Princess Against the World

Chapter 1251 Unexplainable Feeling

Now that there is meat to eat, he is more excited than anyone else.

Watching him go on a long journey, Ping Yizhi quietly approached Ling Luoyu.

"Mr. Ling, this person... is really a ghost?!"


"But why do I feel wrong?!"

"What's wrong?!"

He shook his head flatly, without words.

It was a feeling that he couldn't express clearly.

It stands to reason that, judging from Ghost's deeds, he should be a person who is used to storms and faces the environment calmly.

But Feng Chenglin is not!

He grumbles when he doesn't eat well, and complains when he doesn't sleep well.

How can a person who can't bear hardships cultivate to enter the Qi state without distraction? !

But since Ling Luoyu killed him, Ping Yizhi couldn't say anything.

After greeting Leng Lian, the two of them followed Feng Chenglin and went ahead to open the way.

Beigong Yanshang signaled to the surrounding Qiyunzong disciples to follow, and steered his horse towards Ling Luoyu.

"Mr. Ling! I..."

He hesitated to speak.

Ling Luoyu frowned slightly: "What's wrong?

Bei Gong Yanshang's temperament can be considered bold, and he rarely hesitates to speak.

" you feel what it is!?"


"I can't tell..."

"Can't tell??"

Bei Gong Yanshang majored in spiritual force and was the only direct disciple of the old hall master.

She heard from Ping Yizhi that Beigong Yanshang was an orphan, and the people in his village died of a plague, and he was the only survivor.

That year, the old hall master passed by his village during his travels, and felt a throbbing of spiritual power.

Although it is funny, it is very clear.

Following this spiritual force, the old hall master picked out his mother from under a pile of dead bodies.

The moment he saw his mother, the old hall master was shocked.

Because it was a newborn baby still connected to the umbilical cord that gave him this mental power.

Under the extreme shock of the old hall master, he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

A person's mental strength is mostly cultivated the day after tomorrow, just like Ling Luoyu.

But this baby is different, he is born with innate spiritual power.

This means that Beigong Yanshang's future path is limitless!

For his spiritual power, the old hall master gave him a very high evaluation—extraordinary talent, innate, the pinnacle of divine power! !

It's a pity that when he grew up, Beigong Yanshang was not as arrogant and brilliant as the old hall master imagined!

He was just like an ordinary person who cultivated spiritual power the day after tomorrow, walking step by step, without any miracles appearing again.

Later, with the passing of the old hall master, Bei Gong Yanshang was completely addicted and became very unconfident.

Even under the personal training of the suzerain, his spiritual power has not made any progress.

Over time, he formed his timidity.

Seeing that he hesitated to speak now, Ling Luoyu smiled calmly.

"What do you mean by not being able to tell?!"

"It's just a momentary feeling... I don't know what it feels like!"

Bei Gong Yanshang bowed his head humbly, a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Ling, there is something that only my master knows... I don't know if I should tell you!"

"Let me hear it!"

If I really wanted to say it, Bei Gong Yanshang was even more hesitant.

"But that's a feeling, I'm afraid I can't say it well!"

"Spiritual power is a very subtle thing. Sometimes, it is based on a momentary feeling! This kind of feeling, the more talented people can feel it! Bei Gong, your talent is higher than mine, you must be able to feel it. See what I can't perceive! Tell me!"

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