Yukimura said scary words with a smile

"Ah, are there any penalties?" Kirihara blinked his eyes, which were red with excitement.

Isn't it enough to just rush forward in the competition?

""Aka, do you want to lose?" Yukimura said with a smile.

"of course not——"Kirihara Akaya quickly shook his head

"Who is it? Let's decide the punishment first, so I can make a record!" Yanagi Renji said calmly, holding a notebook. Kirihara

Akaya said,"What punishment do you want, senior?……"

Perfect, the topic went off topic.

Well, Kirihara Akaya, who was still struggling with the punishment, immediately began to think about what punishment he should give.

The two friends of Niou Marui looked at each other and turned their heads away silently.

They are both sophomores, so……

"Kirihara, I suggest you run 50 laps. Marui spoke first

"Swing the racket 2,000 times, it will help improve your tennis skills!"Ren Wang was not to be outdone, he even turned his head slightly and looked at the people around him,"Does anyone have any good suggestions? Let's put them forward together.……"

After saying this, everyone around looked at Ren Wang with strange eyes. They just like to torment others, but Ren Wang, you are a king bomb.

Dog, you are really a dog——

"1000 push-ups……"


Several people criticized Niou and put forward their own suggestions.

Kirihara was so confused that he received a lot of punishments.

They were old acquaintances with Hyotei, so they didn't have to test him at the beginning. The opponent was a familiar pairing, and they——

"Is it really okay for me and Mori-senpai to play together as a duo?" Niou said coldly,"Last time it was a one-on-one duel, but this time there's no demonstration, it's a two-on-two duel, what on earth are you thinking?"

"Senior Maori is about to graduate. Can you bear that he can't play in the final national competition?"

Under the azure sky, the pure white lilies with black stamens swayed gently, and the arc they raised made people feel cold.

Nioh:"Pu Li~"

"Well, I can't bear it!"For the sake of the lilies.

And for the sake of——

"Senior Maori, please take care of me in this game.……"

This statement is true!

"I thought you would strongly object. Maori Jusaburo opened his sleepy eyes and asked

"But this is indeed your last game in junior high school!" The white-haired boy looked up. The sun was shining brightly today, and the perfect sunlight reflected the blue lake water into a beautiful pool of clear water green.

It should be the window of the soul. Maori Jusaburo was in a trance... He felt as if he was at the junction of spring and summer when the greenest color was deepest, feeling the unique gift and care of nature for him.

He seemed to have become the freest soul. In this space, he ran and wandered happily, feeling the most gentle wind and warm sunshine... He is - bah - wait, what is he thinking!!!

The person in front of him is a junior, a junior, not some magical nature?

Pah - slap to the face, with a snap, so crisp.

Maori Jusaburo calmly faced the two slap marks,"Ahem... since you don't object, then let's go on the court!"


What happened to the senior?

Half an hour later, 4-2, Rikkai University was in the upper hand.

Atobe Keigo, who was standing on the stage, couldn't understand what was going on,"Coach Sakaki, what's going on?"

Standing below were his most trusted team, Oshitari and Mukai.

What was the result?

Facing a team that was obviously just cooperating, this is it!

"That Mori Jusaburo seems to be particularly excited today——"Coach Sakaki nodded expressionlessly, feeling a little headache. For athletes, a passionate state is very important.

It can determine the outcome of the game to a certain extent, and even the magnitude of the five-dimensional value.

In addition, his partner Niou did not lag behind at all and was able to keep up with the speed perfectly. The game became one-sided in half an hour.——

"The root cause is that Maori Jusaburo is mainly on guard against him!"

Oshitari gritted his teeth secretly,"……"Is this guy Nioh kidding him? He changes partners every time they meet, and he can't figure out his routine every time.

"Mori-senpai, I heard that people at Rikkai University don't like you very much. Wouldn't you feel unbalanced playing for such a team?"

Since there's no mistake in adjusting our strength for the time being, then we should attack their hearts - Oshitari pushed his glasses and said something to sow discord, speaking very slyly.

Mori Jusaburo was indeed stunned,"You don't like me, right?"

He thought he was quite likable, and looked at his partner next to him for help.

Nioh chuckled,"We all like Mori-senpai very much. Mori-senpai is a reliable angel, much better than the red-haired guy next to you who can only scream.——"

This wave of counter-taunting was at its maximum.

Niou remained calm and continued to poke at Hyuga Gakuto's lungs,"Why are you looking at me like that? Isn't it true? I don't know who didn't catch the ball just now, and screamed. Look at our Mori senior.——"

He smiled and turned his gaze towards Mori Jusaburo,"Our Mori senior would never be in such a situation. He is as calm as ever and has become a loyal supporter for us juniors!" He raised his chin proudly and glanced at Oshitari Yuushi and Hyuga Gakuto with contempt. Seeing that the two of them couldn't say anything after a long time, Nioh felt that it was boring and too unchallenging - you said this - it's already the finals of the national competition!

Since you want to poke someone's lungs, of course you have to poke the lungs through it - thinking of this, Nioh didn't hide his identity as a little bitch, he swung the racket forward violently, and the tennis ball flew with his sharp words.��"Come to think of it, I really feel that you, Hyotei, are particularly pitiful.——"

When Mr. Atobe in the audience heard this, his face darkened.

How could Hyotei pity them?

Niou responded with a smile, explaining,"Do you know why Hyotei can never beat our Rikkai University?"

""Pu Li~" His eyes were bright,"It's because I don't have the blessing of my predecessors!"

Oshitari paused.

Bang -


Niou curled his lips in satisfaction, looked back at Mori Jusaburo, who had a hint of excitement in his eyes, and increased the dose.

"Oshitari, I'm not saying anything bad about you guys - I've never seen a school whose tennis club is as bad as yours~" He waved his hand and sighed,"Hyotei and Rikkai University are both schools where freshmen turned over and achieved great feats!"

He changed the subject,"But our third-year seniors at Rikkai University did not completely leave because of the juniors' promotion. Instead, they adhered to the principle that if we work together, we will get better and better... The second line stayed, and that's why we have today.——"

He waved his hand and said in a magnificent tone,"Senior Maori and I, the seniors and juniors, will join forces to suppress you, the victorious——"

"you……"Oshitari is also a little unhappy

"Me?" Ren Wang snorted,"What's wrong with me? Isn't what I said the truth?"

"loser——"He tilted his head, and the last spike pierced Oshitari's heart.——


The game was already hanging in the balance.

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