Today's game is over, and there's nothing to do next anyway.

Looking at Yue Zhiyueguang's leaving figure, Irie Kanata frowned,"The two of them……"

Why does it feel like we have made an appointment?

Is it his illusion?


Duke Watanabe urgently dragged the Byodoin Phoenix and ran away. The Byodoin Phoenix did not resist at all. Following his force, he rushed through the crowded area and arrived at a dark corner.



Before the tall man could ask, Ren Wang removed the phantom and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground.——

"Are you okay?" Duke Watanabe asked anxiously.

"Ha~ha~" Fine beads of sweat fell down his chin, and Ren Wang leaned against the wall, breathing heavily. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his palm, turned his head and leaned against the wall, letting his body fall along the wall.

"I'm fine……"In the dark corner, his voice was weak, as if he would die in the next second.

"You're no match for Reinhardt, right?——"Watanabe Duke said seriously.

What others saw was the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple who won a great victory over Reinhardt.

But he knew that under that majestic figure was a kid who had just learned tennis for less than two years!

The news was that day when he added the red-haired boy's contact information for safety reasons, and he told him

"Niou is one of the most talented kids I've ever seen... In less than two years of learning tennis, he's already become a regular starter at Rikkai University. Together with Yukimura, they played in national competitions and became national champions!"

"What is the price?——"

He observed Ren Wang carefully and found more details.

The white-haired boy lay in the corner against the wall, breathing heavily, and his Adam's apple moved unconsciously. The boy suddenly arched his body while breathing, and the next second, a violent cough came.……

"cough cough……"


Watanabe Duke didn't need to observe for long before his eyes were stung by the dark blood clots in the thin white palm.

"His mental power hurt you!"

This is an affirmative sentence - with one hand on the ground, Niou lowered his head, his fine hair covering his eyes, making it difficult to see his expression.

In fact, he didn't know why he was so persistent - during a game, he knew that he could not control the power of the Byodoin Phoenix now.

He became a king to gain power, and his mental power has been greatly improved - but all this happened in too short a time, and he had no time to accumulate power and use it skillfully.

The result of short-term quick success is that he cannot integrate it.

He obviously has the power of seven, but he can only play to four. The Byodoin Phoenix in the Phantom City can reach Six. The result of forcing yourself to improve is a very powerful backlash!

At the mildest, your face will turn pale and your body will feel unwell. At the worst, you will spit blood and your internal organs will be destroyed - not to mention that he was hit by a tennis ball during the game with Reinhardt, and the damage caused made it even worse! It

's really not worth it - this is a deal that is not worth it no matter how you calculate it...

The little fox raised by the two white balls and black balls, Kogumaru and Tsurumaru, should not be like this.

But - in the dream at midnight - the figure that was holding up in the darkness, the pair of eyes that were unwilling to give up but could only gradually darken in the distant sky……


It is an ugly but inspiring word!

It makes people sneer and laugh at his naivety. It also makes people's blood boil... They want to help that person grasp this last bit of glory and light that should belong to him!


As Ren Wang fell to the ground, he couldn't help but laugh at his own stupidity.

He pushed himself to the point of being covered in wounds, and the person who should have worked hard was sleeping there until now, recuperating. He... was really stupid!

Da Da Da



The anxious calls overlapped at this moment.

In a daze, Niou Masaharu seemed to hear the voice of Mori Jusaburo.

He laughed miserably,"……"

How is it possible? Maori Jusaburo is still in the dark and knows nothing...

Well, I'm a little tired...

I don't know if I can take a break...

The next game should be in three days, and Watanabe Duke should carry him back and keep this a secret!


"Niou, Niou Masaharu——"The red-haired young man squatted on the ground anxiously to check on his junior

"Hey, who are you?" Maori Jusaburo turned his eyes angrily at the miserable junior and looked at the only person next to him."How did my junior offend you? You hit him like this - he even made him bleed!" He glanced at the tennis ball on Watanabe Duke's back,"You play tennis, right? Don't you know that you will be suspended for fighting? What's more, you are bullying people unilaterally? Believe it or not, I will go to the Tennis Association to sue you now!"

His eyes were wide open, with fire shining in them, and he was angry to the extreme.

"What does it have to do with me?……"

Watanabe Duke is innocent, it's a big blame from heaven!

It was clearly Nioh who asked for his own death, why is he the one who receives the criticism?

"Maori... the truth is not like this……"

Watanabe Duke was delighted that finally a reasonable person came. But when he looked up and saw who was talking, he was speechless.——

"You... why are you here?" The wrecker on the court stumbled nervously.

The person who came was none other than Yue Zhi Yue Guang.

"Is it weird that I'm here?" Yuezhi Yueguang said,"I'm the one with the strongest mental strength in the Neon Team!"

So, the answer is obvious!

"What do you want to do?" Watanabe Duke is still alert.

"What can I do? I have already played two games. Could it be... exposed now?"

Yue Zhi Yue Guang said with a cold expression.

He has never had too many emotions. Now this situation is already shocking.

Shocked by Ren Wang's bold behavior and his desperate spirit...

Based on his mental power perception - Ren Wang's condition is not too good now!

His mental power is weak, and his breathing is so weak that it is almost undetectable. If he is allowed to continue like this, his life may be in danger at any time.……

"Best now——"


The dull and firm footsteps came from the corridor outside. Yue Zhiyue paused. This breath was overbearing and natural. There was also a little anger in it, just like the scorching sun. It quickly burned the earth, making this dark and dull place suddenly have a blazing temperature. What shocked him the most was that he was very familiar with this breath!


The man walked very fast, brushing past the cold figure standing there at the fastest speed. He looked intently at the figure who fainted in the corner."……"


The blond man raised his eyes, flames rolling in his eyes…

Duke Watanabe’s breathing stagnated."……"

The Byodoin Phoenix looks like it's really angry!

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