Princess Against the World

Chapter 1023 Want to die? perfect you

Jin Lanzhi shook her head meaningfully and sighed softly, her eyes gradually brightened.

"Old Ji, the reason why the suzerain wants to promote her may be because he saw something in her that we didn't see!"

Ji Yun's pupils couldn't help trembling.

yes! !

The same is the Xuanshen Jiuzhong, whether it is him or Jin Lanzhi, with Elder Sha's move just now, I am afraid that the bones and scum can be wiped out in seconds.

But Ling Luoyu was intact!

Even if he was injured, it seemed that he was far away from death.

Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to provoke!

Facing Ling Luoyu's clamor, Elder Sha turned his head ferociously, his neck creaking.

"You really don't know how to live or die!! Want to die? Then I will help you!!"


The profound energy that had entered the first level rose again, and came crashing down, crushing wildly.

The profound energy blowing towards his face brought a sense of suffocation.

It was as if a pair of big hands covered her face and blocked her mouth and nose forcefully, cutting off some sources of breathing.

In an instant, the blast disappeared, her clothes and hair fell down, and she remained motionless, as if trapped in a vacuum.

Entering the profound energy of the air-peeping state, one can perceive the mysteries of heaven and earth, and count the five elements.

And those who have entered the Qi state can tentatively control the five elements, use them for their own use, and form a space enchantment.

What Elder Sha is using now is the space enchantment.

To put it bluntly, it is the prototype of the space enchantment.

Because of the limitations of his cultivation, the space enchantment he formed is just a simple confinement, which blocks the opponent's air, hinders the opponent's breathing, disturbs the opponent's panic, and cannot really trap the opponent.

Otherwise, Elder Sha would have stopped talking about erhu a long time ago, first trapped Ling Luoyu, and then made an example of others!

Feeling suffocated, Hao's wrist turned, and the soul blade swirled out.

The chaotic primordial spirit above the blade is like a sharp blade of golden light, slashing out violently, forcibly cutting out a passage of life from the suffocation.


The space barrier formed by the first layer of profound energy was severed by the soul blade, separating the two sides.

The air rushed towards his face, and Ling Luoyu's clothes whirled again.

Elder Sha's pupils shrank suddenly: "How is it possible?!"

Although the space enchantment he formed has not achieved great success, it can trap even the masters of the Qi realm.

Why was he defeated so embarrassingly when facing a Xuanshen Jiuzhong? !

At the same time, the soul blade has already arrived.


The power of the chaotic primordial spirit erupted and stopped abruptly.

"What's this?!"

Horrified, the deeply charged profound energy surged up and met the soul blade.


The strength of the two sides fell into a stalemate for an instant.

With the power of the ninth level of Xuanshen, Ling Luoyu actually carried the first level of energy.


The disparity in power is disparity after all.

Xuanshen Jiuzhong was defeated in a split second after resisting.

The army was defeated like a mountain!

In an instant, Ling Luoyu's profound energy was completely shattered by the incoming energy.

The soul blade broke open and flew into the distance.

And Ling Luoyu himself, also under the defeat, flew up like a kite with a broken string.

"It happened!"

Ji Yun exclaimed in surprise.

Jin Lanzhi's pupils shrank suddenly: "Not necessarily!!"

The direction Ling Luoyu flew was the barrier.

Rather than saying that she was defeated by Zhenfei, let's say that she took the opportunity to escape.


Ling Luoyu's body broke through the barrier and landed in a state of embarrassment.


A mouthful of blood spurted out again.


Jin Lanzhi and Ji Yun, one on the left and one on the right, both took over Ling Luoyu.

Under the force of the impact, the three of them retreated five or six steps in unison before they stabilized their bodies.

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