Princess Against the World

Chapter 6624 Unexpected results-18

The group of people dispersed in an instant, but the distance between them was not long.

Feng Chenglin and Ding Miao ran while watching the movement behind them, lest they overrun and lose these people.

If that were the case, then everything they had done before would be meaningless.

"It's close, it's close..." Dingmiao's palms were sweaty, and even Feng Chenglin's hands were wet.

At this time, Feng Chenglin rubbed his clothes in disgust while looking behind him expectantly: "I won't... be dodged by them..."

"How could it be?" Dingmiao was unhappy: "I designed that myself..."

Even if it has no effect, it can still be done if you delay it for a while.

Sure enough, not long after, I saw someone running around in circles.

Dingmiao said proudly: "How about..."

Feng Chenglin rolled his eyes: "Let's see how long you can hold on..."

"It's not an exaggeration, half a stick of incense will take you no problem..."

Dingmiao’s proud words have not yet finished——

"found it……"

"They hid the box..."


Dingmiao's smile instantly froze on his face.

Feng Chenglin's expression was also very strange: "Is this... your formation? They seem... to have entered my trap, right?"

"...It shouldn't be..."

"Do you have half a stick of incense now?"



The two of them suddenly looked at each other, thought of something, and turned around——


"Go quickly..."

From the formation of Dingmiao to Feng Chenglin's trap, there is a certain time limit.

Nowadays, the formation is broken in almost two sips of tea, and the explosion time will naturally be shortened.

Therefore, they held back all their energy and used all their strength to escape.

Not long after the two of them ran out——


There was a loud noise and the ground shook.

Everyone shrank subconsciously, then thought of something, and turned to look at Master Changyang.

Her eyes were fixed on the direction behind the Treasure Box Temple.

There was thick smoke coming out.

Immediately, he looked at Ling Luoyu: "What's going on?"

Ling Luoyu shrugged, with an innocent look on his face: "Presumably... it's because your people chased them too closely, and the methods they used to protect themselves..."

"Mean?" Master Changyang's eyes narrowed: "Do you just want to die with them?"

Ling Luoyu nodded noncommittally: "Maybe..."

Master Changyang: "..."


How can it be!

Both of those two people had a close relationship with her. How could she watch them die together? !

Taking a step forward, across the barrier, Changyang Master stared at Ling Luoyu aggressively without saying a word.

Ling Luoyu met her gaze calmly: "Sister Zhenren, if you look at me like this... I will be scared!"

"They are your right-hand men, are you willing to let them die?"

"Reluctant!" Ling Luoyu answered simply!

Master Changyang: "..."

Not giving up is the correct answer!

However, gunpowder has clearly exploded over there.

She was indifferent! !

" deliberately lured them there, and then...set a trap!!" Master Changyang quickly thought of the key.


trap! !

Ling Luoyu could only make such a conclusion by setting up a trap in advance so that they could escape unscathed.

Otherwise, she would have gone to check it out herself!

"So, even if there are casualties, the casualties will only be my people..."

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