At the same time, Zhong Chengli also made a move.

The profound energy of the third layer of building qi burst out suddenly, defeating Xiang Linzhi's space.

However, the space that Lin Helin only built with the second level of Qi Zhuang could not be destroyed by a blow like Zhong Chengli.

In Lin Zhi's space, he is temporary and absolute master.

Ling Luoyu's reaction made Lin just a little more curious: "Aren't you afraid?!"

"Afraid? Why are you afraid?" Ling Luoyu chuckled disapprovingly and shook his head: "You can't kill me in full view, right?!"

Even if she didn't resist at this time, Lin Zhi couldn't kill her.

What he wanted was an order to kill.

And the moment she entered the space, the order to kill had already been sent into the chaotic realm.

That is to say, even if Lin Zhi imprisoned her, she would get nothing.

Lin Zhi pressed on step by step: "Although I can't kill you, you can't escape either! Between the two of us, I am the one who deserves the order to kill!"

He passed Ling Luoyu's body with his spiritual consciousness, his eyes were slightly awe-inspiring.

"Where is the order to kill!?"

He searched, but found nothing.

"Didn't you already search it? It's not on me!"


Lin only took a step forward suddenly, forcing her directly to the back space wall.

"When I took you into the space, you clearly still had the order to kill! How could you give someone else the chance!?"

Zhong Chengli's attack is still going on, he must get the order to kill in the shortest possible time.

With a sharp look in his eyes, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Ling Luoyu's chest.

"Give me!"

Ling Luoyu's eyes darkened, her white wrist turned, and she blocked his hand in an instant.

"what are you doing?!"

No matter how fast the speed around her was, it was not faster than Lin Zhi.

The moment his fingertips were blocked, they brushed against Ling Luoyu's full chest.

That unique feeling made him tremble inexplicably.

"That is……"

Taking two steps back in shock, he looked down at his fingertips in disbelief.

Looking up again, he was facing Ling Luoyu's eyes that turned from embarrassment into anger.

"Lin Zhi, you are too much!"

The chaotic primordial spirit that entered the triple layer of air suddenly came out and slammed into Lin Zhi heavily.

But Lin Zhi seemed to have forgotten to resist, and was hit by the profound energy.


Right in the chest.

Lin only let out a muffled groan, and suddenly took two steps back, a crack appeared in the space instantly.

He stared at Ling Luoyu in surprise and shook his head slightly.

" are a woman!?"

Her angry eyes, Ling Fei's beautiful hair, and that stunning face instantly broke Lin Zhi's heart.

A feeling that I have never had before surfaced in my heart.

Facing Ling Luoyu's frenzied attack, he didn't even intend to fight back, but just ran away in embarrassment.

"I did not do it on purpose……"


The space collapsed, and Lin was kicked out by Ling Luoyu.

"My dear uncle..."

This is the first man who ate her tofu since she was a child.

Of course, except for the monster Mo.

Although Lin just brushed her plump body with his fingertips, it seemed to blow up the arsenal, which made her furious.

"You didn't do it on purpose..."

Everyone: "..."

How can this be sung! ?

In the space just now, Ling Luoyu was definitely the vulnerable group that needed to be protected.

But after Lin Zhi shot, she punched him out abruptly like a small universe erupted.

And what about Lin Zhi? !

It was as if he was caught as a thief, but he didn't even have the intention of resisting, allowing Ling Luoyu to kick and kick him.

At this time, Lin Zhi was like a scum whose cultivation had been abolished, allowing Ling Luoyu to go crazy and beat him up.

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