"What do you want to do?" Niou Masaharu looked at the coffee cup in front of him and raised his head to the opposite side.

When the young man in a tall blue uniform, black-framed glasses, an unhappy face, and a sword asked coldly, he thought he would have a fight today...

But, he invited him to drink coffee -?

And it was one of the most expensive coffee shops in Tokyo...

Are all civil servants so rich now?

And - do civil servants have to carry swords when they go out on the street?

Niou really has a lot to say

"Nothing, I just want to ask you what you saw in that block, tell me what you know!" The young man grinned, revealing a wicked smile."Little brother, if you don't tell the truth, what's in front of you is not coffee, but……"

"……"Sigh...Ryoou sighed in his heart. Does he look so easy to bully?

Blue, sword, rich, arrogant. And this iconic face - do you think all the information he memorized before was in vain?

"Fushimi Saruhiko-san - is this how Director Munakata usually teaches you etiquette?"Ryooh picked up the coffee cup and took a sip. Tsk, it's so bitter.

He had learned to behave in a certain way in front of different people since he was six years old. He kept a straight face to suppress the bitterness that filled his mouth. He tried to curl his lips normally, [Awesome smile]】

——Who doesn't know how to threaten people?

"You are not an ordinary person!"Fushimi Saruhiko's eyes turned cold. He originally thought he was just an ordinary person, but he didn't expect——

"Humph, as a subordinate of the Blue King, and a public official of the country, it seems that you should not threaten ordinary people!"

Fushimi Saruhiko - as expected, he is just as perverse and undisciplined as described in the information, with only,

——Misaki Hatta.

Yes, who would have thought that the most rational Blue King, whose favorite general is actually a stubborn madman with only one person in his eyes.

And the tyrannical Red King, who is always abusive and spitting at people, is a pure boy who blushes and dares not look at girls...

Ah, the world is really going downhill, it is hard to understand!

"You are not an ordinary person, but you can get out of Houmaira's territory safely. Who are you?"

Fushimi Saruhiko slammed the table and sneered with dark eyes,"Since you know my name, you should know that I am different from those people who are bound by rules... I will really take action!"

""Puff~" Ren Wang leaned back in his chair, looked at this lunatic, and sighed deeply in his heart.

In the world, lunatics are the most terrifying existence.

Because - no one can understand their thoughts!

Because A is obsessed with B, he wants to know whether everyone around B will pose a threat to him.

Therefore, after work, he sneaks around and guards all the checkpoints around B, so that he can catch suspicious people and ask them at any time.

And he is the unlucky guy C. As a capable C, of course he doesn't want to be threatened anymore.

Crazy A is so scary, who knows, he will be killed by C if he says something wrong.

But, revealing all the background seems to be making a fuss...

That compromise——

"Bingo! How about this, I'll tell you about Hatta Misaki, and you'll just pretend you didn't see me today, and you don't know me, and nothing happened between us, how about that?……"

King Ni decides to negotiate terms

"You know a lot.……"Fushimi Saru's eyes darkened even more. He didn't like being threatened, especially by someone who knew nothing about him.

Niou smiled and said,"Well, in this circle, who doesn't know about the grudge between you two?"……"

"I don't want to cause trouble, and you don't want to threaten me. We'll call for information and then we'll be done, OK?"

With his hands on the table, the boy was calm but anxious,"My child wants me to buy lipstick for her, but if I go too late, the place will be closed.……"

"——Good!"Fengpi Fushimi is never afraid of challenges.

Five minutes later, Nio looked at the extra line of words in his phone's address book and left with satisfaction.

Poof~ Another friend (out for business))——

From now on, he has people for land, sea, air, human, demon, and even unidentified objects (specifically Kirihara Akaya)!

Niou rushed into the offline sales center of the limited edition lipstick at the last minute, and quickly grabbed the last lipstick in the surprised eyes of the exquisite aunt next door - he took a long breath and walked slowly on the streets of Tokyo.

What a joke... Don't think you can go home after buying lipstick, his knife account is almost full, with dozens of knives.

One lipstick can only satisfy a mere Rantoshiro.

If others knew that he only brought gifts for Rantoshiro and not for them... they would cry and hang around in front of him~

Niou thought about this sweet trouble and couldn't help but speed up his pace.

But today he seemed to have poked the nest of the king. As soon as he was away from Fushimi Saruhiko, he ran into a group of people wearing rabbit masks.

That's right, a group of people!

"Non-time hospital——"

"My Lord, the King of Gold has specially sent us here to assist you in completing your shopping spree!" Fei Shiyuan, wearing a mask, spoke very calmly and in a very lofty manner."——Whether it's lipstick or snacks, we can help you carry anything!"

The boy was shocked by this sentence."……"

His face is so red~

Standing on the most prosperous street in Tokyo with the most people, Nioh is so embarrassed that he wants to dig out a three-bedroom apartment with his feet.

Does the King of Gold know that all his people are like this?

"Ahem, that... just help me move a few things!" Ren Wang said, covering his eyes.

It's no use for free labor.

He won't lose anything!

Of course, dinner is also taken care of.

After dinner, he was escorted home by the rabbit mask. Ren Wang finally had a bit of peace at night.

"Ah, the color of this nail polish is so beautiful, isn't it? Thank you, Lord——"

"Ah, is this smiling and spinning flower given to me?"

"The color of this ribbon is very suitable for little tigers.……"

Everyone had their own gift, including short swords, wakizashi, tachi, dachi, and even guns, which made the swords crazy.

Although the prices of the gifts varied, some were just a simple token of their appreciation. But they were happy that their lord took them to heart and remembered the preferences of each of their swords - this... bang~bang~bang~bang~bang~

At first they were restrained, but after the first person banged out a rain of cherry blossoms, the rest could no longer hold back, and in an instant, the entire courtyard was submerged in thick pink cherry blossoms.

Just like that, Nioh was caught off guard and saw a grand dance of cherry blossoms - the most girlish pink appeared on these big men, on this midsummer night, under the pitch-black night, the floating pink flowers occupied a space that could not be ignored.……

"" Puff ~" It was worth his hard work for several hours.

After all, even if someone followed him to buy things, he bought them all by himself.


"Enough is enough. What will the cleaners do tomorrow?——"Yakiri Hasebe rubbed his hair in pain, and with his other hand he tightly hugged the sportswear that Niou had brought him."……"

The gift from the lord was his last bit of joy and relief.


"Master Masa, I have something important to report to you!"

In a cheerful mood, the little fox came running over with light steps, climbed into the arms of the King, and said

"What's wrong?"Ryoou curled his lips and rubbed the little fox-like dog in his arms.

Although it was not as good as the touch of a real fox, the simulation of the Time Government was already very good.

"The government of time has detected that the main castle you are in is being frequently attacked by the same force.——"

Kitsunesuke said while enjoying the service of Niou Masaharu

"We suspect you're being targeted.——"

"what happened——"

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