"A win at the start, well done!" Yukimura chuckled, obviously very satisfied with Nioh's performance.

"Since you have such great strength, don't be lazy and skip training every time.……"Sanada crossed his arms and said coldly,

Niou pointed at himself and then at Mori Jusaburo,"Are you talking about me or Mori-senpai?"

It felt a bit subtle~

Sanada moved his hat and said,"Huh, too lax!"

Of course, he was talking about the two of you.

The first victory and the consecutive victories made the relationship between Mori Jusaburo and Niou quickly become familiar, and Mori Jusaburo was about to leave the club. At this moment, the surging joy was multiplied to Niou.

"You guys have a really good relationship.……"

Maori Jusaburo sat in the audience, hugged his shoulders and said with a little envy.

Niou tilted his head,"Senior, don't you have good relationships with peers?"

Rikkai University has good relationships because there are many peers, basically all third-year students, and they can say anything transparently. In addition, everyone is eager to win, so naturally there are fewer conflicts.

"At Rikkai University - no……"His eyes, which were always heartless, flashed with a distant look.

He was a transfer student, and he transferred to Rikkai University in the first semester of junior high school. All the people who grew up with him in the first grade were left in the memories of the past.

And now, as he entered higher school, everyone has disappeared.……

"So, Mori-senpai has a rift with us, so he hasn't come. Does that mean the tennis club won't train anymore?"

Niou asked.

"Of course not!" Maori Jusaburo widened his eyes.


"Actually, it's because of the growth period!"He scratched his head awkwardly and explained,"I grew too fast in the past two years. My strength always fluctuated due to my height, and my center of gravity was unstable, so... I wanted to wait until I stopped growing and then consolidate my strength again."

His original intention was not wrong, but Rikkai University itself was a high-intensity training school.

That's why Mori Jusaburo seemed out of place here.

"So that's it……"Niou lowered his eyes.

Height——Compared to them, it is really an enviable trouble~

But speaking of this——

"I do know someone who is taller than you, almost two meters tall!"He said thoughtfully.

"Two meters? Really? How big is he? What's his name?"

Mouri Jusaburo suddenly became interested,"Here's his contact information, I have a lot of questions to ask him!"

There are a bunch of short people around, and many things are very inconvenient.


I feel insulted, thank you

"After the national competition, I will try and see if I can get it.……"



Doubles 1 was played by Marui and Kuwahara, who lost the match by one point in the tiebreak, 7-6.

And singles 3...Kirhara vs. Hiyoshi Waka.

Both of them were more serious than last time. Kirie's hair turned gray in an instant. Niou stared at the red eyes floating above his head and fell into deep thought.

This thing... is it really okay? Kirihara's temper during the match was more than ten times worse than before. Although he didn't swear, his whole body was full of dangerous and violent aura. What on earth is this



""The inferior overcomes the superior!"

The roar-like shout startled Ren Wang, and he looked in the direction of the voice.……

""Puff~" Ren Wang pinched himself silently.

""My lord, what's wrong with you? Why are you pinching yourself?" Yingwan rubbed Niwang's arm in confusion.

"Hotaru, this world is not normal after all……"After a series of strange things happened in Rikkai University, such as the red eyes floating above his head, this chaos finally drifted to Hyotei.

Hiyoshi Waka - mutated!

From Nioh's perspective, the red eyes glared fiercely at the strange figure behind Hiyoshi Waka, or rather, it was not a person, but just a strange phantom. The shadow raised his hands, one high and one low. The eyes revealed in the movie were as sharp as a samurai. He landed steadily on the ground with his back foot and raised his front foot slightly in an arched shape.

It was really strange.——

"Hotaru, do you know what this posture is?"Ryooh briefly described the shadow's movements.

Don't underestimate his swordsmen, each of them is a martial arts master.

"I have the impression, but I don't remember……"Yingwan said.

Niou paused, and before he could say anything, Mutsu no Kami Yoshiyuki next to him poked his head over and said,"My lord, I know, this is - ancient martial arts!" The young and handsome man hooked his lips and touched his chin,"I didn't expect this school to still exist today.——"

"Ancient martial arts——"Niou looked at Yanagi,"Yanagi, what does this Hiyoshiwaka do at home?"

"I run an ancient martial arts dojo." Liu narrowed his eyes and asked,"Why are you asking this?"

"nothing——"Niou chuckled and looked away,"Can you see what's there?"

He was pointing at the sky behind Hiyoshiro.

"There's nothing.……"Hotaru frowned slightly

"oh……"Ren Wang was completely sure that only he could see this!

Ren Wang was a little melancholy, but also a little excited.

This world is originally magnificent, and he has taken the lead in this world. He will surely set off layers of huge waves on this wave and become the biggest conspicuous bag on the wave - but before that, there is still a mountain to climb.

——Yukimura Seiichi.

Perfectly reasonable swing, extremely accurate speed and power. Watching Yukimura play tennis is like watching a perfect visual feast.

Every swing of his racket sends the tennis ball to where he wants it to go. He doesn't waste any energy, and doesn't say a word... Even Keigo Atobe would find it difficult to leave with a smile in his hands.

"Puff……"The face of the atomic being is very ugly

"Haven't they fought before?" Kirihara asked

"No, during the practice match, our school's No. 1 singles player was Sanada——"

Every school has its own trump card, but Rikkai University does not have a trump card, but a gift from God - the Son of God!

"Yukimura...was born for tennis."Every breath he takes, every beat, even every cell in his body, seems to be born for tennis. Such a person should be the center of attention!

""Pu Li~" Nio's eyes were blazing.

The first target is you - Yukimura!

Since you have embarked on this road, you must climb to the top, otherwise how can you talk about……

——Phoenix of Byodoin Temple.

The fox lowered his eyes and licked his paws. It was hunting time -

Across the ocean

"Boss, you just shuddered.——"

"No!" Byodoin Phoenix said expressionlessly... and gathered up her sleeves.

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