Princess Against the World

Chapter 1231 This time, you are not dead

The elemental earth, the source of strength is the earth.

When the soil enters the earth, it is as if all things return to their ancestors.

When the earth element passes through the earth, the earth is equivalent to the most perfect medium, which can release the power of the person who controls the earth element as much as possible.

At this moment, Ling Luoyu was like standing in a cage made up by Mrs. Silver Hair, without any freedom.

Looking at Ling Luoyu who was struggling, a smug smile appeared on the corner of the silver-haired lady's mouth.

"This time, are you still alive?!"

While laughing triumphantly, the dagger sniped towards him.


An invisible barrier bounced in front of Ling Luoyu.

"Mental strength?!"

The silver-haired lady was startled for a moment, and then sneered disdainfully.

"so what?!"

The earth elements condensed into sharp points, which burrowed in from under Ling Luoyu's feet little by little.

The mental strength was slackening a little bit, and the dagger was stabbing Ling Luoyu's chest little by little.

Feng Chenglin in the distance is like a red-eyed mad wolf, killing wantonly.

It doesn't matter if it's a white-clothed man or a golden-winged one, as long as they meet, they will never let them go.

These people were all the murderers who killed his child, the chief culprits who killed Hao Qingyou.

They must pay for their own actions and pay for her!

The mercenaries of the mercenary union were all covered in blood, as if they had been fished out of blood.

Beside them, countless Golden Chicks were trampled into blood, and the corpses of the men in white fell down one after another.

Feng Chenglin swung his hand recklessly, the long sword pierced through the abdomen of a man in white, and struck hard.

Anyway, if he was going to disembowel him, then he would do it.

When his sword edge spun out, a long sword suddenly blocked it.

The two long swords collided, and they opened at the touch of a touch.

Holding the hilt of the sword in his hand, Feng Chenglin stepped back three steps. In front of him, Xuan Wubao came to kill him with a long sword in his hand.

They have killed the entire main ferry, only the surviving people in front of the mercenary union.

Behind Xuan Wubao, dozens of men in white flew down.

The people from the Yuanmu faction had no damage at all except for the damage suffered by the mercenary union.

Therefore, for Feng Chenglin and others, this is a new force, and they have reached the end of their strength.

Subconsciously, he looked at Ling Luoyu.

Only she can save them!

But after one glance, Feng Chenglin's heart instantly fell to the bottom.

Ling Luoyu and Mrs. Silver-haired were in a stalemate.

Although I don't know what happened between them, but it can be seen that Ling Luoyu is at a disadvantage.

This is a serious mental blow to their mercenary union!

Are they going to die here? !

Xuan Wubao also noticed the strength of his master, and immediately sneered.

"It seems that the facts are not good for you!"

Feng Chenglin swung his sword around: "Don't you know that the one who laughs last is the winner?!"

Amidst the roar, he jumped up, bursting out with profound energy, and collided with Xuan Wubao's long sword, and they collided instantly.


The sword is shining brightly.

After a touch, the two separated suddenly, and then roared and killed together again.




Ling Luoyu's spiritual power was broken a little by the earth element, and immediately collapsed like a river breaking its embankment, out of control.

At the moment of the collapse, the figure of the silver-haired lady suddenly stepped forward, and the dagger in her hand pierced Ling Luoyu's chest.


Blood spattered, and the figures of the two froze at that moment.

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