"Ha ha……"

Li Zhu'er couldn't help laughing out loud, her eyes were full of gloating.

"Li Fengchen! He can have today?!"

Flicking her wrist violently, she sank down proudly and sat down.

"Back then, father brought back a white-haired woman for no apparent reason, and treated her as the mistress of our Li family! That's all, after giving birth to a strange white-haired son, he drove all the wives out The Yuanmu faction!!"

Li Zhuer clenched her fists tightly, gnashing her teeth in hatred.

"If it weren't for her, my mother wouldn't have died! Now, her son is dead... that's really retribution!!"

Yun Lai and Tian Dao looked at each other, and both curled their lips, neither of them dared to speak.

This kind of matter between the masters, as servants, they just need to know, and they are not qualified to comment.

Li Zhuer looked at Yunlai with bright eyes, and frowned slightly: "Then do you know how Li Fengchen died?!"

Yun Laixin said that he finally got to the point, and nodded quickly.

"I heard rumors outside that the iron boat and dragon boat finally docked at the main ferry of the Dragon River! It is said that the mercenary union is in the Dragon River..."

"Mercenary union?! Dashanxi? Order to kill? Phantom?!"

Li Zhuer connected everything in an instant, with a smile on the corner of her lips.

"Li Fengchen must have got the news of the killing order, so he wanted to take the killing order back to ask for credit before me, but he didn't expect..."

She suddenly gasped, and her smile disappeared.

"Li Fengchen is at the first level of cultivation, and he also has the blessing of divine weapons, and his profound energy can reach the Qi building state at its peak! The person who can kill him is definitely not an ordinary person! Who killed it? !"



Li Zhuer's expression changed.

As for the ghost, she has done research!

Judging from the information she has, this person has absolutely no ability to kill Li Fengchen.

"Miss, it is indeed a ghost! It seems that Li Fengchen killed someone from the ghost, and the ghost killed him immediately!! When I heard the news, I confirmed it several times! But those people It is said that on the pier at that time, many people saw the ghost and Li Fengchen fighting... Moreover, Li Fengchen died in full view! Everyone saw how he died!"

Yun Lai's voice became softer as he spoke.

"I think this incident is unusual, so I came here to report to Miss in a hurry..."

In order to deal with the mercenary union and ghosts, they have been planning for a long time.

But if this is the case, then their previous layout is simply asking for a dead end.

Others don't know Li Fengchen's ability, but they know it all.

If they really start a surge, none of them are Li Fengchen's opponents.

Now, even he has died in Huangquan, if they go up, isn't that going to die? !

Li Zhuer sat down in thought, and after a long time, she beckoned the two of them over.

"Yunlai, continue to investigate. If the matter is true, then we can't fight head-to-head! Besides, I'm afraid uncle has already encountered an accident..."

"Then what shall we do?!"

"We can't do anything, but what can someone do?!"

Lizhuer smiled sinisterly.

"Think about it, Li Fengchen is dead, who is the saddest?!"

Yun Lai and Tian Dao immediately looked at each other with strange eyes.

"Miss, what do you mean?"

"Yes! Let's play a trick to kill with a borrowed knife!!"

Li Zhu'er didn't know what she thought of, so she laughed out loud, Yun Lai and Tian Dao who laughed were terrified, and hurriedly backed away.

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