As soon as the white-haired boy finished speaking, the sharp tennis ball whizzed past, leaving a bright yellow shadow in the air.

The faces of the two people on the opposite side changed. This speed was simply...


Despite their best efforts, they were still not as fast as the fast tennis ball.





The speed of the tennis ball was getting faster and faster.

Although Niou and Mori Jusaburo did not cooperate much, their individual strength alone was enough to make others far behind.

The funny things of Golden Koharu and Ichiuji Yuji had no effect on the two of them, which meant that they had already lost the game.




Until the sixth game, the score was completely widened. This gap became particularly obvious~

After the start of the seventh game, Niou and Mori Jusaburo cooperated and made two more clean attacks.

30 to 0.

Although they scored points overall, compared with the bright 4 and the upcoming match point with the last two balls... they were still not good enough!

The atmosphere in Shitenhoji Temple was stagnant... Rikkai University was more flamboyant.


The two bright yellow figures in the field smiled brightly, and their bony palms lightly touched each other in the air, as if celebrating their upcoming victory.……

"Damn it, these two people are doing it on purpose, it's really annoying!"

Zaizen Hikaru gnashed his teeth."Is there no other way? How come the two seniors' jokes don't work on them?"

Obviously, Ichiuji Yuji and Golden Koharu's comedy teamwork is impeccable. Obviously, Golden Koharu's……

"Since you know he is useless, what are you worried about?"Watanabe Osamu held the toothpick in his mouth and raised the corners of his lips silently,"Don't you see it?"

Golden Koharu has been very serious since the beginning!

Although their Shitenbao Temple is a funny school, it does not mean that they are losers in their bones.

Golden Koharu - as the weakest of all the members.

He occupies the starting position with his weak body!

His abilities have never been limited to those so-called funny stories.……



The wind began to change.

A gleam of light flashed across the bottom of Niwang's eyes - the wind is coming!

At this moment, Ichiuji Yuji and Golden Koharu happened to have their backs to them and made eye contact. Niwang didn't know what message they were conveying.


"Maori Senior——"

"Got it!"

He didn't know what their purpose was. But his purpose was very simple - that was to dig through the surface of Golden Koharu and see the inside.

When Golden Koharu and Ichiuji looked back, they found that the positions of Niou and Maori Jusaburo had changed. Originally, it was an Australian formation with Niou in front and Maori Jusaburo in the back.

But now it has become an abrupt one on the left and one on the right, one in front and one behind - although Niou is still in the front, but, I always feel that something is wrong?

Golden Koharu's eyes darkened,"……"

But now there is no chance to see what is wrong. Everything in the world has its own rules. People cannot have different strengths just because of their positions.

He nodded to Ichiuji Yuji, and the boy instantly understood that he had to proceed according to the original plan.

Then - bang...

Angle 45, speed 60, there is a loophole in the right leg - receiving the information given by Golden Koharu, Ichiuji Yuji's wrist flexibly hit the ball to the original location.

Bang -



"Beautiful...they finally started to score."

Zaiqian Guang was particularly excited. After being frustrated for so long, he finally saw the time to fight back. Watanabe

Xiu was half happy at first, but the next second he was frightened by Niwang's cold eyes."……"

Is this an unexpected look?

It doesn't look like it at all?

Rather than an unexpected look, it seems to be expected. With a chill on his back, Watanabe Osamu looked at Mori Jusaburo, but found that the young man still looked lazy, with light in his eyes, but without a trace of warmth.

Watanabe Osamu:"……"Hey, hey, hey, you are kidding!

Are there such powerful people among junior high school students? They don't change their color until the collapse of Mount Tai?

They have already expected this ending. No matter which one it is, it is terrible.

"Koharu, Yuji - the two of you——"

""Pfft~ What? After all this time, it turns out to be just intelligence!" Niou pouted in boredom. Maori Jusaburo also stood up straight and relaxed his vigilance.

"What?"Golden Xiaochun was stunned.

"I said your trump card is to obtain intelligence at high speed——"All the funny things are to pave the way for intelligence. Now we are fighting back because the game can't be delayed any longer and the intelligence is collected.——

"Maori senior, wake up, come alive——"Gently knock on the sleeping heart and open your eyes.

Following Niou's words, Maori Jusaburo stretched his waist, his originally bright eyes sank, and he hunched his back, emitting a terrifying aura that instantly swept the entire venue. The data-oriented Golden Xiaochun swallowed hard, feeling that he had awakened a terrifying beast - bang - he had no time to react, and even couldn't move his feet. He raised his hand and swung the racket. At this moment, the speed of the ball reached a terrifying 150 kilometers per hour.

Although this ball speed is rare among junior high school students, it is not the highest, but it is definitely the most shocking in this game.——


Ryooh grinned and helped announce the plot with a smile.

As a human being, the main thing is to be happy.

After disgusting them for so long, the result was just a simple piece of information.

Ryooh was very disappointed. The consequences were very serious. The ending was naturally not very good. Draw a sword to cut off the water, and the water will flow more.

Although it can't cut off the water, it can still cut off a tennis ball.

A bright light flashed, the murderer awakened, and between the highlights and sword shadows, a game ended in tears.


"The game is over, and Rikkai University wins this round!"

"You two are really good, you fooled them for the whole game!"

Marui Bunta, it was not until the end that he realized that these two people did not use their true strength at all, but fooled them.

Niou took the water handed by Hotaru and said with a smile,"It's obviously their own lack of strength, but they blame us~"

"Phew~ At the beginning, I discussed with Maori-senpai that in case these two people have any special tricks, we should take it easy for now, but in the end, there is only funny tennis and data analysis!"

"Don't be too happy too soon. He is just unlucky because he met a genius like you. An ordinary person would definitely be tricked by you.——"Liu came over to pour cold water.

He couldn't let Ren Wang's fox tail get too high. What if something went wrong?……

"I told you that ordinary people are just ordinary people!"Ryoou smiled without hiding anything, with a natural domineering and unique look in his eyes.

Yukimura in the crowd flashed his eyes,"……"Nioh seems to be a little different

"Senior Mori, what's the matter with this skill of yours? I've never seen you use it before?" Liu began to analyze the data of Mori Jusaburo. After this game, he found that his understanding of Mori Jusaburo was too shallow, not even as good as Niou.

Even Niou could find that Mori Jusaburo had a hidden skill."Come to think of it, Niou, how did you find out?"

"I also want to know——"Maori Jusaburo glanced over.

He was just in the middle of a game, so he didn't have time to ask.……

"Isn't it enough to just feel it? Isn't this a necessary skill for a doubles player?"Ryo felt that their question was a bit strange.

"As a doubles player, isn't it normal to judge your partner's physical fitness by his physical strength and breathing intervals?"

As soon as he came on the court, he felt that there was something wrong with Maori Jusaburo's breathing.

As soon as Niou said this as a matter of course, the whole audience fell silent - everyone looked at - Marui!

Marui Bunta:...Why are you looking at me?

"No, why are you looking at me?" Marui Bunta was frightened and took a step back.

Liu Momo said:"……What do you think about everything Nioh said?"

"I - I have no idea——"Marui Fumita understood that it was Niou who was putting the blame on him again. He glared at Niou fiercely and said through gritted teeth,"No one stipulates that doubles players must fully understand each other, right?"

"Don’t you think so—Niou!" Marui Bunta’s eyes almost popped out of his head in anger.

Niou… looked up at the sky~Pu Li~

What does it have to do with me?

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