Princess Against the World

Chapter 1194 Looting

It's all free money, don't get it for nothing!

Holding the heavy purse, Ling Luoyu looked like a villain.

"Several, I'm sorry, are you waiting for me to count the blood crystal coins before selling the killing order, or now??"

"What do you count? I gave more than a hundred blood crystal coins, of course they gave it to me..."

A strong man yelled impatiently, and ordered to kill him.

Unexpectedly, a short old lady beside him stopped him with a cane.

"What? You said more than a hundred coins? I also said that I gave more than two hundred coins!"

"You gave more than two hundred? Look at your body, more than two hundred blood crystal coins have not crushed you?!"

Fat people are most afraid of being called a pig, and short people hate jokes that they are not tall!

Especially a woman like the old lady, who is powerful and cultivated, has no fucking height.

It is naturally unpleasant to have such a sore foot trampled on by others.

With a roar, the mother-in-law rushed towards the strong man frantically.

"Tell me one more time!"

Mysterious energy bursts out, and there are eight layers of peeping energy.

The strong man also refused to give in: "I'm afraid of you..."

The wind of the fist whistled, and the air of peeking was sevenfold.

It can be regarded as evenly matched!

After the two touched each other, profound energy roared and swept around, causing the surrounding people to retreat one after another.

When retreating, it is inevitable to collide with each other.

For a while, shouts and curses arose together, questioning and condemning each other.

" don't have eyes?! Step on me..."

"You have eyes in the back of your head?! What's wrong with stepping on you? Beep again, I'm going to beat you up..."

Seeing that the momentum was wrong and the situation was going to be chaotic, Ling Luoyu chicken thief instantly threw out the order to kill.

"The things are given to you, you can grab them however you like..."

"Order to kill!"

With a shout, the person closest to him jumped up instantly, copying the command to kill into his hand like a conditioned reflex.



"Don't grab..."

After yelling, a group of people swarmed and suppressed the person who had snatched the killing order layer by layer.


The screams spread faintly.

The wrist of the person who snatched the killing order was broken abruptly.

Crying blind! !

Peeping at the seventh level of cultivation, unexpectedly his wrist was broken abruptly.

The order to kill, just like that, flew away helplessly!

Ling Luoyu hugged a pile of money bags, looked at the man's broken wrist, and felt pain in his ass.

"Brother, did your brain get kicked by a donkey?! Under such circumstances, you dare to be the first to kill?!"

If it weren't for the fact that this person's cultivation base is still considered tyrannical, and he is at the seventh level of peeping Qi, if he is at the seventh level of Xuanshen, he would have already been dismembered by this time.

Secretly clicking her tongue, Ling Luoyu praised her for being able to act accordingly.

With her cultivation base, in front of such a group of wolves, tigers and leopards, she can only escape into the chaos.

If you do it openly, you are looking for abuse!

Shaking his head in shock, Ling Luoyu sat cross-legged under the lantern, ignoring the beatings by the person in front of him, and counting the blood crystal coins he got.

This is a windfall, and the amount is not small.

These people are all fucking wealthy landowners.

In each purse, apart from a large number of blood crystal coins, there are also a certain number of black crystal coins, amethyst coins and white crystal coins.

"Get rich..."

Hehe chuckled, Ling Luoyu classified the crystal coins and counted them with a smile on his face.

There are a total of 1,730 blood crystal coins, more than 3,000 black crystal coins, not counting amethyst coins and white crystal coins. According to visual inspection, there must be 5,000 to 6,000 coins, and there are quite a few gold coins in addition silver.

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