
I don't know what was wrong with me, but the boiling blood rushed to my cheeks instantly,"Are you a pervert? You took off your shirt just to shave!!"

Snap -

I grabbed the towel next to me and threw it on him,"Put on your clothes when you come out!"

Byodoin Phoenix speechlessly pulled the towel off her face,"My clothes are wet!"

His face was full of#,"Can't you be gentler? We are all men, who hasn't seen whom?"


"Regardless of whether you have seen it or not, you can't be so unkempt!"Ryou covered his eyes speechlessly, and said,"Don't look at it, don't listen to it."

The Phoenix of Byodoin changed from anger to surprise."……"

This group of high school students are used to doing all kinds of wild things all day long, but this is the first time they have encountered such a situation - a pure-hearted junior high school student?

Haha, interesting!

This guy has always been disrespectful to him, arrogant, as if he owed him a million or eight hundred thousand. When has he ever seen such a look?

Byodoin Phoenix curled his lips and smiled wickedly,"Really? I think it's great, do you think it's sad and immoral?"

He moved closer, and his low voice whispered in Niou's ear, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

The white and tender earlobe instantly seemed to be stained with red water as if by the sunset~

"Hey, don't get so close to me.……"Niou removed his palm and looked at the Byodoin Phoenix with a pair of smart eyes.

The Byodoin Phoenix suddenly laughed, and an unprecedented joy entered his chest,"Hahaha……"

Finally found this kid's weakness!

Humph~ But, this red face and red ears look really...

I feel pity for him!

This reminded the Phoenix of the tennis court that night.

"I'm not asking you to look at anything else! How is it? Do you still like my face?" He asked after putting on his clothes.

"" It's OK! It's just so-so!"

Niou didn't even look at him, and said to himself.

Byodoin Phoenix didn't care, and took out his sword that he hadn't used for a long time from the corner of the room,"Would you like to try it?"

As the most promising family of monster catchers in Kyoto, the Byodoin family not only has a large area, but also has very complete facilities, including large and small martial arts arenas.

"Let's go!" Niou Masaharu got up in a hurry. He couldn't wait to leave this small room!

That's right - small.

This place must be too small, so he was a little uncomfortable, and even his face was a little hot. It must be okay to change to a bigger place - both of them were very confident in their own strength, and they also had some special means in hand. The group members did not wear protective gear, and even the knives they held were already sharpened.——

""Master, are you two sure you don't want to wear protective gear?" The disciple next to him asked with concern.

Forget about Master, this kid looks young, even if he has only been learning kendo for a few years. Isn't it a bit too much to not wear protective gear after a few years? What if he gets hurt?

"He is my boss! He is much better than me in this aspect.——"The Phoenix of Byodoin weighed the sword in his hand twice and said

"Huh? How is that possible?"

The disciple looked back at Ren Wang in disbelief. With his thin arms and legs, he didn't look like someone who could beat his eldest son in kendo!

"Then you just wait and watch.——"

The moment they grasped the sword, their states changed. They were like unsheathed swords, with a fierceness that broke through the ground.

Niou raised his wrist and attacked first. He was not tall, so he worked hard on his speed. He sent a wakizashi flying at the speed of the dagger.

In just a moment, he rushed to the Byodoin Phoenix Temple.

""Damn, so fast!" This speed really shocked the little disciple who was watching the show on the side.

Byodoin Phoenix sneered without panic and blocked his upward attack with a downward chop. The two of them fought here for an entire afternoon, until they were sweating and their whole body was hot. The little disciple was full of praise for Niou's strength,"I am really blind, his explosive power is too strong!"

The disciple's eyes popped up, he had never seen someone like Niou, who was so thin but could swing the wakizashi like a large naginata.


"He has put in much more effort than we thought!" The Phoenix of Equal Court praised expressionlessly, causing the young disciple to look at him sideways.

Although the eldest son had a blank expression on his face and did not look very happy, hearing a word of praise from him was already the highest praise, not to mention the excitement in his eyes - it was obviously true recognition and joy!

""Master, do you like this Prince Ren very much?" the young disciple asked as he approached.

"I don't like it!" Byodoin Phoenix Dead Fish Eyes

"Is that so?"As a servant and disciple of the Byodoin family, he grew up with Byodoin Phoenix. The two of them have been together since childhood, so naturally there is less restraint. He also understands the emotions behind this face better than ordinary people.

Although Byodoin Phoenix looks fierce, he is actually a kind person in his bones.


"The book says that we should face our own hearts. If we don't face it seriously, some people will be snatched away!"The little disciple winked at him ambiguously.

Then he got a slap from the Phoenix of Byodoin,"What are you thinking about all day long?"

Is he the kind of person who is attracted by beauty? Although Niwang is not bad looking, he is a man, okay!

"But my Lord, the way he looks is really different.——"

"Are you blind?" The Phoenix in front of the Byodoin Temple snorted coldly.

The young disciple was not panicked at all, and winked at the Phoenix in Byodoin Temple,"It's all drawn.……"

Byodoin Phoenix:"……"

You just pull���Your whole family is all wired!

Which eye of yours can still be wired when seeing the look?

And Niou Masaharu was full of complaints in his heart, what does that mean? Can these two people pay attention? He is still behind him and not far away!

"Pooh~ Hey, little brother, can you please go to the side for a while?" Niou Masaharu stepped forward, sighed, and patted his shoulder.

"Hey, why are you still here?"A hand suddenly appeared behind him, which frightened the disciple.

"Of course I have been here all the time!"Look at what he said. He was an invited guest. If he is not here, we can meet somewhere else. Did the host chase him away?


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