Princess Against the World

Chapter 1236 Elemental Soul Core

Mercenary union, study room.

Ling Luoyu took out the brown light ball and carefully placed it in the air.

"Dad, do you know what this is?"

Ling Yunfeng's eyes sank: "Elemental Soul Core!"

"Elemental core??"

"Where did you come from?!"

"Uh... picked it up!"

The silver-haired lady's bones are gone, only this elemental soul core is left, isn't it just picked up!

What Ling Luoyu said was calm and breezy, but Ling Yunfeng didn't think so.

When the Ling family's army set foot on the main ferry and saw the hellish and miserable scene, they were all shocked there.

Ling Yunfeng knew that this was a near-death killing!

Those who can survive are not only based on their cultivation, but also a bit of luck.

"Yu'er, the only ones who can possess elemental cores are the Yaozu!! You... really picked them up?!"


Ling Luoyu was indifferent.

"The silver-haired lady is dead...the body is completely weathered, so this is the only core I picked it up!"

Ling Yunfeng: "..."

He knew that things would not be that simple!

"Yu'er, the monster clan has always lived in seclusion, this time they dared to appear with great fanfare, they must have come prepared, so you have to be careful..."

"Father, I'm fine!"

Having said that, Ling Luoyu remembered the last few words of Mrs. Silver Hair.

Judging from what she said, it seems that the Yaozu is about to move.

Ling Yunfeng wanted to say something, but finally stood with his eyes down.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh.

"Yu'er, come out this time, your grandpa asked me to give you a word... We can't help you with anything, the only thing we can do is to make you feel at ease! So... your grandpa and second uncle have already retired! "

"Retire?!" Ling Luoyu was startled.

"Yes! They have already left Kyoto and moved into a remote mountain to live in another place!"

Ling Luoyu's reputation in the world is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people will be offended.

If these people couldn't deal with her, they might deal with her family members unethically.

If they threatened the Ling family, with Ling Luoyu's temperament, they would definitely compromise.

By that time, the damage to her will be fatal!

So, after discussing, Ling Bufan decided to retire with his family.

Retired to a barren mountain and wild forest, concealed his identity, and started again.

Ling Luoyu's heart trembled slightly, and she felt a little pain: "Father..."

For them, Kyoto is a place where they have lived for half of their lives, and it is already considered their hometown.

Now it is difficult for any Ling family to leave their hometown.

"I'm sorry, I've troubled you!"

"Silly boy, why do you say that?!"

Ling Yunfeng stepped forward lightly, and gently rubbed her head.

"If you want to say sorry, it's us who are sorry... because we can't help you, you can only protect yourself from the wind and rain!"

"Third Young Master..."

Feng Chenglin's hurried voice came from outside the courtyard.

Ling Luoyu frowned slightly: "An accident happened again?!"

She jumped out and landed in the courtyard.

"Fatty, what's wrong?!"

"Our place... has a visitor!" Feng Chenglin's expression was a little strange.

"Guest?! What guest?!"

"Just go and see! She said, you know each other..."

Ling Luoyu's heart moved slightly, and he glanced at the front hall.

A catastrophe killed three-quarters of the people in the total crossing. Relatively speaking, the space is too large.

The mercenary union took the opportunity to expand and set up a temporary meeting hall to accommodate the wounded.

In the side hall on one side, Ke Yun sat quietly drinking tea.

Behind her, Ke Chang and Ke Yuanwen stood side by side.

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