"Tezuka, when did you get to know Niou?" Oishi Shuichiro asked. Why haven't I heard Tezuka mention it before?

As the national champion, Rikkai University has attracted much attention. Their record is brilliant and unbeatable. Tennis Weekly even did an exclusive interview with them, and everyone's photo was in that issue of the magazine.

Therefore, they knew what each other looked like, but they had never seen the real person!

Tezuka fell into deep thought as he watched the young man go away.

At the beginning of the new year, he went to visit an old man with his grandfather - but he didn't expect to catch a glimpse of Niou there.

But he was standing relatively far away at the time, so Niou didn't notice him. In addition, it was a glimpse in the crowd, and he almost didn't recognize Niou's outfit at the time.

If he hadn't suddenly remembered it today... he might have forgotten that they had met before!

"Only seen it once before……"Tezuka Road


Sanada is not interested in Tezuka and Nioh's affairs, he only cares about whether he can fight Tezuka this year.——

"I think it's a bit risky!"

Tezuka's Seigaku was assigned to the lower half, which was Hyotei's area.

With Hyotei around, it would be hard for Seigaku to come out on top. What happened just now... Niou didn't quite believe it.

He patted Sanada's shoulder with a sigh,"Why don't you wait a little longer.……"

"You can also arrange a match in private!"

Ren Wang gave him advice seriously,"If the two of you have a good relationship, it's normal to arrange a match in private."

"……"Sanada's eyes are calm and deep

"……"Ren Wang was stunned,"Don’t tell me that you two don’t have a good relationship!"


Sanada left.

He left him behind without mercy.

In Yukimura's ward, Niou was confused,"I don't know the cause and effect of the matter... How do I know that he is obsessed with someone one-sidedly!"

Yukimura laughed,"That's right, Sanada is a reserved guy. It's hard to guess the time of many things from his expression.……"

He almost forgot that Niou was transferred to their side from the country.

""Where did you go to school before?" Yukimura asked,"Where is your home?"

"……"Ren Wang didn't expect that he would be involved suddenly.……"

He tilted his head and smiled,"Guess!"

"Tokyo?" He guessed this from the fact that Niou often came to see him, and last time he actually knew someone in Tokyo.

"Haha… Congratulations, you guessed wrong!" The young man smiled brightly.

He looked away and saw the flowers blooming outside the window.

Flowers are the most magical things. Even if they wither in one year, as long as they wait for the right time, they can bloom again next year.……

"I was born and raised in Kanagawa!" He turned and gave Yukimura a"yeah" sign."A very authentic one.——"

"Are there any authentic or not authentic people in Kanagawa?" Yukimura said with a smile

""Pu Li~"

Of course - a terrible incident a few years ago caused 700,000 people in Kanagawa to burn and die like ants.

The people living in Kanagawa now are just later immigrants...


I am the only one left!

Speaking of which, it's time to send some things.——


The Kanto tournament has started to attract a lot of attention again, especially the first match of Rikkai University, which even attracted magazines.

"I heard that Yukimura is not here this year, and I wonder if Rikkai University's strength will fluctuate!"

"So what if there are fluctuations? With Rikkai University's strength, it is only a matter of time before they can win the Kanto Tournament."

"Why didn't I say anything else?……"

Amidst all the discussions, a team of people wearing khaki tennis uniforms came forward.

Led by Sanada, who had a dark face and wore a peaked cap, the members behind him walked forward with blank expressions. Their aggressive appearance made the people around them hold their breath.——

"Hiss... This oppression, have they taken advantage of it?"

Sanada raised his head, his eyes under the cap ruthlessly sweeping over everyone. The crowd that had been watching the excitement and wanted to discuss things suddenly became as quiet as chickens!

No one spoke!

""Haha, you are worthy of being Sanada!" Marui Bunta laughed.

Although they didn't care. But - the quiet appearance of the people around was so happy!

"Where are our opponents today?" Kirihara Akaya poked his head out. They had already walked to the middle of the field, and there was no one on the other side.

"Are you afraid of the bad reputation of Rikkai University?……"

Marui Bunta was confused,"Do you know how to talk? How can you be so self-deprecating?"

"This is clearly a reputation - a reputation!——"He emphasized that the reputation of Rikkai University could not be ruined by Kirihara.……

""It's already the Kanto Tournament, there shouldn't be any school that would give up at this time!" Marui asked.

Niou thought of what happened that day and smiled,"Nothing is impossible!"

The world is so big, anything can happen, maybe they will meet a strange team one day


"Do you know something?" Marui Bunta was suspicious.

Yanagi Renji also looked over.

"Well, let's take a look!"Some things are better not to know than to know. It's more fun to watch the live version...

As I was talking, the live version came.

The students of Yinhua Middle School covered their stomachs and went on stage with a wry smile on their faces. When the referee was about to shout"start", the head of Yinhua Middle School suddenly spoke

"Um - sorry, we abstain!"

"What?"A group of people were stunned. They didn't expect that someone would give up here.

"Are you sure?"The referee was stunned

"Yes, yes, we ate bad food today and our stomachs hurt!" Yinhua's minister covered his stomach with a painful look on his face, but why didn't the pain come earlier? Isn't it a bit fake now?

Ren Wang laughed unceremoniously.

Yinhua is really a very interesting school - voluntarily giving up, of course others can't say anything.

The first game was won so smoothly, and everyone was a little surprised. This had never happened before.……

"Does this mean that we will have a great start this year?"

Kirihara is always the best supporting actor!

"If that's the case, then I'm going to give you good luck!" Liu said.

Yukimura was also very surprised when he heard the news. The smooth progress of the first game made him feel very good.

In addition, this farce……

"Yinhua is an interesting school!"

A man who knows the times is a hero." But in real life, who can do it?

"Their captain is also a strange man!"

"Um——"Everyone was chatting and laughing in his ward, and at some abrupt moment, Yukimura said a piece of news,"I forgot to tell you, the date of my surgery has been announced!"



There was a moment of silence - the next second everyone started to care

"If you calculate carefully, it will be about a month later.——"

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