The familiar voice made the young man pause, and he pulled the corner of his mouth helplessly,"Honey - I just stayed there for a week last week!"

He really didn't want to float in the sky anymore.

A cheerful laugh came from the other end of the phone, and the man opened his palms facing the sunset. Every movement was filled with the breath of freedom,"I knew you would come! You have the freest soul... and in this world, we are the same!"

Wiseman's eyes were gentle, and his voice was so light that it seemed to be blown away by the wind."I'll wait for you on the weekend!"

The willful man hung up the phone at ease. While Niwang was speechless, he suddenly remembered - haha~ There seems to be a competition this week!

The national competition has begun!

Niwang silently thought of the two weeks of leave he had just taken,"……"Hmm~, will Yukimura still agree to his leave?

Although they just found Hyotei to have a warm-up match before the national competition. It's not a serious match - but - the possibility is not very high.

However - we have to try!

Before the national competition begins, there will be meetings of various schools. The powerful schools will hold warm-up matches in advance at this time to keep everyone highly focused and muscle awakened at all times to ensure that they will not suffer another Waterloo in the national competition.

By Friday, Niou got two pieces of news.

One bad news, Yukimura did not agree to his vacation.

The other bad news, this time they are going to Hyotei, and Hyotei - is in Tokyo!

After Niou treated them to drinks for the third time in one day, Yanagi Renji sighed,"Okay, Yukimura means that you can move freely after the game! But - I must see you in the school club office tomorrow morning!"

Niou has been absent from training for two weeks. If he lets him go again, it will easily cause dissatisfaction among others,"Yagyu","Marui~","Kirhara"……》Ah or something like that!

"Ah...I want to take a leave too!"

"I envy Nioh for being able to go out and play!"


The last one is a random intrusion.

In short, facing the Nioh holiday, everyone is very resentful. In this regard, Yanagi Renji also made a reminder

"Be careful or they will beat you up next!" The training intensity at Rikkai University is extremely high.

If no one asks for leave and everyone trains together, perhaps no one will complain. But once someone is too happy, the resentment of others will become deeper and deeper and will continue to rise.

Nioh couldn't help but covered his mouth and laughed,"I knew everyone would have resentment, but I didn't expect the resentment to be so deep!"

And beat him up, how much hatred does this show?

"Hey, that's what I want to know, does Sanada want to beat me up?"

Yanagi Renji looked at him speechlessly,"Are you just here to watch the fun and make trouble?"

""Pfft~ No way, I'm obviously scouting the enemy!" He blinked his fox eyes, with a sincere look on his face.

"Just, you have to believe in my character!"

The hand holding the pen paused, and Liu Lianer thought, do you still have character?

""May the best of luck to you!" Since he could still criticize like that, it meant that he had a plan to deal with it long ago, so there was no need for him to say more.

Niou felt warm in his heart as he looked at Liu's back. He learned survival skills in Honmaru, met friends he could confide in at Rikkai Dali, and learned the rules of survival among humans.

Everyone was very nice to him...

So, all he had to do was - bang!

""Niou, are you crazy?" A serve from a weird angle just passed by, and with just this one ball, Taketo Mukai, who had been fooled for the 23rd time, could no longer hold back.

This time his partner was the first-year student, Hiyoshi Waka. Last time, he and Yuushi Oshima were at ease, but he and Hiyoshi Waka were obviously novices and lacked proficiency.

Didn't Niou, who was eager to show off, seize the opportunity and hit him back and forth~

The white-haired boy laughed and pouted,"Don't blame me, who told you to jump so high, of course I had to use a lob to hook you!"

Taketo Mukai's jumping ability is absolutely amazing, and it can be said to be the highest within the range of middle schools.

But tennis is not about jumping high to hit far - although there is an advantage in the air, you can't move in the air.

Looking at Taketo Mukai, whose cheeks were flushed with suffocation, Niou smiled and said,"Then you can try to grow a pair of wings and see if you can fly from here to there, so that you can predict my left and right.……"

Seeing Mukai Taketo jumping up and down, Atobe and Yukimura sat together, both of them with deep eyes,"Niou, when did he learn this kind of teasing tennis?"

"Haha, everyone in Rikkai University has their own unique skills!" Yukimura smiled gently, not revealing any information at all,"It's normal for Nioh to be reserved in the previous game!" Atobe sneered, and then said,"By the way, have you heard something?"


"Regarding the postponement of this year's national competition——"The Mysterious Road of Atobe

"What did you say?" Yukimura frowned. He had not received any information before."But aren't national competitions held on normal days? Why was it postponed without any warning this year?"

He did not doubt what Atobe said. This guy had his own unique channels.

In addition, Hyotei had a coach -

Rikkai University did not have a coach. Although they could improve their strength, some news would only be learned through word of mouth. Rikkai University not having a coach was a shortcoming.

"It seems to be a guess at the moment.……"Atobe said.

Yukimura crossed his shoulders and sneered,"What you said is just a simple guess?"

"It's possible that it was a false alarm, or it's possible that the news I heard was false.——"Atobe shrugged his shoulders

"……What is the specific reason? Any clues?"

"It seems that the match was postponed due to weather conditions in Okinawa, earthquakes and tsunamis."

This reason sounds reasonable, but neither Yukimura nor Atobe believes it. This reason is more like a superficial excuse to make everything more reasonable!

There must be a deeper reason.—— X2.

A deeper level [Kurobe]: Ah cut - the man in the white coat sneezes very gently

"Why did you go all the way to communicate? You forced the Okinawa game. What on earth are you thinking?"

Coach Saito looked at his colleague coldly.

"Didn't you see the notice from the U17 World Cup?"Although Kurobe had some other ideas in his mind, he was still

"Saito, there are some things we have to prepare in advance!" Coach Kurobe's eyes were full of coldness,"Only if we have found good seedlings in advance and have them in hand, can we rest assured!"

"All right, do whatever you want! Saito was just talking, after all, the head coach had agreed to this matter.

In the end, the people who were tormented were just junior high school students, and it had nothing to do with them.——

"Do we need to notify Byodoin Phoenix that they are back?"

"They are now playing in a foreign country, and the coaches in the training camp can do this little thing!"

Before the planned postponement of the national competition, Nioh took advantage of the momentum of winning the practice match with Hyotei and successfully got a night off.

"Be careful when you're out alone.——"Yukimura gave many instructions like a mother.

He brought the person out, and he hoped that the person could return in one piece.

"Don't worry, I have friends in Tokyo who can protect me!"This is not the time to be naughty.

"Humph, you sound like you have all the answers!" Jibe came over and listened, sneering

"Tongtian——"Ren Wang smiled,"Who knows!"

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