This floor seemed to be specially prepared for large-scale meetings. It not only had a large living room, but also a conference room. Each room was independent and interdependent.

After explaining the precautions, the rabbit mask respectfully withdrew. The king was hesitant and wanted to run, but was——

"Where are you going to run to? Niou!"

Marui grabbed Niou's shoulder with a swift move. Before Niou could move, Dodaguni Masakuni came over, grabbed Marui Bunta's collar, and lifted him up.

Marui, who was already tall, was lifted up high. Marui Bunta stupidly kicked his legs twice in the air:...

Super innocent~

He kicked for a long time but couldn't come down. Marui turned around unhappily. Just as he was about to get angry, he saw a pair of eyes that wanted to bite him."……"

The red-haired piglet was so scared that he didn't even dare to say anything. He quickly turned his head and looked at Nioh with tears in his eyes,"Nioh~"

Nioh held his forehead with a headache."……"

He knew this would be the result.

"Tong Tianguan, this is my partner, I have no ill intentions, I just want to express my intimacy!"He stepped forward helplessly and put his hand on Tong Tianguan's arm, signaling him to let go.

Tong Tianguan raised his arm, and Niwang said quickly,"Don't throw it, put it down gently.——"

Tong Tianguan's arm paused, and his breath froze for a moment."……"

Then he slowly let go!

The moment he landed, Marui Fumita was so moved. This was the first time he was picked up by someone.

The others looked at this scene with different expressions. At first they thought he was just a simple follower, but now he looked like a bodyguard.——

"Niou——"Yukimura asked

"Who are they?" Sanada finished the second half of the sentence. Yanagi had already opened his notebook and started to record:...

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, Renwang had no choice. He scratched his head and said with a little embarrassment,"My family situation is a bit special. I have lived with them since I was six years old. I was raised by them, so they are a little extra protective of me.……"

"But they will value me, and those who value me will love the world that I love! That's it!——"Niou smiled with curved eyebrows, as if to prove that this kind of thing would not happen again.

Yukimura was stunned for a moment, then chuckled,"In that case, we won't ask any more questions!"

Although they were curious, they were not without measure.

Sanada didn't say much, but his eyes kept looking at the tendon of Tongdan Masakuni's arm... a little bit - eagerly!

Niou brought the three swords to their residence and came out to prepare for the meeting.

The semi-finals were about to start, so of course they had to hold a short meeting before the game.

"Tomorrow's opponent is Shitenhoji, a very active school.……"Liu talked about business and changed his notebook again."The current outstanding players are the following……"

The meeting lasted for half an hour, and everyone determined the basic direction of tomorrow's attack.

When the meeting was about to end, Yukimura said,"Niou, how much strength do you plan to use tomorrow?"

""Pu Li?"

What do you mean?

"You were very anxious before, so you were very aggressive in the game, but I see that you are much calmer today."Yukimura hugged his shoulders and smiled,"Can you maintain your original state?"

At this point in the game, you must let the opponent see your powerful offensive at every moment to ensure the final victory.

Nioh's previous explosive state consumed a lot of energy. Once he relaxes, he may be weak or even extremely tired.

Nioh...can he withstand it?

"Phew… I won’t lose when I’m with my partner!" The white-haired boy was extremely confident.

"Then I can only guarantee that you will play doubles tomorrow~" Liu passed by with a notebook.

Niou was about to ask a question when he heard Yukimura ask,"Then how many of them……"

The topic returned to the three people.

Ren Wang came back to his senses and smiled bitterly,"There is no way to let them go back for now, so I can only let them follow me first... I will trouble you all next.——"

Yukimura nodded, showing his understanding, but he had a request,"Don't let them attack people again!"

He pointed his finger at Marui.

"Phew~ This won't happen again. It's just the first time they saw me getting along with you guys, so they had a little stress reaction.——"

After all, Marui is also very serious, so it is normal for him to worry about Tanuki Masakuni.

Marui Bunta:...What do you mean!

After the meeting, Sanada and Niou's rooms are in the same direction, so the two of them left together.

"You... have something to say!" Ren Wang is still quite sensitive.

"Everyone in your family has seen blood, right?" Sanada stopped. Niou touched his neck and tilted his head and said,"You are right.——"

The swords traveled through various dynasties and killed the Time Traveler. Before they became sword men, they were used as attack weapons by their original masters.

——The double buff adds to the murderous aura!

"You have a very sharp sense, you can detect the abnormality in them!"Ryo was a little surprised.

The swordsman has been in Honmaru for many years, and the hostility in his body has long been dissipated. I didn't expect that Sanada could easily find it at a glance.……

"Can I compete with them?" This is Sanada's real purpose.


"My kendo has not improved for a long time, and I am eager to fight with a real strong man."He looked at Niou seriously,"Instead of looking for random people outside, I think your family is more trustworthy!"

Sanada is now in an awkward period. The real strong people are no longer in the same age group as him, and they disdain to attack him with all their strength.

And those in the same age group, he has long been invincible.

He is seeking a breakthrough again, hoping to understand the true meaning of swordsmanship as soon as possible, and appear in the kendo court or tennis court with stronger and faster attacks.

So... after realizing that there is a kendo strong man in Niou's family, he is curious or excited to find an opponent. Anyway...——

"I hope you can help me!"

Niou curled his lips in surprise,"I didn't realize you trusted me so much!"

Sanada and Hotaru dared to challenge each other when they met for the first time.

They dared to challenge a person who had seen blood but didn't know his background. It can be said that they had great trust in him as a middleman!

"Hotaru and the others are not suitable. If you want me to be your opponent, then let me be your opponent!" Niou smiled and looked at Sanada


It's not that Sanada dislikes it, but Niou's thin arms and legs are sure, is there any problem?

"Just by looking at your eyes, I finally understand why people don't want to fight you for real."

Ren Wang laughed, his mouth full of ridicule.

Although he has less tendon meat on his arms, he is ambitious and has no age.……

"After this year's national competition is over, let's have a match!" Ren Wang said with a smile

"If you can beat me, then I will no longer stop you from finding my family's knife - a family about it?"

"Okay! It’s a deal!"The national competition will be over in a few days, and Sanada can wait.


After staying in the perfect hotel for one night, everyone felt much better the next day.

Marui Bunta glanced at Dodaguni and stepped carefully to the side of Niou,"He won't come and beat me up, will he?"

Marui Piglet:...I'm a bit scared~

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