Princess Against the World

Chapter 1075: Code Ghost

"Mercenary union?! Is there such a family in the Jianghu?!"

As the chief rudder of one party and Jia Shan's subordinate, he belongs to the intelligence search agency, so he has come into contact with a lot of information.

But he had never heard of a sect named Mercenary Union.

There are even some schools of the rivers and lakes, small families that are not named, and there is no such name!

Where did these people come from? !

With a light wave, he beckoned to the people around him and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Yes! This subordinate will do it now!"

The man disappeared into the crowd silently, Jiang Yi still stood still, looking up at the four words on the plaque.

"Mercenary union?! What the hell is it?!"


Ling Luoyu took a rough look at the structure of the house behind, and frowned slightly.

"It's not very big..."

Feng Chenglin bitterly said: "Third Young Master, you don't know that this main ferry is worth every inch of land, and you can't even buy a house with gold! Just this shop, I paid three times the price of the house. Made it!"

"Okay, anyway, we are in such a process, a little bit is fine..."

Ling Luoyu's original intention was to use the words "mercenary union" as a cover-up.

It doesn't really matter if the specific room is big or small.

Fatty Feng glanced at Ling Luoyu, and stepped forward cautiously: "That...Third Young Master, your mercenary union...what the hell is it for?!"

"Mercenary union?! This is a long story!!"

To put it bluntly, the mercenary union is a third-party authority.

Customers with needs will post tasks to the mercenary union, and then give corresponding rewards according to the level of the task. After the mercenaries accept the task and complete the task perfectly, the reward will go to the mercenary, and the mercenary union will draw the corresponding share.

Of course, when the mercenaries accept the mission, they also have to hand over a certain deposit.

If the task is completed, the deposit and reward will belong to the mercenary.

And in case the task fails, the security deposit will be confiscated, part of it will go to the trade union, and part will be given to the customer as compensation.

But for the current Ling Luoyu, she needs to increase her popularity and prepare for the eradication of the Blood Mansion by the way, so she pays out of her own pocket, hires experts at a high price, and forms a mercenary alliance.

Regarding Ling Luoyu's explanation, Feng Chenglin was at a loss.

"Third Young Master... what are you going to play?!"

Ling Luoyu did not tell Feng Chenglin about the matter of the Blood Mansion.

Knowing too much will do him no good.

"Fatty, in order to prevent others from finding our information, everyone needs to have a code name. From now on, we will be called by code names! You will catalog the code names of Leng Lian and them, and give them to me!"

Feng Chenglin responded, muttering and picking up a pen and paper: "I still have to give you a code name...Third Young Master, what is your code name?!"



The word mercenary union is like a leavening agent. It took only three days for it to be passed on by merchant ships and spread across half the world.

Everyone knows that there is a mercenary union at Longhe Main Ferry, which hires masters with high salaries.

But how high this salary is, no one knows.

But more importantly, they were curious as to whether anyone would apply for the job.

Because most of the masters are raised by the sect's aristocratic family, how can such a person have the courage to be sentenced out of the sect and join the trade union again? !

Therefore, everyone is more interested in watching the excitement.

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