"Pu Li~" What kind of horrifying statement is this?

Ren Wang shook his head decisively,"No!"

His life dream is to eat and wait for death and pretend to be innocent. Half of his life is out of his control, so he just accepts the responsibility. Now he should just relax~

"No! I think my life is pretty good now!"

"So, you are determined to refuse?"

""Hmm!" Ren Wang nodded.

After savoring it carefully, Weisman smiled meaningfully."……"Some things are quite mysterious!

"……"Ren Wang was frightened by his gaze. What did this guy want to do?

"What do you want to do?"

"I didn't mean to do anything, I just wanted to take a look at you!" Wiseman supported his chin and smiled,"As a Shinsengumi of the Time Government, are you afraid of being looked at by me?"

"Puff……"Of course, I am not afraid of ordinary people, but you are the first king.

"By the way, the ability you showed me last time was quite interesting. Are you interested in improving it?"

Wiseman asked.

He and Niou met when Niou Masaharu just came back from Germany last week. Yes, in the end, he did go to Germany. But this time he only met Byodoin Phoenix Liaoliao once. There was no other competition... and on the plane from Munich, Germany to Tokyo, in the rising clouds before landing, Niou saw the lonely airship flying in the sky.

It stands to reason that he should not be able to see Wiseman's figure, but adhering to the humanitarian spirit, although he knew that the lonely Silver King was floating in the airship, of course he had to say hello.

He waved to the unknown person in the airship through the glass window of the plane. Then, he was found interesting and was invited when he got off the plane -

Hei Shiyuan personally invited him, and he also went to meet Kuni Changlu Dajue. When

Kuni Changlu Dajue called him, he said,"This is the first time I've seen that guy take the initiative to send a message saying that he wants to meet someone.……"

At that time, Niou felt that Kuni Tsuneji felt that the words were a bit strange and had a strange taste.

What does it mean that it sounded strange for the first time ?——

"What if I refuse?"Rio put his hands in his pockets. Even if he is not a king, he is the only Shinsengumi in this world of the Time Government.

Kuni Tsuneji Daijue will not do anything to him.

Kuni Tsuneji Daijue said,"As the King of Gold, I will not force you. But as that guy's friend, I hope you will see him once for the sake of him being alone in the sky for half a century.——"

The old man's eyes were calm with a hint of desire. Ren Wang, who often drank with the"old grandfathers", understood his inner desire.

This person was just like the swords in their family. In countless lonely years, he missed the only person in his fantasy. Unlike his own swords, the swords were left with only longing and lost fantasies, while the man in front of him had the opportunity to meet his friend whom he missed day and night!

"I understand!"Rio, who had no resistance to creatures like the old grandfather, agreed to his request. Under the escort of Hei Shiyuan, he boarded the airship.

Then there was the subsequent story. The two hit it off at first sight and had a happy chat. During the chat, they talked about the unchanging eternity.

Nio not only asked him questions, but also about the various skills he had learned recently around the world.

In the end, in the last second of hesitation, he became another person - although the change was only for a short second, it was enough to shock Wiseman.

"Have you chosen a name for your move?"Weizman was not dissatisfied with Niou's decision to use a tennis move.

Although he was a little upset that such a powerful skill could only be used on tennis, Niou's skills should be decided by him.

"【phantom】!"Transformed into shadows, light and shadows transformed. This was the final ending - the boy smiled with high spirits and freedom.

Weisman felt that his world was also brightened by this smile.

"Is it true that King Ni has no intention of becoming a king? He asked this question again.

"Not tested——"

""Don't you want to try your own illusion, can you transform into a king and possess their abilities?"

He said seductively. His delicate thin lips were raised with extreme charm, and Ren Wang's eyes flashed when he was dazzled by his smile.

"No!"The boy's eyes widened and he pounded his fist on the white table in front of him. The slight pain made his brain clearer.

Adolf·K·Wiseman - the No. 1 king actually seduced him!

He is already over 50, no, he is already over 50. Even if you have a handsome young face, you are still ~ shameless - he cursed the old man painted green in his heart,"I have no interest in being a king, stop joking with me, this profession is suitable for more capable people!"

After saying this, Ren Wang was about to end today's conversation. The moment he stood up, Wiseman said behind him,"But MASA, you know? Destiny is very magical!"

"Sometimes you can’t get what you desperately want, and sometimes the things you want to give up always linger around you, forcing you to accept them!"

There was a trace of sadness in his eyes, just like he didn't want to take on the responsibility of the first king, but fate made him become the immortal, and his sister died, and the story of three people only had two people left, with nowhere to talk about the desolation -

Ren Wang paused, he said,"But I still don't want to——"

"So the only thing we can do is to hold on tight! In any change, we have the ability to resist absolutely.——MASA!"

Wiseman's words left a deep impression on Ren Wang's heart. As the first king, he seemed unruly and lively. After all, he was a king who was in the sky and saw everything in the world.

His words……



"Lord Niou, Lord Kunijoji invites you!"

As soon as he got off the airship, Niou was invited again.

He didn't expect that the first thing the famous King of Gold would do when he saw him was——

"Thank you, young man!"

The white-haired boy was stunned and bowed quickly,"You... are embarrassing me.——"

He just used some tricks to get the awkward person to speak up, and it wasn't a big deal.

"Haha, you are just like what he said, a gentle person at heart."Kunijoji Daijue put his hands behind his back and smiled gently, while Niou looked at him with the concern of an elder looking at his younger generation.


Phew~ What did that unreliable guy say to Guo Changlu Dajue?

"Is there anything else you want to see me for?"Ren Wang had a bad feeling that if he stayed any longer, something he didn't want to see would happen.

"Of course there is!"

Gu Changlu Dajue said,"The little fox representing the seventh king has already contacted you, right?"

Ni Wang's pupils shrank, Guo Changlu Dajue, the ability of the Golden King——【Destiny]!

Could it be that he saw something?

"I don't want to——"

"Some things will change if you delay. I hope you can consider my advice and accept this power. It will become a force to protect you and your friends. It will make you stronger.——"

The old man's voice was steady and powerful. His calm words carried absolute power, shocking Ren Wang's heart. In addition, there was no hostility, so he could not have the slightest desire to resist for a short period of time.

"I will consider it!"

To date, two people have advised him to accept the power of the King. Each person has different reasons, and each person has something that touches his heart...

The world is so dangerous, and only by having power can peace be achieved.

He understood what Weisman said, but what exactly did Guo Changlu Dajue mean by"delay will lead to changes"?

What would happen if he did not accept the power of the seventh king?

In other words, if the seventh king who controls"randomness" is obtained by others, what unrest would occur?

——The Golden King of Destiny.

Sure enough, he is not an ordinary person!

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