The same golden glow wrapped around the entire stadium, and the sailing ship representing Britain also appeared behind the gentleman man. Britain was called the Empire on which the sun never sets in the 18th century, and the man was born in a seafaring family. For him, he understood the deep meaning of the sea better than anyone else... When the

Phoenix of Byodoin saw this, his eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes turned into a very bright golden color, just like the sunlight at 12 o'clock noon was crushed in his eyes, with extreme aggression and destructive power that illuminated everything.

There was no need to wave his hands, and the moment the momentum was released, the turbulent waves attacked from behind...

The humid and hot sea breeze floated slightly from left to right, and the pirates' cheerful and arrogant singing could be faintly heard in the air, as well as the horns that belonged to the domineering pirates!

It was like the brave collision between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean - the blue and dark green collided with a powerful force at the moment of intersection, and the whole stadium was embraced by the smell of sea salt.

The wind blew gently, bringing a smell of the sea.……

"……"The boss has a more accurate grasp of power!"

Someone in u17 couldn't help but praise.

The power of the Phoenix of Byodoin has always been open and closed, and the person is violent and strong, but for Irie Kanata and Tanejima Shuji, this behavior of chasing chickens with Gatling guns is really a bit of a waste of talent, which makes people unbearable to watch.

Now... there is a different feeling...

The skeleton pirates wielding samurai swords and pistols jumped onto the deck with sharp and piercing laughter, crossed the waves between ships, and rushed straight into the sky in a regular manner. They boarded the ship, the sails fell along the ropes, and they attacked each other's homes in groups!

The pirates who conquered the world, at this moment, used the most accurate small to see the big, and shuttled through the fleet!

The man who just joined the Neon team had a wooden face and froze. Just at the beginning, his face has been in this state.

It was as if he was hit by lightning and burned. Although serious, he looked a little silly...

Duke Watanabe:"……"

What was he worried about at first?

Niou Masaharu would be exposed halfway.

But now... looking at the photo album on his phone, the Byodoin Phoenix was so obvious that it couldn't be more obvious.

This was the photo he had just taken. There was nothing wrong with it. It was a vivid... vivid - no matter from which angle you looked at it, it was a Byodoin Phoenix of a blond man!

There was no flaw at all, and there was no problem at all.——

"……"Watanabe Duke was so scared that his hair stood on end. What on earth was Niou Masaharu's magical skill? How could anyone fight him!

If there were no restrictions, he could become anyone.

His changing expression aroused Yue Zhiyueguang's suspicion.

Even if the skeleton pirate lost an arm or a head, he could still put it back to his original form with the help of his companions. He was simply an immortal existence.

Soon, the pirates rushed to the enemy ship with arrogant laughter and took the captain's head!

When the sharp samurai sword flashed a sword light and broke through the opponent's throat coldly, the whole game was over - the dark fog dissipated, the sun shone on the sea, and everything was calm and peaceful instantly covered up the reality of the turbulent waves just now.

Byodoin Phoenix laughed sarcastically at the gentleman opposite,"A soft boat without any offensive tendency is not worthy of floating on the sea!"

I thought I would see some surprises, but... hum! Rubbish!

The first day of the game ended smoothly, and Watanabe Duke was relieved.

It also made Yue Zhiyueguang……


"Yueguang-san, where are you going? Yuezhi Yueguang, who was carrying a tennis bag, didn't expect to run into this little red-haired girl at the corner.

""Why are you here? Didn't you go to the game?" he asked

"I went to see, but my junior was missing. I'm looking for him now!"When Maori Jusaburo talked about this topic, his face showed a bit of anxiety.

"Junior?" Yuezhi Yueguang recalled the appearance of the white-haired boy in his mind.

If he remembered correctly, before he met the boy, when he first sensed the boy's breath, there was another shadow beside him -

Byodoin Phoenix!

Ha, this is really an interesting thing...

Byodoin Phoenix, who changed his appearance inexplicably and made him extremely suspicious, Watanabe Duke who suddenly joined the u17 team, and Niou Masaharu who knew Byodoin Phoenix and suddenly disappeared.

The three things seemed to have nothing to do with each other, but there was an obvious relationship - which made him even more curious, what was going on?

After a day of competition, Byodoin Phoenix's various behaviors made it impossible for him to find a place to investigate. Whether from his words and deeds or from his tennis strength, there was nothing wrong with this person.

If it weren't for the weird intuition in his heart at the beginning that made him directly certain. Perhaps he wouldn't have any doubts - and therefore, he had no suitable excuse to investigate.

But now, doesn't he have an excuse?——

"I can talk to our captain and ask him to help find it.——"

Maori Jusaburo's eyes lit up, and he knew that the man in front of him was a cold-faced but warm-hearted person. He would definitely be happy to help him.

"Thank you so much.——"

The red-haired teenager's eyes sparkled, and he was almost dancing with joy.

This made Yue Zhiyueguang, who had other thoughts in mind, feel a little guilty."……"

This guy is really simple.——


"Come with me!" His eyes sank slightly, hiding his thoughts, Yuezhi Yueguang led the way in front, and Maori Shouzabulang followed him to the business suite where the Byodoin Phoenix lived alone.

Byodoin Phoenix was stopped by Watanabe Duke


The blond man ignored him and walked past him.

Watanabe Duke frowned and said,——"

"Shut up���"The blond man turned his head, his eyes as sharp as a sword, cutting into Watanabe Duke's skin.

"Come in——"The two of them have reached the door of the room


As soon as she entered the door, the Phoenix of Byodoin seemed to have untied the restraints in her eyes, and she rushed forward suddenly, holding onto the cabinet at the entrance with her slender white wrist.

"……"Watanabe Duke quickly followed,"Are you okay?" He could already tell that something was wrong with Niou Masaharu.

The white-haired boy recovered in the blink of an eye. He wiped his lower lip and sneered,"It's okay!"

"your face……"When he turned around, Watanabe Duke saw his face clearly. His originally fair face looked even paler, and his lips were pale to the point of being colorless. The clear green lake water was deathly silent, and bloodshot was all around. The boy's chest was vibrating violently... as if he was extremely tired!

"You are not fine at all!" Watanabe Duke asked,"What's going on?"

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