Princess Against the World

Chapter 1517 A dead end, or a dead end

Everyone turned black instantly.

Co-authoring Ling Luoyu was playing a word game with them! !

She will return the summoning order to them, maybe after an hour, or maybe ten years later! !

"Don't worry, having the sand table with me is much safer than keeping it with you! As long as I am alive, your summoning order will be fine!"

Ling Luoyu had an evil smile on the corner of his lips, and his black eyes flashed across the crowd.

"So, you have to pray hard, pray that I live well..."

It doesn't matter if she wants to play tricks, as long as she doesn't kill her! !

Something happened to her, everyone is finished together!

Standing up leisurely, Ling Luoyu raised her lips evilly.

"Everyone, be careful when you play... all your summoning orders are in my hands. If I die, you can wait to be buried with me!!"

"No! Without the summoning order, we will definitely die! The superiors will not spare us!!"

A man with a livid face took a step across and stopped her.

"The summoning order is our order, what will you do if you take it away from us?!"

"That's right! We don't even know who you are, so how can we safely give you the summoning order! That's our fate!!"


That's the way things are, if someone makes a bold start, there will be someone behind who will follow suit.

For a while, everyone had different opinions, all condemning Ling Luoyu for accepting their summoning order.

Seeing the righteous indignation, it seemed that Ling Luoyu would tear her alive if she didn't hand over the summoning order.

Ling Luoyu looked at the people around her as if she was an idiot. With such an IQ, she dared to come out to trouble her.

Don't they know what it means to kill chickens to scare monkeys?

She had already killed an old man in gray robe just now, and these people came to provoke her again without knowing their death.

This is forcing her to kill again! !

Curling her lips coldly, she patted her pocket leisurely.

"The things are here with me. If you want them, you can get them yourself..."

Everyone's condemnation stopped abruptly, and their eyes subconsciously fell on her waist.

If someone is quick, he must grab it with his hands.

"But you have to know that it depends on your strength to snatch something from me! If you have the ability, you can take it away, but if you can't snatch it... then I'm sorry, I want to keep more than just Your sand table is gone!!"

Although Ling Luoyu smiled slightly, the murderous look in his eyes said everything.

To get something out of her hands, one has to pay the price.

This price is bloody, brutal, and irreversible! !

The soul blade fluttered, blue light flickered, lingering around her side, like a soul charm, waiting for the bloody baptism at any time.

The moment the soul blade was pulled out, everyone subconsciously took a few steps back and stood there in horror and fear.

With their combined efforts, they might not be able to stop its random blow.

With such a treasure in their hands, it is useless for them to coax them into it.

For a moment, everyone was dumb, no longer speaking, just looked at each other.

Without a summons, they are a dead end.

But insisting on grabbing the summoning order is also a dead end.

what to do?

Is it a dead end to grab a hand, or a dead end to wait quietly for death? !

Ling Luoyu saw their hesitation, and chuckled lightly.

"Actually, you don't have to be so nervous! Because I have a way to keep you safe!!"

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