"what you up to?"

"Just listening to you guys talking, I think going to school seems to be quite interesting——"

The young man smiled with curved eyebrows."The original owner of this body should be a student. Can I go to school? Lieutenant!"

The youthful wind blew into the old heart of the Golden King.

Guo Changlu Dajue, who did not dare to refuse and did not have the courage to refuse him, was shaken.


"I want to go to school. It's too boring to stay here!" What Weisman didn't say was that his intuition told him that as long as he got to a place, the rest of the things could go on. Otherwise, they would be stuck here forever.

As the unchanging Silver King, he also wanted to seek changes and let his friends have the best ending.

The Gold King looked at the bright words on the school uniform and fell silent.

This school seemed to be on an island in the middle of a lake - there was only one exit to return to Beijing. If something went wrong,……





The two pairs of eyes met, and the stalemate continued. Ren Wang, who was watching the show, wanted to praise and applaud Wiseman.

This guy really knew how to bite Kuni Changlu Dajue's heart with one word!

Thinking about it, Ren Wang felt that his hands were a little itchy.

If there were any melon seeds here, he could eat them.……

【Although there are no melon seeds, I can eat something else! 】The voice of Kitsunesuke sounded in my mind

【Can you please stop being so perverted? Although it was a pity, Niou immediately understood what Kitsunesuke wanted to say.

【We can't look at them according to common ideas.……】Kitsunesuke revealed the secret: [Although the appearance of these two people does not meet the standards of modern people, they are from the same era.——】


This makes a lot of sense. Weisman's face is so young that he almost forgets that he is an old man who is almost 100 years old.

So, these two people are indeed……

【Ahem, bah, bah, bah, I can't be misled by you! 】

His current mate selection criteria are still quite normal, don't always think too much

"If you want to go to school, it's better to go back to your original school!" Ren Wang suggested. He had a good reason,"We are not sure what the original identity of the Colorless King is.……"

Why is it possible that the body he is using now belongs to the Colorless King, or that the Colorless King has occupied someone else's body.

If it is the latter, they have to help the original person find his soul.

If it is the former, then the identity and origin of the Colorless King can be determined - it is reasonable for them to enter the school that is like an island.

"How is it?"Weizman smiled and raised his eyes.

Whether this matter can be implemented depends on Kuni Tsuneji Daijue.

It's not that Kuni Tsuneji Daijue has the final say, but he is here now - if Kuni Tsuneji Daijue doesn't agree, he can't escape alone.


This guy is really good at judging the situation!

Excellent talents are excellent no matter where they are, just like Weisman, who moved Guo Changlu Dajue with just a few words.


Wizman went to school.

Before going to school, Niou Masaharu, a poor junior high school student, suddenly felt that he should put some pressure on the Silver King who had never been to school.——

"Weisman, since you are a student, shouldn't you abide by the student code of conduct?——"

The white-haired boy nodded, and the ill-intentioned Ni Wang said

"For example, getting A's in seven subjects, or specializing in an art!"

"For example, join a friendly club to help you grow!"

He said it carelessly, and Weisman had a headache and was speechless.

"Wait, why are there so many things?"

Seven subjects, why did he feel that there weren't so many before?

"That's still a small amount now, if you add it up in high school, it may be even more!"

Ren Wang spread his hands and said jokingly,"If you don't pass the final exam, you will be kept after class!"

It's hard to imagine that scene. The Silver King was kept after class by the teacher because of his unsatisfactory academic performance. It would be a lot of fun for the king to hear this!

"If the time comes and we need to invite parents, whether it’s me or Guochang Lu, the old man will probably be happy to be there in person!"You have to participate in this kind of excitement!

Weisman certainly understood this truth, and immediately said seriously,"With my IQ, I will never end up like that!"

He felt extremely good about himself.

"Humph, I am an excellent scientist. My brain is the smartest. I can learn any knowledge immediately.——"

Wiseman patted his chest proudly.

Then... one week later.

Before the second game of the Kanto Tournament, Niou received a call from Wiseman asking for help and complaining.

He had just entered school and everything was new. Everyone felt very close to this lost classmate. Although many people seemed to know him, they didn't seem to know him very well...

If everyone was an ordinary teenager, this little problem would not be a problem in daily communication. It's just that……

"Why do we need to take exams on history and politics? The white-haired boy almost broke his hair.

"Can't I just take physics, chemistry and math?"

Oh my god, he is really not good at subjects like politics and history!

No matter which subject the exam is, it is as difficult to understand for him as the Book of Heaven.

Why do I have to divide it into one, two, three, and four? Why do I have to understand it myself?

Why do I have to understand what a person who has been dead for hundreds of years thinks in his heart? I don't care what he thinks, he can think whatever he wants!

"Niou, what do you think of studying history? Tell me now!" Wiseman's voice materialized in Niou, but you can feel his expression just by listening.

"Phew~ Rote memorization is good! Don't let your thinking diverge!"

Ryoou's smile grew even wider. If learning history is difficult, then politics - history is fine, it's just some normal memorization, but political science -

I don't want to cry if I don't mention Weisman, but once I mention Weisman, I can't hold it back anymore.

��Why do we have to think so much?"Weizman has never been a qualified politician, otherwise he would not have taken to the sky 50 years ago.

"Instead of asking me to think about how politicians talk and how things are handled, I might as well just stab them.——"

""Pu Li~" Ren Wang calmly comforted,"This is what it's like to be a student, you just have to get used to it.——"

Grabbing his clothes tightly, he tried to avoid exposing his true thoughts by using the wrong tone of voice.

"Stay Calm, Weitzman——"

Haha, it's finally your turn to bear this sad thing.

He had expected that Weisman probably didn't like politics. If he liked it, he wouldn't have run to the sky alone many years ago and become a free ruler of the sky.


【Don't bully him too much! ——Kunijoji Daijue.】

A text message made Ren Wang's smile freeze.

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