Princess Against the World

Chapter 1120 Tracking

Obviously, adult drama has begun to be staged inside.

Ling Luoyu quit voluntarily and stopped disturbing.

She found a ridge and escaped, eating melon seeds while waiting for the teacher.

Without half a stick of incense, Qidang paces out.

Behind him, followed by the reluctant Magu.

"Damn ghost, it's like this every time, it's about to leave after coming here a few times..."

"I can't help it. There are too many things on my side... When the Gu family's affairs are dealt with, I will definitely accompany you well..."


The two stood there and talked about love for a long time, you and me, reluctant to part.

After a stick of incense, Qi Dang turned around and left.

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Nima! !

It took only half a stick of incense to do the indescribable thing, and after removing the details of wearing clothes, it was still a fluffy yarn!

Suppressing a smile in his heart, Ling Luoyu jumped down and continued to follow.

Mysterious energy poured out, and a wave of mysterious energy that seemed to be absent passed by.

His footsteps stopped abruptly, and his pupils closed.

Apparently, his men didn't dispose of the tail.

"What a useless thing!"

Expectant eyes swept around.

In his capacity, in the oasis of the sea of ​​blood, almost everyone knows that if he does something, there will be some gossip if he doesn't keep it clean.

Therefore, he must lead the opponent to a place where there is no one else before he can do anything.

Thinking of this, Qi Dang decisively walked to the Temple of Heaven for offering sacrifices in Xishan.

It was a place where the nobles offered sacrifices, and the common people stopped, and the rich and the noble would not go there under normal circumstances.

In order to prevent Ling Luoyu from being unable to keep up, he slowed down his pace carefully, until he was close to the altar of offering sacrifices, then he quickened his pace, and after a few ups and downs, he disappeared.

Ling Luoyu stood in front of an empty square, turned around, looking for traces of Qi Dang.

After turning around twice in a row, he finally sensed that there was someone behind him, so he stopped abruptly.

Behind her, Qi Dang appeared on the temple of heaven in the distance like a ghost, looking down at Ling Luoyu aggressively.

Ling Luoyu didn't seem to know that someone was staring at her, she still stood there motionless, with her back to Qi Dang, standing quietly.


When there was a whistling sound during the period, the profound energy with four levels of aura swirled towards Ling Luoyu in an instant with overwhelming momentum.

The moment the profound energy was about to hit her body, the chaotic spirit rose up and resolutely protected Ling Luoyu.


The profound energy broke through her body, passing Ling Luoyu's body with a bang, like a mudslide bursting a bank, instantly knocking her down.


Amidst the screams, Ling Luoyu was tightly suppressed by profound energy, unable to move.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Qi Dang's mouth, and he came slowly.

"I thought how deep your cultivation could be, but it turned out to be only the power of the Xuanhuang! With your cultivation, you still dare to follow me. You are really overestimating your strength and looking for death!"

Amidst the contempt, he stood in front of Ling Luoyu with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Say, who asked you to follow me?! Is it Tu Zhengyang?!"

"I... I don't know what you... are... talking about?!"

Ling Luoyu's voice was very laborious, as if he could hang up in the next second!

"I don't know!? Well, I'll take your head to see Tu Zhengyang!!"

Amidst the roar of anger, he raised his hand again, and slapped Ling Luoyu's head viciously.

"Order to Kill..."

Ling Luoyu spat out three words as if struggling to die, and was so shocked that he withdrew his profound energy, almost hurting himself.

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