Before the words were finished, he understood a little.

Slowly raising his head, he looked at Ling Luoyu, and finally understood why she had a face that made all women jealous.

" are a woman..."

Ling Luoyu pulled out the soul blade indifferently: "Do you know why I want to kill you?!"

The eyelashes trembled slightly, and they met his eyes eagerly.

"Because you have endangered the safety of my family! As long as you die, they will be safe temporarily!!"

Killing Jiashan is not the ultimate goal.

What she wanted was the information in Jia Shan's space ring.

The manuscript of the reckless family is the most important thing.

Therefore, she would inquire about other manuscripts on the sidelines.

When he learned that Jia Shan itself was a manuscript, Ling Luoyu became even more determined to kill and silence him.

Ling Luoyu broke through Jia Shan's interspatial ring with mental power, forced his way into it, and wiped out all the contents inside, just like a devil entering a village, he searched everything clean.


At the stairs on the second floor, three people sat around on the stairs, muttering softly.

"Jiang Yi, Elder Jia moved fast enough. We were thinking about waiting here for another five or six days. We didn't expect him to come long ago!" Gongsun Zhi said while aiming at the door of the room.

Pang Lu also frowned suspiciously: "That's right, counting the days of the letter, even if he received the letter, no matter how fast he came here, it would not be so fast!"

"Hush!" Jiang Yi lowered his voice: "Elder Jia came here a long time ago, seven days ago! Your letter was only forwarded three days ago. As soon as I saw your letter, Elder Jia told me to pay attention. , as soon as you come, take him to see him immediately!"

Gongsun Zhi moved closer to Jiang Yan, with a gossiping expression on his face: "What is Elder Jia doing here?!"

"I don't know, but it seems to be related to the killing order!"

"Order to kill?!"

Pang Lu and Gongsun Zhi immediately looked at each other.

Jiang Yan waved his hand anxiously: "Shhh! Keep your voice down!! By the way, do you think that the King of Hades is lucky? He can sell five blood crystal coins with just a little news!"

"That's not a small news, it's news from the Wild Clan!"

Pang Lu couldn't help but smile when he thought that he would have blood crystal coins in his hands after a while.

"After that kid comes out, let's not do it in front of Elder Jia... If he finds out that we are cheating, it will be bad!"

"Yes, yes, yes! We lured him out, and it's not too late to do it..."


The three of them whispered to each other to discuss where to attack, and discussed how to distribute the five blood crystal coins evenly and fairly, and let out bursts of low laughter from time to time.

After a long time, Jiang Yi muttered inadvertently.

"No wonder it's said that this news is worth five blood crystal coins, and it's been so long!"

"That's right, Elder Jia didn't even call for tea..."

The eyes of the three of them drifted towards the door unconsciously, feeling an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

There was no movement in the room for a long time, it seemed too quiet.

Gongsun Zhi restrained his smile, and said cautiously: "Don't you think it's a bit strange?"

"Yeah, it's too quiet... There was a little movement just now, but now it's silent..."

Pang Lu's face changed a little: "It can't be... something happened?!"

"No way?!"

That being said, the three felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

It's so quiet!

Gongsun Zhi gently pushed Jiang Yi: "This is your territory, why not... you go ask?!"

"I'm not going!" Jiang Yan resolutely refused: "I'm going to go with the three of us, don't let anything happen and I'll be the one to blame!"

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