Princess Against the World

Chapter 1156 She is a burden

These words sounded like scolding Miao Yuhong, but even a fool could tell that he was mocking Ling Luoyu!


With a silly smile, Ling Luoyu pretended not to understand, and slowly got up.

"Brother Shuangxin, thank you for the water!"

Shuangxin blushed: "You... are you leaving?!"

He was the one who brought people here, but he was excluded, he was inevitably a little embarrassed, and felt sorry for Ling Luoyu.

"Dashanxi, why don't you come with us!"

He didn't have the nerve to say, with your cultivation level, it's more dangerous to go it alone!


Ling Luoyu's eyes flicked to the others!

"Brother Shuangxin, I appreciate your kindness, but I still won't bother you..."

She put on the basket and turned around decisively.

Shuangxin wanted to keep her for a while longer, but finally shut up!

Bringing this person is tantamount to carrying a burden, which will lower the combat effectiveness of their entire group.

Carrying the basket on his back, Ling Luoyu resolutely walked towards the outer mountain peak.

At this time, everyone is flocking to the mountain, and the periphery of the mountain will be much quieter.

She needs to find a place that is completely deserted, and then enter the chaotic realm.

If she guessed correctly, the sudden drop in profound energy should have something to do with the storm group in the dantian.

After she refines that storm, she will be able to restore her cultivation.


Chaos realm.

The storm in Dantian is still there, everything remains the same.

This time, Ling Luoyu used his spiritual power as a guide to invade the storm, draw out a ray of energy, and refine it for his own use.

With spiritual power as a guide, the refining speed has obviously doubled.

After she refined it a few times in succession, she became even more handy, and her speed increased a lot again.

Although the storm didn't seem to be decreasing in any way, Ling Luoyu felt the rise of the primordial spirit of chaos.

This time, the Chaos Primordial Spirit is not the pale gold seen at the beginning, but a dark blue color.

Vaguely, she could even feel the explosion brought by the primordial spirit of chaos.

It's like the fusion of countless lightning and thunder, forming a unique force!

The newly released Chaos Yuanling is very thin, as thin as a cow's hair, just like the beginning to condense, but its qualitative power is thousands of times that of the golden Chaos Yuanling.


Mysterious energy broke through and went up.

From the ninth level of Xuanhun directly to the level of Xuanhuang, from the first level to the ninth level, in the Nascent God, it is still the first level to the ninth level.


The predicament of the Xuanshen Nine Layers was smashed through without any effort, and the profound energy poured out, straight into the air-peeping realm!

As soon as he entered the Peeping Qi Realm, Ling Luoyu felt the exhaustion of his strength.

It's like a reservoir that is ready to go, after the reservoir collapsed and burst its embankment, it seemed to flow into the sea.

At the beginning of the pouring, the momentum of the Pentium was very violent, but at the last moment, it became powerless to follow up.

Reluctantly, the profound energy broke through and peeped at the first level of Qi, stopped at the door of the second level, and did not go any further!

Ling Luoyu suddenly felt amazed!

What kind of talent and perseverance do those people who can cultivate their profound energy to the level of observing the energy have? !

Even if she has such a heaven-defying treasure like Chaos and Netherland, she can only break through the first layer of peeping Qi!

She suddenly thought of Mo Xuanchen!

Until now, she still can't perceive the level of profound energy of Mo Yaoxie.

With her ability, the perception of entering the air environment is easy.

This means that Mo Xuanchen's cultivation is far above the Qi entering state.

Her man ran so far, she naturally couldn't fall behind.

As his woman, she must have the capital to stand side by side and look at the world with a smile! !

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