looking at me~ Yagyu, others don't care, so don't care too!"

Yagyu Hiroshi:"……"

Disorganized, unobstructed view

"Okay, let's play the game first!" These people have stayed here for so long, they must be here to watch him play. He hopes that his skills can satisfy the entertainment interest of this group of people, and then leave quickly. He doesn't want to become the target of public criticism and be watched by others.

The game begins.

Nanjing Jiro and Higashikata Masami are worthy of being taught by the older generation of Yamabuki. A glance and a light touch between the two of them show full tacit understanding. The two of them are one in front and one behind, one passes the ball and looks back, and easily wins the first game...

There is a cheer outside the stadium.

Hatta Misaki hugged his shoulders and sneered,"Didn't this kid say that their school is very good? This is not that good either.……"

When she thought about Niou Masaharu's bold rejection of Brother Zun, Hatta Misaki was so angry that bubbles came out of her mouth.

"Hatta, don't be anxious. The game is meant to be interesting. There might be a reversal.……"The man wearing glasses chuckled.

"Hey, do you all know this boy? Why don't I know him?"The young man with a gentle appearance and a gentle temperament spoke cheerfully, took out his SLR camera, and took a picture of Niou with a click."This kid looks quite wild, although a little naughty……"

Everyone heard what he said just now.

"Are you interested in him?"

"Well, you can see for yourself!" Kusanagi Izumo said with a smile.

There was a bit of seriousness in the gentle young man's eyes."……Hehe."This is the child who will soon become their family~


Zhou Fangzun's lazy eyes brightened, his aura changed in an instant, and his flamboyant red hair exuded an ominous majesty,"……"

"Respect……"Anna Kushina looked up with a questioning look.

He looked around and confirmed that there was no problem, then said,"It's okay!"

It must be his illusion!

At the same time, Niou Masaharu, who was about to fight back, suddenly paused, and a wailing sounded in his mind again.

【"Wow, my favorite master is being thought of. This is too much!"

This voice is very familiar. Ren Wang recognized it in almost one second. It was the silver fox from before.

The little fox's voice was particularly aggrieved, which was different from the last time when he pretended to be aggrieved in front of him. There was a feeling of shame and annoyance that his territory was invaded.……

"What's wrong with you?" Ren Wang said as he swung his racket.

【You are being spied on……】

Swoosh - the tennis ball was not strong, but the angle was very strange, and the perfect coordination broke the loose defense of Niou and Yagyu.

"Tsk——"Ren Wang looked coldly at the traces of the tennis ball rubbing against the lawn. He took back what he said before: the opponent was not strong, but it was indeed difficult.

"Humph, you dare to be distracted during our game! Rikkai University is no better than this.——"

Dongfang Yamei said coldly

"Niou, what were you doing just now?"Yagyu Hiroshi said

"It's my fault, I was distracted!" The white-haired boy's eyes were full of coldness,"I won't do that now.——"

【Little fox, we will deal with your problem later - stay in my mind for a while, and I will talk about your problem after the game. 】

Ryooh's eyes were full of golden light, staring at the two people opposite him,"Just like me, I will go all out to deal with you!"

——It happened to be Niou's serve.

"call out——"

The sharp tennis ball bounced to the ground with a strange whirlwind, and then swept across the net at super speed and brushed past his cheek.

Dongfang Yamei, who was just watching the fun and wanted to see what tricks Nioh had, was speechless.


【Ichinoda sword——Whirlwind! 】

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