Princess Against the World

Chapter 1073 It's Your Fate

Under pressure, he didn't even have the strength to speak.

He could only stare at Ge Sanqiu viciously, which made his hair stand on end.

"Brother, don't worry, I won't steal your gold coins..."

Sitting Dragon: "..."

Damn, can you fucking shut up!

I really want to vomit blood on this guy! !

The sleeves of the clothes floated by, and a corner of the clothes came into view.

Ling Luoyu was condescending: "Leng Lian, let him go!"


"Let go!!"


Withdrew his profound energy coldly and unhappily, watched Zuo Dilong struggling to get up, and smiled coldly.

"It's your fate!"

Sitting on the ground, how could he dare to answer, standing there full of embarrassment, it's not going to go, it's not going to go!

Ling Luoyu stared at the mercenary union, and walked in with his sleeves thrown.

"Fatty, come in with me and write the recruitment notice!"

Feng Chenglin pointed to the nose sitting on the ground, "You are lucky!"

Except for Zuo Dilong, no one understands how the current plot is changing.

They didn't understand why the sitting dragon instantly wilted!

Ge Sanqiu stepped forward cautiously: "Brother..."

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped hard on the face.

"Send people to watch here for twelve hours, and find out who these people are and what they are doing at my main ferry! And the most important point... Find out whether they have settled here for a long time, or just A passerby of an era!!"

If he lived here for a long time, would he still be around? !

A guard can be so awesome, killing him is like trampling an ant to death, so he's still an ass, pack up and get out as soon as possible!

Ge Sanqiu got a slap on the face, but felt baffled.

Who did he provoke? !

Just now he was treated as a brother and wanted to avenge him, but now he has become a punching bag.

Zuo Dilong spat, turned around aggressively and led the people away, leaving Ge Sanqiu standing there feeling uncomfortable, neither walking nor not leaving.

"Let me check to check?!"

Just as he was struggling with pain, he saw Feng Chenglin ostentatiously holding a piece of red paper.

"Everyone, this shop is newly opened, and we need to increase fresh strength. We will hire experts with a lot of money to join us! Anyone who passes the assessment will be hired with a lot of money!"

Ge Sanqiu was even more confused in what he was saying, but he still understood a few key words.

A lot of money to hire a master!

Now salivating and leaning forward: "My lord... I don't know what kind of master you need to hire, this so-called passing the assessment... What kind of assessment is it?!"

Feng Chenglin laughed mockingly: "Why are you asking this?"

Does this person know how to write the word "shame"? !

It is extremely brazen and shameless! ! !

The one who was beaten just now was crying for his father and mother, but in a blink of an eye he came forward.

I didn't know, I thought they were friends for many years!

Ge Sanqiu ignored his sarcasm, still pointing to the word "employment" on the red paper with a smiling face.

"Aren't you looking to hire someone?!"

Feng Chenglin almost burst into laughter: "What do you mean?! Could it be that you want to apply?!"

Ge Sanqiu smiled coyly: "If it's possible... of course that's the best! As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other! I'm an old man at the main ferry..."

Leng Lian couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and poked him in front of him.

"If you can beat me, you can be hired!"


Ge Sanqiu felt joy in his heart, and glanced Leng Lian up and down.

"Then... how much is the dowry?!"

Feng Chenglin couldn't hold back, he burst out laughing.

He slapped him coldly and unhappily, and hit his cheek: "Five sausages with baby's breath, do you want it?!"

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