Princess Against the World

Chapter 1163 Goodbye Nympho Girl

"No! There is nothing there!! Lord, you said that this manghuang button has not yet been born and is not on the manghuang heir?!"

"No! But all strange treasures have spirituality, even if Manghuangkou's heir does not look for it, it will summon that person!! Judging from the current time, Manghuangkou should have been born!! Yan'er ..."


"Keep an eye on Gu Lan, keep an eye on the Escaped Blood Mansion! But don't startle the snake!!"

The petals were released in the hands of the demon god, spinning gracefully.

"The days when our demon clan was imprisoned... is coming to an end..."



Chaos realm.

The chaotic primordial spirit devoured the storm in the dantian little by little, merging into itself.

As the strength increased little by little, Ling Luoyu's profound energy also gathered and rose little by little.

Peep gas double, triple.

For three full days, Ling Luoyu took advantage of the time difference in the Primal Chaos to break into the third level of peeping qi.

However, except for being a little thicker, the Chaos Yuanling showed no signs of breaking through.

Receiving the move and standing up, Ling Luoyu moved his hands and feet, and his eyes fell on the fur ball.

The latest hairball seems to have fallen into puberty, always lying there motionless, and even seeing her is not so close.


Mao Qiu rolled his eyelids and seemed to ignore the answers.

"What's the matter with you? Do you blame me for keeping you here without playing?!"

Fuqiu still rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention.

Ling Luoyu thought about it, and suddenly smiled: "You feel lonely, you don't have a playmate... right?!"

Mao Qiu's eyes suddenly lit up, obviously she hit the point.

It is a divine beast, killing is its nature,

It's not that I live comfortably in this place every day, facing the iceberg face of nothingness.

"Since you want to go out...well, let's go, I'll take you to play..."

Ling Luoyu's voice hadn't finished yet, the hairball seemed to be pumped with blood, and instantly became excited, shaking his head and wagging his tail, dog legs!

In order to avoid arousing Hua's suspicion, Ling Luoyu, Mo Xuanchen and the other three lived separately.

Lan Ruo still lives in their territory as the suzerain of Qiyun Sect, while Ling Luoyu and Mo Xuanchen live in tents not far away.

Every day, they would meet each other, but they all looked at each other as if they had met by chance, and passed by.

Ling Luoyu led the fur ball out of the tent, and from a distance, he saw Mo Xuanchen who was sitting in the tent and stuttering.

He still has the same sickly white face, with a cold face, and he is cold to everyone.


Fuqiu was so excited that he wanted to rush towards it, but Ling Luoyu stopped him.


The hair ball stopped abruptly, and retreated angrily.

Ling Luoyu and Mo Xuanchen's eyes met indifferently, and at the same time turned away lightly.

"Go, furball!!"

After calling the fur ball, Ling Luoyu turned and left.

Maoqiu glanced at Mo Xuanchen puzzledly, followed by wagging his tail.


A whistle came from behind.

Fuqiu turned around and saw Mo Xuanchen throwing something in his hand.


The hairball was so excited that it jumped up, took a bite of half of the roast chicken, and swallowed it, almost choking.

Ling Luoyu glanced at him indifferently, smiled slightly, and greeted him.

"This big brother..." A soft call sounded behind her, quite pleasantly surprised: "It really is you?!"

Ling Luoyu was stunned when she turned around: "It's you?"

The man behind him was the man who defended against the attack of the nymphomaniac that day.

And beside him, stood the nymphomaniac.

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