Princess Against the World

Chapter 1385 Attacked at the same time

Shen Shen exhaled the turbid breath from his heart, and Ling Luoyu's black eyes flashed murderous violence.

"If my guess is correct, the other three halls of Qi Yunzong must have also been attacked! And at the same time!!"

"These people came prepared!"

As soon as Ou Lang finished speaking, the two suddenly looked at each other with different eyes.

Ling Luoyu held up the note, as if knowing something: "Inferred from the time, these people launched the attack after the Lishan incident!"

"This means...the person who attacked us, besides Xinmeng, may also be the man behind Lishan's actions!!"

The two fell into silence, staring at each other speechlessly.

Fortunately, the people of the Xinmeng said that it is the human race after all, and the final result is to control violence with violence.

But if they start fighting with the Yaozu, it means that the game is getting a bit big! !

After three hours, Ling Luoyu and Ou Lang's guesses were fully confirmed.

The other three halls of Qi Yunzong all sent news, explaining some things when they were attacked.

Except that the hall where Jin Jiulan was located was protected by Lan Ruo's barrier and suffered no losses, the hall where he was begging suffered heavy losses.

If it weren't for the profound foundation of Qi Yunzong, it would have been wiped out by now.

Even so, they couldn't withstand the second round of attacks from these people.

Because several hall masters were stationed at their own hall entrances, they assigned their messengers to meet Ling Luoyu and explain the matter in detail.

After listening to their narration, Ling Luoyu and Ou Lang could already confirm that it was Xinmeng who attacked them.

Because after the two sides fought, they left corpses everywhere.

These corpses are all the sect disciples of Xinmeng.


Ou Lang slapped the table hard with his palm, almost breaking the table.

"It's too much! Xinmeng is taking advantage of the fire and trying to engulf us!! They didn't succeed this time, but there will be a next time soon. And I'm afraid that next time, they will intensify even more!!"

"Yes!!" Ping Yizhi's messenger sat up straight: "Sovereign, our hall master told me to go back with an accurate answer... What should I do about this matter? Should I leave or stay?!"

"Of course it's staying!!" Ou Lang suddenly shouted, "Why should we give the world we worked so hard to give to those bastards of Xinmeng for nothing?"

"Our hall master also intends to stay, so I want to ask... how to stay?! Because of this battle, we lost almost a third of our brothers!"

Ou Lang was speechless for a while.

It's okay for him to kill people with real swords and guns, but if it's a strategy to retreat from the enemy, he's at a loss.

Turning his head slightly, he looked at Ling Luoyu.

Only then did he realize that Ling Luoyu didn't know what he was thinking and was a little lost.


He called out in a low voice, but used an invisible force to wake Ling Luoyu up instantly.


She sat there staring at her with deep eyes.

"I thought of something else just now, so I was a little distracted..."

Ou Lang didn't say anything: "Sovereign, what are you thinking?!"

Now that they are discussing the life and death of their Qi Yunzong, she still has the mind to think about other things!

This is a bit too dereliction of duty!

Ling Luoyu's eyes flicked to the distance: "I was thinking of the Mercenary Union..."

Now the whole world should know her true identity.

If people from Xinmeng want to mess with her, they will definitely not let the mercenary union go.

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