Princess Against the World

Chapter 1108 He still doesn't want to die

"You... whatever you want, we will give you... except our... heads!!"

At this moment, no matter how stupid they are, they will understand something.

These two definitely came prepared.

Otherwise, they would not simply intercept them.

Ordinary forest robbers, who can have such a high level of cultivation? !

Furthermore, among the Zombie Clan, who doesn't know that they have escaped from the world, and which Bangchui bandit dares to come here to rob them? !

Isn't that asking for trouble and asking for death? !

Ling Luoyu didn't seem to understand his words, tossing the gold coins up and down for fun.

"I don't want anything else, but your heads! That's it, let's toss the gold coin to decide! Whoever the gold coin lands on will be the next target, okay?"


Almost in unison, all the messengers roared in grief.

Leng Lian leaned forward at that moment and pointed at Cui Xun.

"You, come out!!"

Cui Xun shook his head like a rattle, tightly clutching his partner behind him.

"I don't!"

Going out is a living target.

He doesn't want to die yet! !

Leng Lian's expression turned cold: "Come out!"

Under the scolding, Cui Xun's body trembled suddenly. Before he could protest, he didn't know who kicked him by the waist and kicked him out.


He knelt down on the ground in embarrassment, as if he was on the execution ground, all thoughts were lost, just waiting for the fatal blow.

"'t kill me..."

Apart from begging, he didn't even have the strength to escape.

Leng Lian impatiently picked up his collar and lifted him up abruptly.

"Let me ask you! What message did you say just now?!"

"Yes..." After Cui Xun was stunned for a moment, he understood in an instant, and nodded his head like a rat: "Yes, yes, it is a message, and we are for the person who carries the message!"

"What is that message?!"

Cui Xin was speechless for a moment and remained silent.

Leng Lian was too lazy to chat with him, and suddenly threw it to Ling Luoyu.

"Master, I'll see you off..."

Ling Luoyu kicked out horizontally, and kicked Cui Xun in the chest like a boulder, forcing him to slam into the ground and step on his heart.

"Since you are so loyal, then I will fulfill you!"

Under the scolding, the chaotic Yuanling rose suddenly, forced to enter Cui Xin's body, and broke through the dantian.

For the deterrent effect, Ling Luoyu's ultimate move this time was ruthless and decisive.

The chaotic spirit wreaked havoc on Cui Xun's heart.


After he spat out a mouthful of blood, he didn't calm down like Lu Dage and the others, but he was still spitting out blood.

The bloody scene really shocked the other messengers.

Everyone stood there stiffly, no one begged for mercy, let alone stepped forward to check for help.

They seemed to have seen their end, their eyes were terrified, and their bones were trembling.

Leng Lian didn't mean to give up, but pointed at another person casually.

"You, come out!"

The cold and heartless words made the man tremble, and he instantly realized that his death was approaching.


He suddenly knelt down on his knees, trembling all over, stuttering from fear.

"I...I tell message is...the fifteenth of June..."

Leng Lian frowned: "Why June 15th, I'm still on August 17th..."

The man's face almost fell to the ground: "I... my message is this!"

He suddenly pointed to the person behind him.

"You can ask them, they have other messages... As long as they are combined, it will be a complete message..."

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