Princess Against the World

Chapter 1419 Should have guessed a long time ago

The profound energy cultivation base of the third level of entering qi is also abusing those low-level cultivation bases.

In Feirou's eyes, Ling Luoyu was a little stronger than ordinary low-level ants.

To put it bluntly, he is just a high-level ant.

Therefore, she is very dismissive of her tricks.

Flipping the wrist, the first layer of Qi Zhu condensed, suppressing the soul blade.


The profound energy of the two sides collided.

At the moment of impact, Fei Rou's eyes trembled.

"This is……"

She felt the chaotic primordial spirit hidden in the profound energy!

Shocked, the Primal Chaos Spirit exploded on her body.


With a muffled groan, Feirou suddenly backed away.

At this very moment, her black hair exploded as if it had been electrified.

"Fuck! What's going on?!"

Ling Luoyu also exclaimed in her heart at the same time.

In the budget, her shot, even if it can't kill Fei Rou, it can still seriously hurt her.

It's definitely not just about blowing your hair out.

Even if the black hair on her end is blown up, it's useless as wool!

The soul blade spun and landed in Ling Luoyu's palm.

"What's going on! Could it be that the power of the Chaos Yuanling is not enough?!"

Fei Rou stood there firmly, with a strange expression on her face.

She looked at herself in disbelief, as if she didn't understand how she ended up in this situation.

Turning her eyes, she slowly looked at Ling Luoyu.

" just..."

"Would it be fun to watch me vomit blood?!" Ling Luoyu smiled like a chicken thief: "If I didn't vomit blood, how could you carelessly underestimate the enemy?!"

Facing Feirou, who was at the first level of building Qi, Ling Luoyu was not sure of winning with one blow, so he could only use some tricks and tricks cautiously.

Her original intention was to give Feirou a fatal blow when she underestimated the enemy, so as to dampen her spirit first.

Unexpectedly, under one blow, he missed it!

Except for the hair that is a little wrong, Fei Rou is safe and sound! !

Just when Ling Luoyu was thinking about whether to add some Chaos Primordial Spirit, Fei Rou had already erupted.


Only now did she realize the strangeness of her hair, and instantly collapsed!

No woman can bear the loss of her beautiful hair.

This is a grade lower than disfigurement, and it is more serious than cutting a knife on the body.

"I killed you!"

Amidst the roar, a layer of red light suddenly appeared on Feirou's body.


Ling Luoyu's pupils suddenly shrank.

She finally understood why this woman, who had more talent in cultivation than her, could reach the Qi Building Stage at a young age.

"Are you a half-demon?!"

Day your uncle! ! !

She should have guessed it earlier! !

Except for the monsters and half-monsters, which human race would live impatiently, and would blatantly trouble her after knowing about her killings! !

The answer to Ling Luoyu was Feirou's crazy blow.

The blood-red light obliterated Ling Luoyu almost instantly.

"Your uncle..."

Trouble this time! !

Ling Luoyu's blow to Feirou was completely against the human race.

Because she still has a lot of things to ask Feirou, and she is afraid that she will kill her if she strikes too hard.

If she had known this earlier, she would have shown no mercy just now!

Now it's all right, Fei Rou's crazy counterattack is imminent, and it's here in the blink of an eye.

His eyes darkened, and Ling Luoyu instantly escaped into the chaotic realm.

When she reappeared, she was already behind Feirou.

Almost at the same time, a blue light burst out above the soul blade, ruthlessly killing it.

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