Princess Against the World

Chapter 1276 Overplaying

Ling Luoyu had just finished speaking halfway, when Lin Zhi's fist-style profound energy suddenly arrived.

He didn't even turn around.

Lin Zhi didn't move, but the profound energy had already rushed towards her face, which caught her off guard.


Profound energy burst in front of Ling Luoyu.

Even though the chaotic primordial spirit came out to protect her body at that moment, her qi-building second-level cultivation still caused her blood to burst and burst, and her qi and blood gushed out.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Ling Luoyu was knocked into the air like a fallen leaf, flying towards the door.

"Third Young Master..."

Feng Chenglin and the others turned pale instantly.

In the end it was overkill.


A burst of profound energy poured over, like a pair of big hands falling under Ling Luoyu's body, dragging her body.

With strength to borrow, Ling Luoyu immediately adjusted her center of gravity, and borrowed that strength to spin and fall.

Feng Chenglin breathed a sigh of relief, his knees softened inexplicably, and he almost fell to his knees.

When that mysterious energy bounced up, Lin Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Zhong Chengli?!"

After Ling Luoyu landed, he had the opportunity to look at the person beside him.

He was dressed in a gray coarse cloth gown, although it was old, it was clean and tidy.

From a quick glance, he is simple and kind, just like the neighbor's uncle, approachable and approachable.

"Three allies!"

The members of the old alliance immediately clasped their fists in salute, and their voices became louder and full of confidence.

Youlin of the new alliance only sat in the town, domineering, forcing their old alliance to dare not speak out.

It's all right now, their old alliance has also come to a leader, and their cultivation level is still higher than that of the other party, so they naturally have the confidence.

Ling Luoyu took a step forward and cupped his hands to express his gratitude: "Thank you to the three lords for your help..."

"Sect Master Ling is outrageous when he says that. Your old Sect Master and I are close friends, and it is my duty to take care of her successor. How can I thank you?!"

"The three lords... know who I am!?"

Ling Luoyu felt that something was wrong.

If Ping Yizhi introduced him on the side, it would not be unusual for him to recognize himself in the crowd.

The strange thing is that everyone who knows her is around, and the other disciples of Qi Yunzong are also arranged to rest elsewhere, and it is impossible to give advice, so how did he recognize her? !

"I met Ling Zongzhu once, but I met Ling Zongzhu at that time, but Ling Zongzhu didn't meet me!!"

He winked at Ling Luoyu, and looked at Lin Zhi with a smile.

"Lin Zhi, do you bring people to our old alliance just to bully people in our old alliance and to demonstrate? Do you really think that your new alliance has reached the point of expanding the Canglan Continent and can do whatever it wants? ?!"

The corner of Lin Zhi's mouth couldn't help trembling: "Zhong Chengli, don't get me wrong! We Xinmeng came here today, but we came here with sincerity, in order to give a gift to the young owner of Qingmang Villa, congratulations He is happy to be newly married, so as to show the friendship of our new alliance... It is not what you said to cause trouble!"

His eyes fell on Ling Luoyu, and he looked him up and down.

"Furthermore, this person is very unfamiliar, so I mistakenly thought it was someone from another family. If I knew it was a suzerain from your old alliance, I would not act rashly..."

With a smile, he picked out a sarcastic look on his face.

"But having said that, the strength of your suzerain is too weak. Such a person can actually be the suzerain... Three alliance masters, be careful not to mislead your disciples!!"

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