"My Lord, welcome back——"

The short swords sat in a circle, welcoming their only master in Honmaru with the most caring and warm smile.

Rantoshiro ran over with a magazine in his hand,"My Lord, can you tell me about this?"

After reaching a certain level in Honmaru, Niou has the authority to connect to the real world. The swords can also go out to the real world according to the schedule. But there are not many opportunities. The magazines, televisions, laptops, etc. that are occasionally bought are also snatched away and used in turns...

And Rantoshiro, the boy who looks most like a girl in Toushiro's family, has a hobby of reading various magazines!

"Let me see……"Niou Masaharu, who had long been accustomed to it, calmly took a beauty magazine."Oh, this is lipstick, it makes your lips red after applying it - based on the contrast between the color and the skin, it will make you look younger, more beautiful and more energetic!"

"Then, lord, can I buy this?" The boy in a miniskirt said,"I think this is very suitable for me."——"

"……Okay!"Although he felt that boys should not wear lipstick, if they liked it

"You don't have to tell me this little thing!" He chuckled,"Didn't I tell you a long time ago? Just buy whatever you want.……"

The swordsmen had been trapped in the knives for a long time, and finally regained the light of day and had the opportunity to be a human being. Naturally, they had many dreams and ideas.

As long as they reached a certain level of self-protection, Niou Masaharu would not restrict their desire to go out and buy things. Anyway, he had enough small bans! He could afford another Honmaru!

"……Hmm!" Rantoshiro silently put away the corners of his mouth.


I have always been a straight man and have never understood this aspect. I thought lipstick was easy to buy, but——

"Why in the world do we have limited editions?"

Or offline sales!

The white-haired boy's face couldn't be any darker.

"My Lord, you promised me to buy it!" Ran Teng Shiro pouted, put his hands lightly on his chin and made a heart shape, blinking his eyes and making a soft voice like water~


There is always a feeling of guilt after rejecting it.——

"All right, tell me the location and I'll go get it for you!"

Niou Masaharu compromised. Who made him the lord of this group of people? In name, they raised him, but in fact, he had been the one who doted on them since he was old enough to understand.

After all,——

【Wuhouhou——Only when sword men have the correct love from their masters can they become healthier and stronger!】

This is what his Kitsunesuke said on the first day of his induction training. The first correct thing is to understand the preferences of sword men and give timely and correct responses.

The second correct thing is to detect whether they are really happy in time.


"Sorry, my lord, for causing you trouble.……"As the most prudent and steady one in the Toushirou family, Yaken Toushirou came over and bowed with an apologetic look on his face. Niou raised his hand and gently touched Yaken Toushirou's head twice. He smiled and said,"But Ran is very happy... Does Yaken want any gifts? You can also ask for them at the same time.……"

No matter how steady this elder brother is, he is still a short sword.

He can't be partial to one over the other...

Niou never thought that one day the word"lost" would happen to him. He actually got lost in his own country, his own capital, Tokyo~

The street in front of him was desolate but with a modern atmosphere. The new technology of the 21st century lingers in every store around... But the names of the stores on this street are simple and elegant, with a taste of history!

For example, this bar called - HOMRA!

The door decoration is very much in the style of the last century, but the name is a bit rustic!

It's also because the 21st century is developing too fast - Niou also realized after becoming a Shinsengumi and studying the world course that this world is not as safe as imagined...

Sometimes the government leads an organization called Shinsengumi - and there are also kings formed based on the stone slabs of the cornerstone of the world.

There are a total of seven kings - among them, the second one, the Golden King, has become a leader in the country's economic policy.

And in the more than 70 years since he became the Golden King, he led the rapid economic development of Neon and became one of the world's leading countries.

Of course, as the capital, Tokyo has also expanded countless times, which has caused Nioh to lose his way...

I come here every year.——

""Pu Li~" I'm really tired. Ren Wang rubbed his eyebrows. Sometimes, it's not a good thing to develop too fast.——


In HOMRA, many people feel the presence outside.

"That guy...seems to have been standing outside for a long time!" said the young man wearing a black knitted hat and a simple white top.

"Well... I have been standing for quite a long time!" The blond man with glasses at the bar was wiping the cups leisurely with his eyes narrowed."There is no buoyancy in his steps. He doesn't look like someone with special abilities. He must be a passerby who got lost.……"

Izumo Kusanagi made a clear analysis.

"How stupid! It's such a short distance, and you're still lost!" Hatta Misaki said with disdain.

At this time, the red-haired man with two red hairs on his forehead, who was lazily lying on the sofa, said lazily,"Send him out——"


The door of the bar was pushed open.

Before Suohon could speak!


Niou didn't want to step into the bar either. He was just a 13 or 14-year-old boy, a junior high school student. He knew where he shouldn't go, but this was the only bar open nearby.

He got lost here and couldn't find the store that Rantoshiro mentioned, so he could only come here to try his luck. What if he could meet a bunch of good people?——

"Hello, I'm sorry, I'm lost and your house is the only one open nearby, so I'm sorry to bother you.……"

Niou calmly scanned the crowd and then bowed 45 degrees.

Since he was teaching others manners, Niou Masaharu's manners must be impeccable, even though the group of people in front of him were all dressed in punks and looked fierce, and there was also a fat man who looked extremely vicious. The man at the bar never stopped smoking, and his eyes behind the glasses were full of golden light, with ill intentions. It was obvious that he was not easy to mess with - but it didn't matter... Just face it calmly!

The people of Houmaira:... This kid is very brave!

"Is this your first time in Tokyo?" The man at the bar came back to his senses, narrowing his eyes slightly, hiding the temptation and coldness deep in his pupils.

Most young boys would be scared away if they saw them like this, but this kid still greeted them calmly, not bad, not bad

"No, it's because the expansion has been so great in the past two years, so I got lost. Sorry to bother you.……"Another very polite apology.

Even Zhou Fangzun opened his eyes and looked at the person

……This guy is really brave!

Kusanagi Izumo glanced at Suohon and saw that he didn't object, so he said,"It's okay, this kind of situation often happens. You go out and walk along this street for five minutes, turn left, turn left, and then turn right, and you can get out!"

"Oh, thank you!" With his eyes slightly lowered, Ren Wang thanked him politely.

There was a sound of people gasping for air around him, and some people rubbed their arms, with goose bumps all over the floor...

Ren Wang slowly raised his head:"……"Is it really that exaggerated?

Anna Kushina, who was sleeping lightly on Suoh's thigh, woke up when she heard the noise. The moment she saw Niou, her eyes lit up. She jumped off the sofa and ran to Niou. She looked around curiously, and finally...——

"My name is Anna Kushima!"She extended her hand like she was making friends!

Anna Kushima: On this day, my world has gained a touch of clear silver...

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