Princess Against the World

Chapter 1373 Consumed

Looking at the pots and pans outside, Li Shan suddenly understood that Ling Luoyu was going to fight a war of attrition with him.

Let's see if he can't bear the gunpowder bombing first, or if her gunpowder is exhausted first.

Ping Yizhi arranged a lot of disciples, and they quietly moved to Ling Luoyu's side.

"Sect Master Ling, how long are we going to spend with him?!"

"When? It's hard to say!" The smirk on Ling Luoyu's face was very obvious: "Because it depends on him! When he can't handle it anymore, we will win!"

The corners of Ping Yizhi's mouth twitched a little: "Can't hold it?! He is at the Qi Building Stage! With such a cultivation level, even if he loses his profound energy, he can afford it!"

He looked at the Huo Toujun who were buried in the pots and cooked food around him, and he understood a little bit.

Co-authoring Ling Luoyu is really going to fight for a long time.

"He can't afford it!" Ling Luoyu played with the marbles with his fingertips, and looked at Li Shan with evil eyes: "I'm afraid he won't be able to carry it for two days!!"

"Why?! Isn't he a Qi Builder?!"

"His Qi-building state should be caused by pulling seedlings to encourage growth! Because it is impossible for him to have the talent to increase his cultivation base in such a short period of time, unless he borrows the assistance of medicine to improve his cultivation base within a certain period of time. To a certain height!"

Ping Yizhi couldn't help staring: "There is still this medicine?!"

If there is such a medicine, he has to find a way to come here on time.

When life and death are in crisis, this is a life-saving strategy! !

Ling Luoyu glanced at him calmly: "Of course I have! I have it! The advantage of this medicine is to condense and improve your potential and reach a level of cultivation that you can't reach. But the disadvantage is that this ability Unstable, after all, it is not the profound energy that you have cultivated by yourself, it will be consumed very quickly!! When the effect of the medicine wears off, then you will be backlashed by the medicine!"

She saw the greed in Ping Yizhi's eyes, and smiled wickedly.

"Do you want to know what its backlash is?!"

"What is it?"

"It's a sharp drop in cultivation!!"

Lips nudged slightly, Ling Luoyu pointed at Lishan playfully.

"Take him as an example. When the effect of the medicine is exhausted, his cultivation base will also decrease exponentially! Before that, his cultivation base was at the eighth level of entering qi, but now he has been promoted to the third level of building qi, which is an increase of five levels! Then At the moment of backlash, you will plummet ten times or more... At that time, he will be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in our hands, without the slightest resistance!!"


Ping Yizhi was still a little skeptical, and looked at Li Shan suspiciously.

Ling Luoyu's eyes suddenly squinted: "You still don't believe me?!"

"no no!"

Ping Yizhi quickly waved his hands, how dare he admit it.

"I just want to ask one more question... If he is not what we think, and his cultivation base will not plummet...then what should we do? Even if there is more gunpowder, there will be a day when the bombing will be over?!"

"Yes!" Ling Luoyu suddenly said seriously: "This must be considered! Because by then, it will be the day of our death!!"

The corners of Ping Yizhi's mouth twitched, feeling that Ling Luoyu was talking serious nonsense.

"Then...then I'd better watch them, don't use too much!"

Ling Luoyu responded evilly, and sat back on the rattan chair leisurely, leisurely and contented.

"Lishan, Lishan, don't you think that you have become someone else's pawn?!"

And the person behind the scenes was the one who leaked her identity and helped Li Shan's cultivation soar.

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