Princess Against the World

Chapter 234 The culprit

Another fragment of Chaos Black Cauldron! !

Ling Luoyu turned his head in surprise.

Three fast horses came galloping along the path, and the fluctuation of the fragments came from the first person.

It seems that they should be masters and servants, and they seem to be students of Luandao Academy.

Ling Luoyu just sat on the mule not long ago, and he didn't know how to control it at all.

The more you want to drive it to the side of the road, the more it will go to the middle.

The people behind also saw Ling Luoyu's lack of cooperation, and immediately shouted angrily: "Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Ling Luoyu said in her heart that she wanted it too, but what is the way the mule doesn't want it? !

She can't carry the mule to avoid it! ?

Just as he was screaming with the mule, the fast horse behind him had already arrived.

"Step aside!"

Amidst the whistling sound, a soft cane whip suddenly came over, hitting the back of the mule.


There was a tragic whimper from the mule's throat, and he even slid away.

Ling Luoyu didn't notice, and was instantly lifted off.

"Your uncle..."

Before a sentence was finished, a scream came from behind.

"Step aside……"

Ling Luoyu turned his head in shock, only to find that a horse's face had hit his eyes.

Not only the people on the horse panicked, but the horses too.

In the neighing sound, it raised its front hooves and trampled down with a neighing sound.

Ling Luoyu dodged, his palm trembled, and his profound energy burst out, instantly knocking the fast horse!


Even people and horses fell into a pile,

Almost at the same time, another horse kicked up.

Profound energy burst out, and Ling Luoyu hit the horse again.

However, the man on this horse was much more dexterous. When the horse turned over, the man also flew off the horse.

The third horse learned to be obedient, quickly reined in the reins, and stopped a meter in front of Ling Luoyu.

Before Ling Luoyu could speak, the people above quickly flew down.

"Master, Master, how are you?"

The man on the first horse was crushed to death by the horse and was screaming.

The two servants hurriedly lifted the horse and dragged out a young man in a fancy dress and a jade crown.

He hurriedly arranged his hair crown, "Mirror, mirror..."

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Did her ear twitch, or the man fell stupid!

He didn't check where he was injured, but instead he looked for a mirror for the first time? !

The servants were used to him for a long time, so he pulled out a palm-sized bronze mirror with his backhand and presented it to him.


The young man looked in the mirror, combed his hair meticulously, and tidied up his clothes, and then glared at Ling Luoyu with anger on his face.

"You are so brave, you dare to knock over this young master's horse!"

Ling Luoyu timidly said: "Then... May I ask this young master, what should I do? Are you standing here motionless, waiting for you and your horse to trample over me, and then I hang up?!"

What kind of theory is this? !

Even if she is mentally disabled, she knows the resistance of conditioned reflex when she sees the danger approaching? !

"What's your attitude?" One of the servants choked in annoyance: "If you hadn't stopped on the road, how could our young master hit you? You are the culprit, and you dare to stand here and argue..."

Ling Luoyu: "Then... I kneel down and argue??"


Seeing that the servant was speechless, the young man became even more angry and slapped him with his hand.

"Useless things, you are usually slick, and you can talk about three points without reason. This is really outside, and you can't even explain the reason..."

His eyes widened in anger, glaring at Ling Luoyu.

"Tell me, you hurt this young master, how should you accompany me?!"

Ling Luoyu was about to laugh, but she was still very terrified: "I don't know how you plan to let me accompany you, young master?"

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