Princess Against the World

Chapter 1122 Shameless self praise

He chuckled, trying to be gentle.

"Little brother, on the way home, I saw you were injured, so I rescued you..."

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Nima! !

This old bastard doesn't draft drafts when he tells lies!

Can such shameless self-likes be done? ! !

Although there is sarcasm in my heart, I still have to show gratitude.

"It was you who saved me? Thank you so much..."

Ling Luoyu made a gesture to get up and kowtow, but when he got up, he fell down and sat down, looking very weak.

"It's so dizzy..."

She stroked her forehead exaggeratedly, as if she was going to faint again.

"Don't move, be passive! Sit down for a while, I'll get you something to eat, maybe you'll feel better if you eat something!!"

How could Qi Dang dare to make Ling Luoyu faint again, if he continued to faint, he would faint in a hurry.

Ling Luoyu responded weakly, looking very helpless.

"Thank you……"

The corner of Qi Dang's mouth twitched, responding with a smile.

When he turned around to leave, his smile froze for an instant, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his hands were clenched into fists.

Thinking about his expected status in the Blood House of Recluse, he would be regarded as under one person and above ten thousand people.

But I didn't expect that I would personally serve such a person of unknown origin.

It's fine if she can give the answer he wants, but if she can't, then don't blame him for being rude!

Ling Luoyu pretended not to see his movements, and continued to lie down leisurely.

Not long after, Qi Dang Baba came with a food box, put two meat and two vegetarian delicacies on the table, and greeted with a smile.

"You must be starving, come and eat..."

Ling Luoyu struggled to get up, and walked to the table with great difficulty.

"Teacher Qi, to be honest, I really want to thank you... If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would die outside! Tell me, how should I repay you?!"

"Repay, easy!"

Qi Dang hurriedly sat down opposite her, and very graciously brought over a bowl of hot porridge.

"Just tell me, the content of the message will do!"

"A message?! What message?! Whose message?!"

"The command to kill..."

"Order to kill?!"

Ling Luoyu was even more suspicious, and after thinking for a long time, she frowned depressedly and shook her head slightly.

"I don't remember... How about you remind me... What is this killing order? A thing, or a person?!"


"Oh..." Ling Luoyu suddenly made a long ending.

Qi Dang's eyes then slowly lit up: "You remember?!"

"No!" She answered quite simply!

Period: "..."

I don't remember what you were so excited about? !

He couldn't help but get excited for a while.

With a mocking smile, he couldn't help but said: " think about it carefully, before you got hurt, you said such a thing..."

"I said!?"

"That's right, the order to kill is what you said!"

Ling Luoyu frowned, as if she was racking her brains to think about something, and finally shook her head sadly amidst the expectant eyes.

"I don't remember... I can only vaguely remember that I came with a mission..."

The tension in my heart resurfaced: "Yes, yes, what is the mission?!"

"Can not remember……"

Period: "..."

It's going to kill me! !

If he continues with such ups and downs, his old heart will be broken!

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