The opponent is a third-year student named Shinagawa. The most ordinary black hair is like a pair of eyes that sparkle...

"What? I thought they were so powerful, but they sent me this?"After seeing Shinagawa's paper tiger heart, Kirihara immediately became bored.

But... he turned around and got excited again. The weaker the opponent, the faster he would win.

In this way... he could happily surpass Vice Minister Sanada.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The boy who had completed his self-strategy laughed out loud without hesitation.:……

So what is he laughing at


Niou:"Don't ask me, I don't understand either!"

Niou held his head with his hand. Kaido's simple thinking was indeed puzzling!

Fortunately, Kaido started the game on his own after he had made his own strategy.

His strength was not strong, and he had heard of Kirihara's reputation before, so he was too afraid. He was even more timid in the game, without any characteristics of his own.

Although he was not as good as Kirihara, his own strength was not bad. He originally had the strength to fight, but now he only has...——


"ah——" and——


It wasn't even an unconscious roar, he was directly frightened by Kirihara.

And here...

I don't know if he was really stimulated, or it has become an automatic start mode, Kirihara directly entered the red-eyed devil state.

In Nioh's feeling, it was... huge red eyes, staring at the opponent fiercely, as if he wanted to bite him to death -

Kirihara was hungry!

The attacks in his hands became more and more crazy, fierce and tricky, and each time he could accurately hit Shinagawa's kneecap.

Nioh couldn't help but - whistled.

"I thought you would criticize him for this behavior.——"Yanagi Renji paused and began writing.

"What did you say?"Ren Wang gave a sneer.

"I'm cunning, but not stupid.——"The majesty of a king needs to be proven by strength

"No matter what time it is, as long as it is within the scope of the rules of the game, everything is reasonable!"

Ryooh fiddled with his fingers and said,"And with Kirihara's level... he is still far from touching my bottom line!"

Of course he knew what Yanagi Renji was talking about, but after seeing a bigger, more gorgeous and more ruthless world - everything in the country was just a gorgeous show to him...

After seeing the collapse of a mountain, who would care about the collapse of a piece of soil?

"……"Sanada and Yanagi looked at each other and fell silent. Yukimura has a keen eye for talent!

Better than any of them...

He didn't pay attention to their looks and just rubbed his hands.

Hmm... I'm not used to having something less in my hands when I'm pretending to be cool, so why don't I go buy some decorations!

I just finished studying world history recently, and I have a pretty good understanding of the history of the flower-growing family...

I don't know if the prime minister's fan is useful~

Should I buy a fan and try it out...

Just as Niou was thinking about it, Kirihara killed the game with absolute madness.

When the whistle sounded for 6 to 0.

Shinagawa completely collapsed on the ground. For the first time, he was glad that the game was over even though he lost!

"Shinagawa, are you okay?" The people of Meishikari ran over and supported Shinagawa, who was lying limp on the ground and couldn't sit up. They looked at Kirihara with condemning eyes,"This was just a game, why did you have to be so cruel to Shinagawa?"

Kirihara, who barely recovered to normal after the game, scratched his head, not realizing his mistake at all,"Did I do something wrong?"

"you……"Ueno was so angry.

Meishikari's captain, Tomoda, couldn't take it anymore and said angrily,"Even if you are the national champion, you can't bully others like this, right?"

Kirihara laughed,"Just say I'm talking about Rikkai University!"

He was ready to play another game, holding the racket,"We lost 6-0, and you, a useless school, still have the nerve to shout in front of me, saying we are Rikkai University!"

"Who gave you the courage?

His pupils turned red again, and his pale skin made his bloody smell even heavier.

The people of Meishikari were frightened by his appearance and took a step back, especially Shinagawa who had just fought with him.

"Devil? You are not a human being, you are a devil!"

He screamed in despair, holding his head with both hands and shrank his head, as if he was stimulated to the extreme and had gone crazy with fear.

This... frightened Kirihara back to normal.


Is this guy crazy?

He blinked innocently at the seniors in the stands.:"……"

"Wow, I didn’t expect this result!" After a while, Marui Bunta said

"If this guy really has mental problems, it will not be good for Kirihara's reputation!" Yagyu Hiroshi pushed his glasses.

Kirihara is the only candidate currently selected by Rikkai University.

Every senior is very worried about him, and they are silently caring about him in their own way and behavior.

Yanagi Renji frowned and said,"It's hard to say about this matter.……"

Genichirō Sanada also frowned,"What idiots... too lax!"

The worries of the third-years were heard clearly by the second-years and first-year non-starters behind them.

Uraya Shiita didn't know how to describe his feelings.

This... the seniors not only did not blame Kirihara Akaya for his ruthlessness on the court, on the contrary they seemed to be supportive.

The only frown now is just because - if the guy on the opposite side is scared to death, Kirihara senior's reputation will be bad!

What do you mean... if he is not scared to death, you are not going to show even a little concern?

Does Rikkai University turn a blind eye to Kirihara Akaya's violent tennis behavior?

Tamagawa was also in a complicated mood. This favor from thousands of people...���He had never enjoyed such a unique love in his life.

As long as Kirihara Akari was there, he was always in a state of being absent.

Obviously... he was never bad!

"Ren Wang, what do you say?"

Others began to ask Ren Wang for his opinion.

"It's okay, don't worry——"Niou narrowed his eyes slightly.

With just one glance, he could tell that the guy on the other side was fine!

His brain was quite quick!

As soon as the game was over, he realized that someone was helping him, so he immediately adjusted his thinking and acted crazy. He planned to use the power of public opinion to suppress Kirihara and Rikkai University - but unfortunately!

He ran into him!

Rikkai University is never afraid of any challenge, and has never been a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others.

"I'll take care of it!"

One sentence made people feel relieved. This was the weight of Rikkai University's chief. The others let go and waited for Niou's reaction.

And Niou - on the field, Kirihara was simply in a state of confusion. At the end, the third-year regulars who always appeared in doubles entered everyone's field of vision for the first time.——


Niou's recent match was also very impressive. Everyone in Meishikari knew him.

"You are Niou Masaharu, why are you the one who handles this? Where is Sanada?"Tomoda frowned.

Yukimura is not here, and the person with the highest power in Rikkai University should be Vice Minister Sanada.

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