Princess Against the World

Chapter 6619 Unexpected results-13

"Okay, for the sake of our acquaintance, I will let you struggle..."

Master Changyang actually stopped his hand and stood quietly with a sinister look in his eyes, no longer hiding his murderous intention.

"I just want to see what kind of tricks you are playing!!"

"How could it be?" Ling Luoyu still had that stupid smile on his face: "How can I play tricks in front of you? Then am I not looking for death?"

"Really?" Master Changyang rolled his eyes: "Then what are you doing now?"

"I just want to make sure that my life is safe and let everyone present prove that the thing in my hand is the core of what you want, Sister Zhenren... As long as the thing is right, I will give it to you..."

Ling Luoyu's eyes glanced around, half smiling.

"There are so many people here, and I am the little chess piece you hold in your hands to control life and death. Sister Zhenren, don't you have no confidence in yourself and think I will turn it out of your palm?"

Xizi quietly looked at Changyang Master——

Ling Luoyu hit the real Changyang's weakness very accurately - so strong!

For such a woman, showing weakness is the most impossible thing!

She would rather walk down the steps of Ling Luoyu than admit that she was afraid that if something went wrong, she would take the opportunity to escape.

"Okay, I am right here, waiting to see what your next move is going to be!!"

Master Changyang snorted coldly, raised his head, and squinted at the treasure box in her hand.

"Now, open it... If it is really the core, in front of so many people, I can guarantee that I will never make it difficult for you, and I will definitely let you leave safely!"

"It's okay to open it, but... Real Sister, you have to tell me what the core looks like..."

After going around for a long time, Ling Luoyu always brought the topic back to business.

"As long as what you say matches what I have in my hand, I will give it to you!!"


Master Changyang's eyes instantly narrowed, and he looked at the treasure box with a more greedy look.

"Is this...really the core?"

"...Whether it is yes or no, you can see for yourself!"


Ling Luoyu suddenly understood, as if he understood something: "...Sister Zhenren, you don't... don't know what the core is like, do you?"

"It's a joke, how could I not know it?" Master Changyang sneered, his arrogance rising leisurely: "If there are still people in this world who know what the core looks like, I am definitely one of them..."

"Sister, real person, don't lie to me just because you have seen so much of the world!" Ling Luoyu did not accept this trick at all: "Knowing the core of Thunder's Wrath and seeing the core with your own eyes are completely different things..."

"Nonsense, of course I have seen it with my own eyes!"


"I think back then, if I hadn't been so lucky, I would have died just like those idiots!"

Speaking of what happened back then, Master Changyang suddenly became very happy.

But not everyone is lucky enough to survive after seeing the split of Thunder Fury.

"The core, to put it bluntly, is the weapon spirit, the soul object that can control the entire fury of thunder!"

Ling Luoyu was stunned for a moment: "Sister Zhenren, I'm talking about the core, not that guy from Shadow..."

"Ha ha……"

Master Changyang suddenly laughed loudly.


Ling Luoyu: "..."

Who is this talking about?


Or - her! !

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